Part 1: No Business Like Show Business
The diorama shows a moment from a made-up opera, where a dancer is reaching out to a mysterious, cloaked figure surrounded by shadows. She will try and obtain colored glass and candlelight to make wonderful lighting effects.
This piece is meant to show off Aurelia’s talent for set design and share her love of the theater. It’s small enough to carry around but detailed enough that people can look closely and feel like they’re part of the story.
He stands and nods to the others. "I will see you all back at the Feathered Fox tonight, then."
Diplomacy (Cha) - (1d20+24)
(8) + 24 = 32
With your combined knowledge of society, you know the following about the guests:
Delmonia Crape: A provocative anti-establishment female human sculptor. Delmonia is enthralled by anyone who appears to be dangerous or transgressive in some way.
Almidia Decarruf: A nervous and jittery female aiuvarin painter. Almidia is socially awkward and easy to overwhelm with numbers.
Mulberry Hymp: An arrogant and self-assured male halfling sculptor. Mulberry becomes flustered if he feels that someone is disrespecting him.
Motman Primm: A bumbling but good-natured male gnome painter. Motman is something of a walking minor disaster, constantly causing drinks to spill or committing faux pas of one embarrassing kind or another.
Louise and Chopperly Smynne: Gossipy female and male human and dromaar art critics. Louise and Chopperly can dish it out but have trouble accepting criticism.
Abigail Tottlescoff: A flirtatious and scandalous female human hellspawn nephilim painter. Abigail doesn’t take competition well.
Elleste Gudgeon: A competitive female human diva and playwright, author of the Queen of Peasants, among many others. Elleste enjoys using obscure words to generate veiled insults in conversation.
Crafting DC30 - (1d20+18, 1d20+18, 1d20+18, 1d20+18, 1d20+18, 1d20+18)
1d20+18 : (18) + 18 = 36
1d20+18 : (7) + 18 = 25
1d20+18 : (4) + 18 = 22
1d20+18 : (7) + 18 = 25
1d20+18 : (10) + 18 = 28
1d20+18 : (3) + 18 = 21
Crafting - (1d20+18)
(12) + 18 = 30
He'll use a Hero Point to re-roll the 4
Sad, I think he came up just shy of the 5 victory points needed.
Crafting (Temp +18 total for Master Proficiency) - (6d20)
(19104141416) = 77
Re-rolling the 4 - (1d20+18)
(11) + 18 = 29
Assist: A PC can help another PC out with their action; this Fete Activity functions the same as the Aid reaction but takes as much time as the action being assisted.
Impress: During the half hour, a PC can grandstand, show off, schmooze, and otherwise try to make a favorable impression with one of the other noteworthy guests. The PC attempts a Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation check against the chosen guest’s Will DC to earn Fete Points. Once anyone successfully impresses a noteworthy guest, no further attempts to impress that NPC can be attempted during the fete.
Mingle and Relax: A PC can simply spend the time mingling, chatting, and people-watching. Doing so allows them to attempt a DC 25 Perception check; on a success, they notice something about the others at the party that they can take advantage of—their next skill check attempted during the party gains a +2 circumstance bonus as a result.
Spend Time with Zachrin Vhast: The high priest mingles with the partygoers throughout the event, and as such, a PC can spend one of their two Fete Activities during an hour to observe and chat a bit with him. Doing so allows that PC to attempt a Discover check against the priest, which can give the group a head start on the influence encounter with him later in the evening.
After you are checked into the theater foyer by neatly dressed acolytes of Shelyn, you're led into the main theater where the art show takes place. Guests mill about on the stage, look over the art and compare notes, or mingle in the seating area or balcony above. As you enter the main theater room, you're each announced by a herald, herself dressed in incredible finery—as are all the staff. The finest drinks and delicate appetizers are served throughout the event, but never to an extent that appetites for the feast are in danger of being ruined.
Shortly after you arrive, Zachrin Vhast steps up onto the stage and calls for attention. Zchrin is an androgynously handsome human man clad in fine blue-and-turquoise robes. "Hello everybody, and thank you for coming. I would like to pay particular homage to our biggest sponsors tonight, Elleste Gudgeon, and to Kintargo's most influential art critics, Louise and Chopperly Smynne, who will be helping to judge each of the works on display tonight. Those who pursue the arts are blessed by the Eternal Rose, and I know that Shelyn herself smiles down upon us tonight. I hope you all appreciate the artists' work, and that you might see fit to purchase the art here later in the evening when the pieces will be auctioned off. Now then, enjoy the festivities!"
The crowd applauds as the party gets into full swing.

The PC spends a half hour bragging about a piece of art they or another PC entered in the show. The PC can attempt a DC 25 Art Lore or a DC 30 Society check to earn Fete Points. If the PC is bragging about their own artwork, they gain a +2 circumstance bonus to this check.
The PC spends a half hour looking over the artwork on display but also keeps an eye on how others regard the pieces. If the PC intends to purchase any of the artwork during the auction, they can focus their attention on one chosen piece of artwork during that half hour and then attempt a secret DC 28 Art Lore or a DC 32 Perception check. Regardless of the result, describe to the PC what all five pieces of art look like.
Critical Success: The PC correctly appraises the artwork they’re focusing on, plus one other piece of artwork of their choice.
Success: The PC correctly appraises the artwork they’re focusing on.
Failure: The PC fails to come to a conclusion about the artwork’s value.
Critical Failure: The PC conducts a misappraisal of the artwork’s value.
Almidia Decarruf’s oil painting, Obligation, depicts a sobbing woman in a shadowy landscape surrounded by mocking and jeering aristocrats; a closer inspection reveals that one of the aristocrats who looks identical to the sobbing woman has turned her back on the scene. This painting grows more haunting and disturbing the longer one looks at it.
Mulberry Hymp’s sculpture, Abrogail II in Her Pomp, is made of partially melted wax, carved driftwood, and moldy cloth and depicts Queen Abrogail II as a doddering old woman with a silver chain around her ankle.
Motman Primm’s oil painting, To the Victor, is a fanciful depiction of a legion of mice who have built a sprawling castle out of a discarded aristocrat’s boot in a flower garden. It looks pretty, but its commentary on commonfolk building homes out of castoffs from higher society feels cliched.
Abigail Tottlescloff’s sculpture, Passion in Purple, is carved from a block of porphyry the size of a cat and depicts two succubi entwined in passion. The work shows skill, but those in the know note that it merely apes the more elegant and subtle work of Magnimarian sculptor Ayavah.
Horace Crafting Day 7 - (d20+18)
(20) + 18 = 38
He arrives in his explorer's clothing, though he has taken the effort to clean it up. He sees people staring at him, but he's sure it's the dragon that's drawin attention.
"Is that the target?" Yarth says, looking to one of the sides.
Ramank sighs and shakes his head. "That's the appetizers."
He takes a round around the room before stepping up to Almidia Decarruf. "Interesting picture you painted," he starts by saying. "Who's the subject? It wouldn't be you?"
Ramank will be very forceful and asking probing questions to impress her.
Intimidation (Cha) - (1d20+23)
(12) + 23 = 35
Not sure what a Discover roll is (rolled a straight d20), or how to fill up 4 hours with 8 separate activities or can I repeat some of those listed?
Examine: The PC spends a half hour looking over the artwork on display but also keeps an eye on how others regard the pieces. If the PC intends to purchase any of the artwork during the auction, they can focus their attention on one chosen piece of artwork during that half hour and then attempt a secret DC 28 Art Lore or a DC 32 Perception check. Regardless of the result, describe to the PC what all five pieces of art look like.
Impress: During the half hour, a PC can grandstand, show off, schmooze, and otherwise try to make a favorable impression with one of the other noteworthy guests. The PC attempts a Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation check against the chosen guest’s Will DC to earn Fete Points. Once anyone successfully impresses a noteworthy guest, no further attempts to impress that NPC can be attempted during the fete.
Mingle and Relax: A PC can simply spend the time mingling, chatting, and people-watching. Doing so allows them to attempt a DC 25 Perception check; on a success, they notice something about the others at the party that they can take advantage of—their next skill check attempted during the party gains a +2 circumstance bonus as a result.
Spend Time with Zachrin Vhast: The high priest mingles with the partygoers throughout the event, and as such, a PC can spend one of their two Fete Activities during an hour to observe and chat a bit with him. Doing so allows that PC to attempt a Discover check against the priest, which can give the group a head start on the influence encounter with him later in the evening.
Art (bragging) 25 1st hr - (1d20+18)
(18) + 18 = 36
Perception (examine) 32 1st hr - (1d20+20)
(19) + 20 = 39
Diplo (Impress) vs Will 2nd hr - (1d20+20)
(2) + 20 = 22
Perception (mingle) 25 - (1d20+20)
(5) + 20 = 25
Discover - (1d20)
(7) = 7
I forgot to include the information about Discover checks. They are part of the Influence rules. The specific skills you can use to Discover information about Zachrin are Kintargo Lore, Perception, or Religion.
Once she had introduced anyone interested in her art, she then examined the other works. Finding one of interest, she tried to steal glances of others viewing the piece. If the work didn't excite others, was it worth having for herself? She thought not.
Perception DC28 secret check - (1d20+20)
(2) + 20 = 22
After a short time, the crowd disperses. He spots a pair of humans, male and female, nearby discussing the various art pieces and approaches them, intending to mingle and get to know some of the other attendees.
Task 2: Impress Louise and Chopperly Smynne

Task 1: Society DC 30 - (1d20+20)
(9) + 20 = 29
Task 2: Diplomacy DC ? - (1d20+24)
(19) + 24 = 43