One by one, the eight deans enter the stage, each dressed in the flowing robes of their college, adorned with symbols of their magical disciplines. Last enters Headmistress Seraphina Drakelight, the current Voice of the Founders, her platinum dragonborn scales shimmering in the light.
"Welcome, future mages, to the hallowed halls of Misthaven University. For over eight centuries, this institution has stood as a beacon of magical discovery, a sanctuary where the boundless potential of magic and the mind converge. You are now a part of that legacy, heirs to the knowledge safeguarded and nurtured by generations before you.
You are here not only to study magic but to forge your place in the world. Here, you will confront challenges, encounter wonders, and uncover truths about the universe—and yourselves—that will shape your destinies. Know this: you are not alone on this journey. Your peers will become your allies, your rivals, your confidants, and your friends. The bonds you forge here will be as enduring as the magic you master."
As the students listen in rapt attention, the headmistress gestures behind her, inviting the eight deans forward. Each steps to the edge of the stage in turn, their presence a reflection of their school’s essence.
Dean Kaelith Sylvaris (Perceptio):
"To perceive is to understand. Magic flows through the world in infinite patterns, and the school of Perceptio teaches you to see them. With knowledge comes clarity, and with clarity, the power to illuminate the future."
Dean Ragnor Steelmantle (Dominatio):
"Magic is not merely to be understood; it is to be wielded. The school of Dominatio will teach you to command, to shape reality with your will, and to leave your mark upon the world."
Dean Lyric Singsilver (Creatio):
"Creation is the heart of magic, the spark from which all beauty and wonder arise. The school of Creatio will teach you to summon, to inspire, and to give life to your imagination."
Dean Nyla Flickertwist (Mutatio):
"Transformation is the soul of adaptability. The school of Mutatio will show you how to alter, evolve, and reshape both the world and yourself. Change is not just survival—it is magic."
Dean Cyril Everquill (Amplifico):
"To amplify is to empower. The school of Amplifico teaches you to lift others, to heighten strengths, and to achieve greatness through cooperation and growth."
Dean Calien Mirthwhistle (Illusio):
"Illusion is a tool as subtle as it is profound. The school of Illusio will teach you to weave perception, to craft truth from shadows, and to wield deception with precision and purpose."
Dean Varek Hollowthorn (Excidium):
"Destruction is not an end—it is a beginning. The school of Excidium will guide you in mastering entropy, wielding the forces of decay and ruin to clear the way for renewal."
Dean Althea Greenshade (Tutela):
"Protection is the greatest gift a mage can offer. The school of Tutela teaches you to shield, to heal, and to preserve life, ensuring that magic serves as a force for good."
The eight deans step back as Headmistress Drakelight addresses the students once more.
"Magic is a paradox—a unity of opposites, a force that can both destroy and create, deceive and reveal, transform and preserve. At Misthaven University, we embrace these contradictions, for it is in understanding them that true mastery arises. You will be challenged to explore both sides of every college, for balance lies at the heart of all magic.
Remember this: your time here is not just an opportunity to learn—it is a chance to define who you are and who you will become. Welcome to Misthaven University. May your journey be filled with discovery, growth, and brilliance."
With a graceful sweep of her staff, the air above the Biblioplex transforms. A dazzling array of fireworks bursts into existence, shimmering with magical hues that seem impossible—golden spirals of light, emerald flares that bloom into glowing vines, and sapphire sparks that twirl into tiny galaxies.
The fireworks interact with the space around them, weaving through the towering bookshelves and circling the floating chandeliers. Some take the shape of mythical creatures: a phoenix of fire that sweeps across the ceiling, an iridescent dragon that roars silently, and a cascade of butterflies that flutters above the students before vanishing into shimmering stardust.

The grand finale fills the hall with a burst of silver and gold light, forming the university’s crest—a radiant dragon encircled by eight magical runes. The crest lingers for a moment, then dissolves into thousands of glimmering motes that gently drift down, evoking gasps of wonder from the students as they fade before reaching the ground. The hall fills with thunderous applause as the Headmistress and the deans bow. The first-year students rise from their seats, their hearts pounding with excitement, ready to embark on their magical journey.