Part 1: No Business Like Show Business

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Jan 28, 2025 4:16 pm
Bekassine decides to take the opposite approach to Aurelia with the dragon. She addresses the dragons spirit while Fox jumps and tries to bite pixies; "Pixies? You fell to pixies!? You were once a mighty dragon," she says, gesturing to the body "Do not besmirch the honor of all dragons that came before you, and will come after, by clinging on when your time has come. Move on to the next life and join your kin!"


Intimidation (Cha) +1 from Menacing Rune - (1d20+15+1)

(20) + 16 = 36

Jan 30, 2025 11:01 am
Horace steps forward to offer his attempt in quelling the spirits of the pixies and dragon, but finds them already settling due to the efforts of Bekassine and Ramank. "Well done, friends!" he says with cheer. "No undead fey or dragons to fight today it seems!"
Jan 30, 2025 11:05 am
Well, technically, you only have 3 of the 6 VP needed to progress right now, but you each have two more attempts so I'll roll for the same tactics to see if you are successful. And you've got it!
Within the allotted time, you are able to soothe the restless spirits. The ghostly pixies sigh and fade away, and the dragon's body decays into a field of flowers leading to a lovely gate that opens in the north wall.

The gate leads into the main theater. This cozy theater has rows of densely packed seats, all filled with quietly expectant illusory audience members, their eyes affixed to the scene on the stage to the north. There, silk curtains have just finished parting to reveal a stage that appears to be a classic dungeon torture chamber, complete with hanging skeletons, partially activated traps, a tantalizing mound of treasure—and countless places for foes to hide in ambush!

You prepare yourselves as you approach the stage, ready for the mock battle against the actors that Fallenta has hired. But what billows up from under the stage into the theater is anything but that! The large being looks like a bank of fire and smoke, yet the flames themselves are made of distorted bodies and faces. The myriad skulls let out a howling shriek as tendrils of brimstone reach out for you!
@C1NDER, Horace may act before the enemy!


Minute 2: Aurelia Performance, Ramank Intimidation, Bekassine Intimidation - (d20+22, d20+23, d20+16)

d20+22 : (6) + 22 = 28

d20+23 : (2) + 23 = 25

d20+16 : (17) + 16 = 33

Minute 3: Aurelia Performance, Ramank Intimidation, Bekassine Intimidation - (d20+22, d20+23, d20+16)

d20+22 : (7) + 22 = 29

d20+23 : (11) + 23 = 34

d20+16 : (20) + 16 = 36

Initiative (A, B, H, R, Enemies) - (d20+20, d20+22, d20+21, d20+19, d20+24)

d20+20 : (6) + 20 = 26

d20+22 : (3) + 22 = 25

d20+21 : (12) + 21 = 33

d20+19 : (7) + 19 = 26

d20+24 : (5) + 24 = 29

Jan 30, 2025 11:27 am
Having been prepared for a mock battle of some kinda, Horace holds his sword and tome in hand. When the creature emerges, he studies it with swift discernment, then attempts to find an angle of attack that would be beneficial against such a foe before moving in to strike! As he approaches the foes, he switches out his tome for his regalia.
Free: Tome Adept - Recall Knowledge (w/ Unmistakable Lore; if successful, he gets +1 to attack on his next attack this around in addition to the normal benefits)
Action 1: Exploit Vulnerability (w/ Dubious Knowledge, Diverse Lore, and Unmistakable Lore)
Action 2: Stride
Action 3: Strike

Reminder: Everyone within his aura (15ft) gains: +3 damage and +1 vs. all mental effects.

Edit: forgot to add his own +3 to the damage roll.
Last edited January 30, 2025 11:28 am


Esoteric Lore (Cha) (Recall Knowledge) - (1d20+22)

(9) + 22 = 31

Esoteric Lore (Cha) (Exploit Vulnerability) - (1d20+22)

(11) + 22 = 33

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+23, 3d8+7+4, 1d6)

1d20+23 : (19) + 23 = 42

3d8+7+4 : (156) + 11 = 23

1d6 : (1) = 1

Jan 30, 2025 11:36 am
Horace recognizes the creature as a hellshadow! When a group of diabolists or worshippers of an archdevil come to an ignominious end, their souls can sometimes be caught between life and death, unable or unwilling to pass on to the afterlife due to the humiliation of their untimely deaths. When enough closely-associated worshippers whose souls aren’t already claimed in existing contracts meet such a fate, the spiritual "weight" of this shame can cause them to merge into a conglomeration of infernally-infused spirits—a hellshadow. Although made of multiple souls, a hellshadow is a singular creature with one mind and typically one goal: to defeat as many enemies of their faith as they can in order to repay the shame of their humiliating deaths.

Knowing that the spectral undead is weak to holy damage, Horace coats his blade with holy water as he moves in to attack, scoring a solid strike, though the flames surrounding his sword have no effect.

The hellshadow shrieks as it retaliates, lashing out with its brimstone tendrils. It then invokes a litany to the glory of Asmodeus in a chorus of foul voice, causing rippling divine power to blast you all! The cloud of burning smoke around the undead scorches Horace's flesh.
25 fire and 9 void damage to Horace. Everybody must attempt a DC 33 Fortitude save against divine decree (18 damage half, 37 full, 74 double). Everybody may act!

The creature has the following aura: Brimstone Cloak (aura, divine, fire, sanctified) 10 feet. The hellshadow constantly exudes a cloud of smoke that scorches flesh but leaves other materials unharmed. Living creatures who start their turn in this aura take 2d6 fire damage (DC 30 basic Reflex). On a critical failure, the creature is also sickened 1.
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Brimstone Tendrils vs Horace - (d20+27)

(9) + 27 = 36

Damage (Fire, Void) - (3d8+6, 2d6)

3d8+6 : (658) + 6 = 25

2d6 : (45) = 9

Divine Decree - (7d10)

(2874484) = 37

Jan 30, 2025 1:27 pm
Ramank grits his teeth as the foul words wash over him. Then he says a few magic words, boosting Yarth as the eidolon strides up to the monster.

It makes two quick strikes at it.
Assuming we haven't had time to get the fancy new runes on the weapon yet? If we have, damage should be an extra die of damage + 2 per attack.

Action 1: Act Together - Boost Eidolon + Stride Yarth
Action 2: First Strike Yarth
Action 3: Second Strike Yarth


Fortitude Ramank - (1d20+23)

(10) + 23 = 33

Fortitude Yarth - (1d20+23)

(7) + 23 = 30

Yarth Claws - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22, 2d8+6+4)

1d20+22 : (20) + 22 = 42

2d8+6+4 : (44) + 10 = 18

Yarth Bite - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-4, 2d6+6+4)

1d20+22-4 : (14) + 18 = 32

2d6+6+4 : (36) + 10 = 19

Extra damage attack 1 - (1d8)

(6) = 6

Extra damage attack 2 - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Jan 30, 2025 1:34 pm
@Furmyr, you had time to apply the runes. Note that the +2 rune only adds to attack rolls, not to damage, but you'll still get the extra die of damage.
Jan 30, 2025 1:40 pm
Boost Eidolon gives +2 damage per damage dice, but I also see he should be Enfeebled 2 by the Divine Decree failure, so that should account for the extra damage. But my attack rolls should be 2 lower.
Jan 30, 2025 3:36 pm
Do our characters think this is also an illusion?
Jan 30, 2025 3:39 pm
You're fairly certain this is not an illusion as its attacks are causing real damage!
Jan 30, 2025 4:03 pm
Aurelia's eyes go wide as the scene plays out before her. Part of her is terrified but the artist in her grins with wonder and appreciation. Then she gets to work, hoping that her rapier doesn't let her down. Despite her successes, the creature's fire damage has left her scorched and in pain.

Action 1 Stride to foe
Action 2, attack with runed rapier, +2 to attack
Action 3, attack with runed rapier, +2 to attack
Divine decree damage 18 (I think?)
Last edited January 30, 2025 4:08 pm


Fort Save DC 33 - (1d20+19)

(18) + 19 = 37

Rapier attack 1 (+2 + 17) - (1d20+19)

(8) + 19 = 27

Rapier attack 2(+2 + 17) - (1d20+19)

(20) + 19 = 39

Damage 1 - (1d6+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Damage 2 - (1d6+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Jan 30, 2025 4:56 pm
Bekassine pauses for only a moment to say; Either that's the most impressive illusion I've ever seen or . . . Fox, go see if here are any people back there and make sure they are safe. And you . . " She says looking up to the creature "You need to calm down!" as she cast Slow on it, attempting to mitigate the damage it can do.
Fox (speed 40) will look for survivors while avoiding the hellshadow.
I was goin g to use Scintillating Safeguard, but i don't think it will help here? It only protects from physical or energy damage.
[ +- ] Slow
[ +- ] Scintillating Safeguard


Fortitude - DC 33 - (1d20+20)

(6) + 20 = 26

Jan 31, 2025 7:15 am
I notice Horace's damage was as rolled, minus the 1 fire damage. Did get any extra damage from Exploit Vulnerability (Mortal Weakness)? Oh!

Also, his base damage should have been +2 higher - I forgot to add that from the Greater Striking rune and his Implement's Empowerment ability. And it was in the OOC from my last post, but he also has +3 more damage from his aura (as does everyone within 15ft of him).

Rolling now - Fort and Reflex saves.

Edit: Horace takes a total of 63 damage. Ouch.
Horace feels the incredible heat and wrath of the creature's attack wash over him. "This is no illusion! Steel yourselves, friends!" He takes his tome in hand and presents it to the creature, sensing a piece of its future as he strikes twice with his sword.
Free: Tome Adept - Recall Knowledge (w/ Unmistakable Lore; if successful, he gets +1 to attack on his next attack this around in addition to the normal benefits)
Action 1: Intensify Vulnartibility (Tome - roll a d20 and set it aside to use for a future strike, if desired)
Action 2: Strike
Action 3: Strike using result of 15, for an attack total of: 33

+ Any damage from Exploit Vulnerability (Mortal Weakness)
Last edited January 31, 2025 7:43 am


Fortitude vs DC 33 - (1d20+20)

(10) + 20 = 30

Reflex vs. DC 30 - (1d20+18)

(3) + 18 = 21

2d6 Fire Damage - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Hero Point Re-roll Fort Save vs. DC 33 - (1d20+20)

(18) + 20 = 38

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Damage - (3d8+7+4, 1d6)

3d8+7+4 : (366) + 11 = 26

1d6 : (3) = 3

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Damage - (3d8+7+4, 1d6)

3d8+7+4 : (782) + 11 = 28

1d6 : (2) = 2

Esoteric Lore (Cha) - Tome Adept - (1d20+22)

(3) + 22 = 25

Intensify Vulnerability d20 - (1d20)

(15) = 15

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+23, 3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

1d20+23 : (2) + 23 = 25

3d8+7+6+3 : (731) + 16 = 27

1d6 : (4) = 4

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - DMG Only - (3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

3d8+7+6+3 : (544) + 16 = 29

1d6 : (1) = 1

Jan 31, 2025 8:17 am
@crazybirdman: Scintillating Safeguard will work against the undead's attacks as fire is a type of energy damage, but that spell protects the whole party from only a single attack. It's better saved against an area attack like a fireball.

@C1NDER: I'll adjust everybody's damage to account for Horace's aura and increase the damage you did last round. The undead took 10 extra damage from your attack due to its weakness to holy damage, but it also resists 10 all damage except for certain types like ghost touch, so they effectively cancel each other out.
The hellshadow resists Bekassine's slow spell. Fox scurries up onto the stage, where he quickly realizes most of the room's trapping are illusory. The familiar doesn't notice anybody else in the room. Aurelia and Yarth move in to assist Horace, both managing to land a critical hit on the spectral undead. Horace scores a solid blow of his own, and the creature's form wavers and flickers as you continue to damage it.

The smoke and fire around the hellshadow intensify as it lashes out at Horace again, scoring a critical hit of its own with its tendrils!
28 fire and 18 void damage to Horace. Everybody may act. The creature has the following aura: Brimstone Cloak (aura, divine, fire, sanctified) 10 feet. The hellshadow constantly exudes a cloud of smoke that scorches flesh but leaves other materials unharmed. Living creatures who start their turn in this aura take 2d6 fire damage (DC 30 basic Reflex). On a critical failure, the creature is also sickened 1.
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Fortitude vs Slow - (d20+23)

(19) + 23 = 42

Brimstone Tendrils - (d20+27, d20+23, d20+19)

d20+27 : (20) + 27 = 47

d20+23 : (8) + 23 = 31

d20+19 : (4) + 19 = 23

Damage - (3d8+7, 2d6)

3d8+7 : (723) + 7 = 19

2d6 : (63) = 9

Jan 31, 2025 12:07 pm
Ramank fires off a telekinetic projectile at the creature, while Yarth strikes twice.
Action 1 & 2: Act Together (Telekinetic Projectile + Strike)
Action 3: Yarth Strike


Basic Reflex Yarth DC 30 - (1d20+19)

(7) + 19 = 26

Fire Damage - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Telekinetic Projectile - Atk/Dam - (1d20+21, 7d6)

1d20+21 : (14) + 21 = 35

7d6 : (4543663) = 31

Yarth Claws - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-5-2, 3d8+6-2)

1d20+22-5-2 : (18) + 15 = 33

3d8+6-2 : (736) + 4 = 20

Yarth Bite - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-8-2, 3d6+6-2)

1d20+22-8-2 : (11) + 12 = 23

3d6+6-2 : (426) + 4 = 16

Jan 31, 2025 4:04 pm
Bekassine decides to try and help her friends, and hopefully hurt their foe. She raises her Staff of Healing, says a blessing, and let's healing energy fill the room.
will use 4 charges from the wand, to cast heal hieghtened to 4 ( i think thats right) using the 3 action version of the spell.
Edit: woooow, i guess that balances out all those 20's i rolled earlier
[ +- ] Heal
Last edited January 31, 2025 4:05 pm


Heal (spell from wand) - (4d8+3)

(1112) + 3 = 8

Feb 1, 2025 12:41 am
Not enjoying the pain of being scorched, Aurelia decides she isn't getting close enough to the creature for it to happen again. Backing up, she loads her sling and fires twice through the smoke, using her memory and the direction she stepped back from to guess where to shoot.

Action1: Stride 25ft
Action 2: Sling Attack
Action 3: Sling attack
Last edited February 1, 2025 12:43 am


Sling Attack 1 - (1d20+17, 1d6)

1d20+17 : (10) + 17 = 27

1d6 : (3) = 3

Sling Attack 2 - (1d20+17, 1d6)

1d20+17 : (8) + 17 = 25

1d6 : (4) = 4

Feb 1, 2025 8:46 am
Horace reels as the attack hits him and feels the heat from the enemy's body wash over him once more.

He repeats his maneuvers against the creature, hoping to do as much to harm it as possible.
Free: Tome Adept - Recall Knowledge (w/ Unmistakable Lore; if successful, he gets +1 to attack on his next attack this around in addition to the normal benefits)
Action 1: Intensify Vulnerability (Tome - roll a d20 and set it aside to use for a future strike, if desired)
Action 2: Strike
Action 3: Strike

EDIT: I think he takes just 1 fire damage from the aura, right?
Last edited February 1, 2025 8:49 am


Fire Damage / Reflex Save - (1d20+18, 2d6)

1d20+18 : (11) + 18 = 29

2d6 : (21) = 3

Esoteric Lore (Cha) - Tome Adept - (1d20+22)

(5) + 22 = 27

Intensify Vulnerability d20 - (1d20)

(7) = 7

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+23, 3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

1d20+23 : (8) + 23 = 31

3d8+7+6+3 : (832) + 16 = 29

1d6 : (6) = 6

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+18, 3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

1d20+18 : (9) + 18 = 27

3d8+7+6+3 : (457) + 16 = 32

1d6 : (5) = 5

Feb 3, 2025 8:55 am
Yes, Horace would only take 1 fire damage.
Bekassine's healing spell soothes some of your burns, but doesn't harm the shade much. Aurelia's attacks miss the mark, but luckily, both Horace and Yarth deliver several solid strikes. With the final blow, the hellshadow shrieks as its spectral form dissolves into harmless wisps of smoke!

A few moments after the battle ends, you receive a sending from Fallenta, hearing her voice in your minds. "This is not part of the audition! Something has gone wrong. I hired six actors for a mock battle. Please find them and rescue them."

With some effort, you disbelieve the illusion cloaking this room. Without the illusions, the truth of this sad, abandoned theater becomes apparent. There are no audience members, and most of those seats are in ruins or have collapsed. The stage is a crumbling ruin as well, with old ropes and tattered curtains hanging from above. Props and scenery from the last play (which was set in a haunted castle) lie among the rubble or in decaying heaps along the corners and back wall—particularly to the northeast, where the ceiling has collapsed entirely into a heap of rubble that only allows brief glimpses of sunlight to filter through during the day. Below this heap of rubble lies further ruin—this area once featured a stairwell leading to the basement below, but that stairwell has since been completely obliterated.

One thing that’s noticeably new is the large, jagged hole in the floor of the middle of the stage; even at a casual glance, it’s obvious that this hole is a very recent development. Beneath the stage, the brick walls and floor of this large, twenty-foot-high space are damp and mottled with strange patterns of mold. Cracks on the floors and walls make the area seem on the verge of collapse, but several still solid-looking support pillars seem more than up to the task of holding the roof up—save for in the middle of the room beneath the hole in the stage, and in the northeast corner, where a much older collapse lies heaped around a crumbled wooden staircase. A partially buried skeleton still wearing a suit of dark-blue leather armor lies in the rubble near the northern wall. This collapse also caused part of the southern wall to topple over to the southeast, and a door is set in this wall west of the collapse. Recent blood trails lead away from the collapse at the center of the room.
With ten minutes of work, you can extract the skeleton from the rubble. While filthy, the suit of +2 resilient greater electricity resistant leather armor the skeleton wears is fully functional, as are the +2 ghost touch striking rapier and hellfire boots.
Feb 3, 2025 4:19 pm
Fox returns to Bekassine and gives whatever a fox version of a shrug is to explain that they didn't find anyone. ''Where would that demon stash a bunch of actors? Does anyone need healing before we start searching? The old fashioned way I mean." She says, glowering at her staff.
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