oopsylon says:
... I'm inclined toward 'you create an opportunity' and 'you expose a weakness or flaw' ...
Agreed. Sometimes we don't get to select the full number if they don't make sense in the fiction. In this case those two are the main ones and feed into each other.
oopsylon says:
... Benji is going to be 'further entangled' with whoever is spying on him no matter what ... would stop them from continuing to watch him ...
Um... it is
futher entangled. :)
It is not about stopping what is already happening, it is about preventing more from happening. This will depend on the what you do, but could have been used to avoid having the scene turn from surveillance to capture, but I don't think that is really an issue here, anyway... depending on what you do.
oopsylon says:
... 'You confuse them for some time' doesn't make much sense either ...
It could give you more time to act and study the opposition. If you want to take it slow (not get answers now, but possible get stronger answers over the next few days/hours of watching) then this might be worth trading for one of the others, but the chosen two are sorta needed for what you want, so this could have been good third option if you had it.
oopsylon says:
... opportunity to confront them ...
OK. So you would rather it be direct than allowing you to observe and watch your watchers?
We can do that.
The benefit of a slower approach is that it could reveal information about who they work for rather about them. But has the risks of revealing less if your long-term play fails. You can always leverage what you find here towards finding deeper information.
If you want to narrate your catching a glimpse of 'them' and how you react (give them the slip, watch them, corner them and threaten them, ...) and include as much detail about who it is you catch as you want, you are welcome.
Else, let me know if you want a clandestine discovery, or a chase and capture, stalk and capture, or something else.