Part 1: No Business Like Show Business

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Feb 14, 2025 8:40 pm
Aurelia resumes her anthem, stabbing the raw nerve once and encouraging Yarth to land a hit with his claws. Ramank and Bekassine strike the Final Herald with magic, injuring her. Horace doesn’t notice any particular weakness in the human spellcaster. He uses his scroll to quicken his movements!

The raw nerve attacks Yarth again. Meanwhile, the Final Herald casts a spell on herself, making her blurry and indistinct.
20 electricity damage to Yarth. The Final Herald has cast blur and gains the benefits of concealment. Everybody may act!

Concealed: While concealed, you can still be observed, but you're tougher to target. A creature that you're concealed from must succeed at a DC 5 flat check when targeting you with an attack, spell, or other effect. If the check fails, you aren't affected. Area effects aren't subject to this flat check.
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Nerve Ending vs Yarth - (d20+20, d20+16, d20+12)

d20+20 : (15) + 20 = 35

d20+16 : (9) + 16 = 25

d20+12 : (18) + 12 = 30

Damage - (2d10+9)

(92) + 9 = 20

Feb 14, 2025 9:25 pm
Ramank sends another telekinetic projectile at the herald while Yarth keeps up its strikes on the nerve. Then Ramank casts another spell, giving Yarth some healing energy.
Action 1 & 2: Act Togeher (Telekinetic Projectile + Strike)
Action 3: Lifelink Surge [Gives Yarth fast healing 12 for 4 rounds]


Telekinetic Projectile - Atk/Dam - (1d20+21, 7d6)

1d20+21 : (14) + 21 = 35

7d6 : (3441226) = 22

Concealment - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Yarth Claws - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-5, 3d8+6)

1d20+22-5 : (4) + 17 = 21

3d8+6 : (668) + 6 = 26

Feb 15, 2025 5:51 am
Horace pulls out another scroll, steps within range of the Herald, and uses its magic to attempt to counteract the enemy's concealment.
Action 1: Manipulate - pull scroll, Revealing Light
Free Action (Haste): Stride to melee
Actions 2&3: Use Scroll - Cast 'Revealing Light'

He'll try to move in a way that keeps his allies out of the 10ft burst. Should be a Basic Reflex v. DC 30.
Feb 15, 2025 3:24 pm
Combat not being her forte; she wishes she could do more, but this is the situation she finds herself in. Never did she consider that this job would lead to fighting living nerves and brain creatures. Her strength was her voice, not her physical prowess, so she belts out another inspiring tune for her compatriots.
Action 1 - Cast Courageous Anthem +1 to Everyone att/Damage
Action 2 - Attack with Ghost Touched Rapier
Action 3 - Attack with GT Rapier (-5)


GT Rapier Attack/Dmg - (1d20+20, 1d6+1)

1d20+20 : (8) + 20 = 28

1d6+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

GT Rapier Attack/Dmg - (1d20+15, 1d6+1)

1d20+15 : (11) + 15 = 26

1d6+1 : (1) + 1 = 2

Feb 15, 2025 8:56 pm
Bekassine wills the Herald's shadow to harm once more, then raises her staff, and uses the last of its energy to heal herself.
edit, hit post too soon, adding rolls. Action 1 sustain, action 2-3 heal.
Last edited February 15, 2025 9:00 pm


Shadow targeting (if needed) - (d20)

(11) = 11

Malicious Shadow Strike / Damage - (1d20+22, 2d10+5)

1d20+22 : (1) + 22 = 23

2d10+5 : (65) + 5 = 16

Heal (heightened once) - Roll/Healed - (2d8+3+16)

(54) + 19 = 28

Feb 17, 2025 11:24 am
Aurelia stabs the raw nerve twice, but Yarth's attack comes up short. Horace moves up to the Final Herald and uses his scroll to bathe her in blinding light. She snarls and raises an arm up as she become dazzled and her blur spell is counteracted! This allow both Yarth and Bekassine to strike her with their magic spells!

The raw nerve lashes out at Yarth but the eidolon avoids its crackling nerve endings. The Final Herald swings her axe, cutting into Horace once. He is able to parry her subsequent attacks. The bat crouching inside her hood shrieks at the thaumaturge! It flaps its wings, channeling its power to restore some of its master's health!
19 slashing damage to Horace. Everybody may act!
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Reflex vs Revealing Light - (d20+19)

(2) + 19 = 21

Nerve Ending vs Yarth - (d20+20, d20+16, d20+12)

d20+20 : (9) + 20 = 29

d20+16 : (13) + 16 = 29

d20+12 : (14) + 12 = 26

Dazzled DC 5 - (d20, d20, d20)

d20 : (11) = 11

d20 : (18) = 18

d20 : (5) = 5

Battle Axe - (d20+22, d20+17, d20+12)

d20+22 : (15) + 22 = 37

d20+17 : (2) + 17 = 19

d20+12 : (17) + 12 = 29

Damage - (3d8+6)

(625) + 6 = 19

Restore Final Herald - (6d8)

(585588) = 39

Feb 17, 2025 12:39 pm
Ramank keeps up the same tactic. Sending a telekinetic projectile at the herald while Yarth strikes the nerve twice.
Last edited February 17, 2025 12:39 pm


Telekinetic Projectile - Atk/Dam - (1d20+21, 7d6)

1d20+21 : (3) + 21 = 24

7d6 : (1133355) = 21

Yarth Claws - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-5, 3d8+6)

1d20+22-5 : (18) + 17 = 35

3d8+6 : (171) + 6 = 15

Yarth Bite - Atk/Dam - (1d20+22-8, 3d6+6)

1d20+22-8 : (11) + 14 = 25

3d6+6 : (264) + 6 = 18

Feb 17, 2025 10:14 pm
"Blasted flying fox!" Bekassine says as she hurts electricity at the bat and the Herald. Then she tries to get close enough to Horace to help heal him.
action 1-2 electric arc, hoping to hit the bat. Action 3, move toward Horace ( to treat woulds next turn)


Electric Arc - (6d4+4)

(132213) + 4 = 16

Feb 18, 2025 8:42 am
Horace grunts as the axe swipes across his chest. He employs a personal antithesis against their remaining enemy, hoping to bring her down quickly while studying her movements. He pulls out his regllia and gives her a snarling glare, hoping to give her pause, then lays into her with his flaming sword.
Adding +1 status bonus to Attack/Damage from Courageous Anthem. Personal Antithesis gives the enemy Weakness 8 to his attacks.

Free Action: Tome Adept, Recall Knowledge - upon success he gets +1 circumstance bonus to his next attack roll against the herald (not added to his roll)
Action 1: Intensify Vulnerability - Tome: d20, save for a future roll if desired
Action 2: Intimidating Glare (Demoralize) w/ Intimidating Prowess (for +2 to the roll)
Action 3: Strike, 33 to hit, damage: 31 slashing, 6 fire (Weakness 8)
Haste Free Action: Using the pre-rolled d20 for 38 to hit, damage: 29 slashing, 4 fire (Weakness 8)
Last edited February 18, 2025 8:48 am


Esoteric Lore (Cha) - (1d20+22)

(6) + 22 = 28

Intensify Vulnerability d20 - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Intimidation (Cha) - (1d20+26)

(3) + 26 = 29

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (1d20+23, 3d8+7+6, 1d6)

1d20+23 : (9) + 23 = 32

3d8+7+6 : (276) + 13 = 28

1d6 : (6) = 6

+2 Greater Flame-Striking Longsword - Atk/Dam - (3d8+7+6+3, 1d6)

3d8+7+6+3 : (247) + 16 = 29

1d6 : (4) = 4

Feb 18, 2025 3:31 pm
Well it's working, Aurelia decides on her strategy, but Horace needs help. Aurelia belts out a healing battle hymn, to help her fellow combatant. Then she attacks one of the nearest nerves twice.
[ +- ] Hymn of Healing
Cast - Hymn of Healing
Action 1 - GT Rapier attack
Action 2, GT rapier attack 5
Last edited February 18, 2025 3:32 pm


GT Rapier Attack/Dmg - (1d20+20, 1d6+2)

1d20+20 : (19) + 20 = 39

1d6+2 : (1) + 2 = 3

GT Rapier Attack/Dmg - (1d20+15, 1d6+2)

1d20+15 : (18) + 15 = 33

1d6+2 : (6) + 2 = 8

Feb 18, 2025 8:40 pm


Reflex vs Electric Arc - (d20+19, d20+18)

d20+19 : (19) + 19 = 38

d20+18 : (4) + 18 = 22

Feb 18, 2025 8:44 pm
Ramank’s projectile goes wide but Yarth rips apart the last of the raw nerves! Bekassine zaps the Final Herald and her bat familiar with lightning. Aurelia moves into assist Horace, scoring a light hit, then Horace delivers two devastating slices that leave the woman bloodied and burnt! She cries out in agony as she drops to her knees. Her axe clatters to the floor as she raises her arms. "You win. I yield!" she says, her features twisted in pain. Her bat chitters and shrinks back to hide under her hood.
Feb 18, 2025 9:13 pm
can Fallenta hear us if we talk right now?
Feb 18, 2025 9:29 pm
She can see you through her scouting eye spell but can’t hear you. You could use the wand of sending she gave you to send her a message, though.
Feb 19, 2025 12:38 pm
Horace stands near the surrendered woman, breathing hard and lowering the tip of his sword to her. "You should feel lucky. It would be a cruelty to you, removing you from this world you so wish to see burn." He turns to the others, "Anyone have a pair of manacles? Or a bit of rope may suffice." He uses his foot to move the axe out of her reach.
Feb 19, 2025 1:42 pm
Ramank takes a coiled rope from his belt and moves up next to Horace. "Always ready with rope," he says.

He starts tying their surrendered enemies arms behind her back. "Should we assume she's not a random nut job and something is threatening the world?"
Feb 19, 2025 7:28 pm
"I'm inclined to believe her." Aurelia catches her breath but does not yet put her rapier away. She does clean it while the Herald is being bound.
Feb 20, 2025 1:11 pm
The Final Herald has the following gear: +2 greater striking fearsome battle axe, greater clandestine cloak, +1 resilient hide armor. In addition to her gear, the Final Herald has amassed a valuable stash of strange collectables she keeps on the bookshelf near her bedroll. These include: a withered finger wrapped in a bride’s veil (the finger wears a ring of lies), a taxidermy donkey rat’s head clutching a black opal worth 1,250 gp in its mouth, a plush pig toy stuffed with 347 gp, and a flute made from a goblin’s shin bone that bears fine gold and silver filigree work depicting drunk goblins worth 300 gp.
The imprisoned actors are hungry and dehydrated but grateful for the rescue. You escort them out of the theater basement to safety, bringing along the Final Herald with you. Far from being frustrated that her audition fell apart, Fallenta is incredibly relieved to see the actors safe and pays each one a generous amount of hazard pay for inadvertently putting them in danger, going further to offer them jobs as stagehands if they still trust her.

Fallenta genuinely had no idea that Swan’s Shadow Theater was so dangerous and apologizes profusely for sending you into peril... yet she also can’t help but observe and glorify your success. She graciously offers all of her spellcasting skills to heal you or otherwise help you recover. She suggests turning the Final Herald over to Kintargo's city guard so that they can hold her in prison and interrogate her further to see if any of her wild claims hold validity. In the meantime, she will begin the long process of seeing the theater rebuilt and refurbished.

"Let it be known that you have passed your audition with flying colors!" Falenta says. "Indeed, I am compelled to offer you roles as coproducers for the opera rather than as mere consultants. For your initial troubles, I shall arrange for a payment of 100 pp to each of you. Let's call it your last consulting fee. Afterward, your payment will be tied to the finished opera’s box office proceeds as coproducers, but I promise you will get shares equal to my own.

"So, rest and recover. When you are ready, we will begin creating our opera together!"
You have gained 3 Production Points. Everybody gains a Hero Point.
Feb 23, 2025 8:25 am
Horace helps return the captive cultist to the surface and nods his head in agreement to Fallenta's suggestion. "Yes, turning her over to the guard is for the best. Perhaps they can find out more of what she was rambling about, and make sure there is no valid threat to be found there. I'd much prefer she be found crazy than crazy AND a prophetess."

"You hear that, my friends? We got a promotion! I for one will look forward to working on this with you, Fallenta. You are gracious to bring us aboard. Now, we should see about proper accommodations, as it seems we'll be in Kintargo for quite some time. Do you have any suggestions for a place that would be fitting for us?"
Last edited February 23, 2025 8:26 am
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