1. New Student Orientation

Jan 27, 2025 9:08 am
The Biblioplex's first floor has been transformed into a magnificent assembly hall for the opening ceremony. The enchanted shelves moved elsewhere while enchanted chandeliers floated overhead, casting warm, golden light onto the gathered first-year students. Hundreds of chairs were arranged in neat rows, facing a grand podium backed by a shimmering flying tapestry depicting the four Founder Drakes. The air buzzes with excitement and the faint hum of magic.

One by one, the eight deans enter the stage, each dressed in the flowing robes of their college, adorned with symbols of their magical disciplines. Last enters Headmistress Seraphina Drakelight, the current Voice of the Founders, her platinum dragonborn scales shimmering in the light.

"Welcome, future mages, to the hallowed halls of Misthaven University. For over eight centuries, this institution has stood as a beacon of magical discovery, a sanctuary where the boundless potential of magic and the mind converge. You are now a part of that legacy, heirs to the knowledge safeguarded and nurtured by generations before you.

You are here not only to study magic but to forge your place in the world. Here, you will confront challenges, encounter wonders, and uncover truths about the universe—and yourselves—that will shape your destinies. Know this: you are not alone on this journey. Your peers will become your allies, your rivals, your confidants, and your friends. The bonds you forge here will be as enduring as the magic you master."

As the students listen in rapt attention, the headmistress gestures behind her, inviting the eight deans forward. Each steps to the edge of the stage in turn, their presence a reflection of their school’s essence.
Dean Kaelith Sylvaris (Perceptio):
"To perceive is to understand. Magic flows through the world in infinite patterns, and the school of Perceptio teaches you to see them. With knowledge comes clarity, and with clarity, the power to illuminate the future."

Dean Ragnor Steelmantle (Dominatio):
"Magic is not merely to be understood; it is to be wielded. The school of Dominatio will teach you to command, to shape reality with your will, and to leave your mark upon the world."

Dean Lyric Singsilver (Creatio):
"Creation is the heart of magic, the spark from which all beauty and wonder arise. The school of Creatio will teach you to summon, to inspire, and to give life to your imagination."

Dean Nyla Flickertwist (Mutatio):
"Transformation is the soul of adaptability. The school of Mutatio will show you how to alter, evolve, and reshape both the world and yourself. Change is not just survival—it is magic."

Dean Cyril Everquill (Amplifico):
"To amplify is to empower. The school of Amplifico teaches you to lift others, to heighten strengths, and to achieve greatness through cooperation and growth."

Dean Calien Mirthwhistle (Illusio):
"Illusion is a tool as subtle as it is profound. The school of Illusio will teach you to weave perception, to craft truth from shadows, and to wield deception with precision and purpose."

Dean Varek Hollowthorn (Excidium):
"Destruction is not an end—it is a beginning. The school of Excidium will guide you in mastering entropy, wielding the forces of decay and ruin to clear the way for renewal."

Dean Althea Greenshade (Tutela):
"Protection is the greatest gift a mage can offer. The school of Tutela teaches you to shield, to heal, and to preserve life, ensuring that magic serves as a force for good."

The eight deans step back as Headmistress Drakelight addresses the students once more.

"Magic is a paradox—a unity of opposites, a force that can both destroy and create, deceive and reveal, transform and preserve. At Misthaven University, we embrace these contradictions, for it is in understanding them that true mastery arises. You will be challenged to explore both sides of every college, for balance lies at the heart of all magic.

Remember this: your time here is not just an opportunity to learn—it is a chance to define who you are and who you will become. Welcome to Misthaven University. May your journey be filled with discovery, growth, and brilliance."

With a graceful sweep of her staff, the air above the Biblioplex transforms. A dazzling array of fireworks bursts into existence, shimmering with magical hues that seem impossible—golden spirals of light, emerald flares that bloom into glowing vines, and sapphire sparks that twirl into tiny galaxies.

The fireworks interact with the space around them, weaving through the towering bookshelves and circling the floating chandeliers. Some take the shape of mythical creatures: a phoenix of fire that sweeps across the ceiling, an iridescent dragon that roars silently, and a cascade of butterflies that flutters above the students before vanishing into shimmering stardust.


The grand finale fills the hall with a burst of silver and gold light, forming the university’s crest—a radiant dragon encircled by eight magical runes. The crest lingers for a moment, then dissolves into thousands of glimmering motes that gently drift down, evoking gasps of wonder from the students as they fade before reaching the ground. The hall fills with thunderous applause as the Headmistress and the deans bow. The first-year students rise from their seats, their hearts pounding with excitement, ready to embark on their magical journey.
Continues in my next post
Jan 27, 2025 9:10 am
The applause from the fireworks has barely faded when a warm voice echoes across the hall. Professor Ellowyn Starforge, the university's head of student orientation, steps forward. A friendly dwarven woman with braided silver hair and a laugh that seems to resonate like a bell, she claps her hands together.


"All right, young mages, time to stretch those legs! Gather round—your tour of the Central Campus begins now!"

Groups of students are divided and led by enchanted, floating lanterns that hover just ahead, bobbing gently as though eager to lead the way. Professors and upper-year students serve as guides, weaving through the Biblioplex and out into the campus.

Greta, Zix, Dorian, Marlena and Kiraen are chosen by one of the lanterns. It seemed almost alive, swaying slightly as though urging the five students to stay together.

From behind them, a cheerful voice broke the comfortable silence.

"Ah, now here we are! Group Fourteen, the finest of the bunch, wouldn’t you agree?"

The man who had spoken strode up alongside them, his long robes shimmering faintly, like moonlight on water. Dean Calien Mirthwhistle, head of Illusio, had a charm about him that seemed both effortless and deliberate, as if he couldn’t help but make himself the center of attention. His dark silvery hair was swept back and his eyes sparkled with a mischief that suggested he found everything and everyone just a bit amusing.


"Now, you lot are fortunate, indeed. Not only do you get the best lantern—look at it, positively radiant—but you also have the great pleasure of my company. I assure you, no one else on this tour has such excellent fortune."

The lantern wobbled in place as if in agreement.
Welcome! Please describe and quickly introduce yourselves in your first post as students. How do you feel?
Jan 27, 2025 10:14 am
Kiraen had been shading her eyes during the fireworks, even with her dark glasses it caused her some discomfort. She smiles at Greta, but after Dean Calien Mirthwhistle introduction she turns her attention to him.
What is the difference between illusionay pleasure and "real" pleasure?
It it not a question about perception? Where is the border between illusion and reality?

She is somewhat taken aback by the smug professor, but hide it in a respectful question. The way she talks and hold herself, it hints of courtly training.

She is dressed in a loose shirt and tight pants that gives the impression of a flexible outfit. A long thin dagger is strapped to her thigh. The hilt is of a silver like material and set with a red stone. A similar looking bracelet* sits on her offhand wrist.
* It used to be a ring, but I feel that bracelet would more fitting
[ +- ] Full size image of Greta
[ +- ] full size images of Kiraen
Last edited January 27, 2025 10:14 am

Professor Calien Mirthwhistle, Dean of Illusio


Jan 27, 2025 11:53 pm
"Ah, an excellent question! And one worthy of a princess, if I may be so bold to guess at your upbringing." He gave her a small, almost theatrical bow. "Perception is indeed the heart of the matter. After all, magic—like life—thrives in the interplay between what we believe to be real and what is real."

Straightening, he gestured lightly with his fingers, conjuring a delicate, glowing butterfly made of light and shadow. It flitted between them, so tangible it seemed one could reach out and feel its velvet wings.

"Take this illusion, for instance. To your eyes, it is real. To your ears, the faint flutter of its wings is real. But if you reach out to touch it…" He reached out and the butterfly dissipated in a whisper of light. "Gone. A fleeting delight, as fragile as a dream. Does its ephemeral nature diminish the pleasure it brought? Or is it enough to know it existed in your mind, if only for a moment?

Reality is malleable. What you perceive shapes your experience, and what you experience becomes, for you, reality. The line between illusion and reality is less a border and more a dance, shifting with the steps we take. What matters most, I think, is how we choose to engage with the world we’re given—illusion or otherwise."

He studied her for a moment, showing his usual smugness.

"Does that answer your question? Or have I merely spun you into a web of words, lights and sounds, like any good Illusio mage should?"
What do you do?
Professor Calien Mirthwhistle, Dean of Illusio
Jan 28, 2025 10:11 am
A vaguely humanlike creature with nondescript facial features took a step forward. It was once again wearing the less flashy shape known to some as Zix the Traveller. Road clothes, a modest dagger subtly worn on the belt - not truly hidden, but placed so as to not attract more attention than it needs to. On its shoulder sat a corvid seemingly uninterested in its surroundings and quietly preparing to doze off right there and then despite the commotion.
[ +- ] Portrait
"From what I've heard from many people, it's not the fleeting and ephemeral and fleeting nature that makes people disagree whether a given pleasure is worthwhile, but its realness or lack thereof," the traveller smiled.
Jan 28, 2025 10:54 am
Marlena's still swept up in the excitement from the fireworks! It was unlike anything she'd ever seen. The headmistress had brought it on with but a mere wave of her staff, too. She must be a mage of terrifying power. Oh, how I'd love to see her cast something a little more dangerous!

Clutching the strap of her large satchel, she joins her assigned tour group. She's lanky and tall for a young elf woman, standing at six feet two inches. A grey cloak hangs off her shoulders, and underneath it is light but sturdy leather armor, decent quality but otherwise mundane. A well-stocked toolbelt rests around her waist, gleaming gently with magic to any observant eye. Black gloves extend up to her elbow. She pushes her glasses up with the heel of her hand and takes stock of the group. Recognizing Kiraen and taking a small bit of comfort in the somewhat familiar presence, she smiles at the half-drow.
[ +- ] Appearance
"I'm Marlena. It's nice to meet you!" She offers her hand to Professor Mirthwhistle, Greta, Zix and Dorian. After shaking with anyone that accepts it, she asks Mirthwhistle a somewhat blunt question. "Professor, forgive me, but will this be worthwhile for those of us who've already seen most of the campus?" She only wishes to make sure she's being efficient with her time.
Last edited January 28, 2025 10:54 am
Jan 28, 2025 1:44 pm
I'm sure that Dean Mirthwhistle will enlighten us with facts we didn't knew about the familiar halls and buildings.

Kiraen turns to Greta. Greta, are you are first-year student aswell? I got the impression that you were a senior.
Jan 28, 2025 2:04 pm
Where are you from Zix? Never heard that accent before
I'm assuming that purple means that he speaks with an accent. :)
Jan 28, 2025 3:03 pm
"I'm all the way from the seaside, but have travelled throughout the land from there to here - well, almost here, usually - more than once. What about you? Yours isn't familiar to me either."
The colour is just used to mark a specific character/persona. I've seen it in other games where each PC usually has one consistent text colour distinct from others, and I liked it. That being said, surely everyone around here has all sorts of accents, what with how varied the demographic of the university is.
Last edited January 28, 2025 3:03 pm

Professor Calien Mirthwhistle, Dean of Illusio


Jan 28, 2025 3:14 pm
"I'm Marlena. It's nice to meet you!" She offers her hand to Professor Mirthwhistle, Greta, Zix and Dorian. After shaking with anyone that accepts it, she asks Mirthwhistle a somewhat blunt question. "Professor, forgive me, but will this be worthwhile for those of us who've already seen most of the campus?"
Dean Mirthwhistle clasped Marlena's hand firmly, his ever-present smile softening as he noticed the gleam of magical craftsmanship on her toolbelt and gloves.

"A fair question, Marlena, and I appreciate your directness. Time, after all, is our most precious resource, is it not?" He glanced toward the floating lanterns, which bobbed as if eager to move along. "Let me assure you, as students of Misthaven University, you are adults free to make your own decisions. This orientation tour is not mandatory—it is an offering, not an imposition. If you choose to part ways with us and pursue your own explorations, you are welcome to do so."
Kiraen says:
"I'm sure that Dean Mirthwhistle will enlighten us with facts we didn't know about the familiar halls and buildings."
Mirthwhistle’s smile grew, and he placed a hand over his chest, as if touched by her trust.

"Ah, milady, you are quite right. Even the most seasoned travelers can discover hidden treasures with the right guide." He turned back to Marlena, his tone kind but with a playful edge. "But of course, the choice is yours. Efficiency is admirable, but who knows what you might uncover with me?"

He straightened, addressing the group as a whole now.

"Besides Marlena's, I realize I haven’t yet had the honor of learning the rest of your names."

He gestured toward Kiraen first, the glimmer of her dark glasses catching his sharp gaze.

"Even you, with the questions as profound as they are courtly. Might I trouble you for your name, my insightful philosopher?"
What do you do?
Professor Calien Mirthwhistle, Dean of Illusio

Greta Ironhart


Jan 28, 2025 3:19 pm
Kiraen says:
Greta, are you are first-year student aswell? I got the impression that you were a senior.
"That’s kind of you to say, Kiraen, but no—I’m a first-year, just like all of you."

She looked ahead briefly, her gaze lingering on the glowing lanterns before continuing,

"I guess I just seem at home here because I grew up in Misthaven. My mother’s one of the faculty members. She teaches in the Elemental Academy—specializes in fire manipulation, actually. So, I’ve spent most of my life around the university. The halls, the grounds, the Biblioplex... they’re all pretty familiar to me."

She turns to the group.

"Name’s Greta Ironhart, proud daughter of the Ironhart clan and your future best friend—whether you like it or not!" She winked.
Greta Ironhart
What do you do?
Jan 29, 2025 4:42 am
htech says:

Dean Mirthwhistle clasped Marlena's hand firmly, his ever-present smile softening as he noticed the gleam of magical craftsmanship on her toolbelt and gloves.

"A fair question, Marlena, and I appreciate your directness. Time, after all, is our most precious resource, is it not?" He glanced toward the floating lanterns, which bobbed as if eager to move along. "Let me assure you, as students of Misthaven University, you are adults free to make your own decisions. This orientation tour is not mandatory—it is an offering, not an imposition. If you choose to part ways with us and pursue your own explorations, you are welcome to do so."
Kiraen says:
"I'm sure that Dean Mirthwhistle will enlighten us with facts we didn't know about the familiar halls and buildings."
Mirthwhistle’s smile grew, and he placed a hand over his chest, as if touched by her trust.

"Ah, milady, you are quite right. Even the most seasoned travelers can discover hidden treasures with the right guide." He turned back to Marlena, his tone kind but with a playful edge. "But of course, the choice is yours. Efficiency is admirable, but who knows what you might uncover with me?"
Her cheeks are touched with a tinge of pink. Though she could definitely head back and do some tinkering or studying, the Illusio dean's charm draws her in. She averts her gaze when she realizes she's been staring for a bit too long. "Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt to stick around..." Marlena concedes, brushing her thick ponytail over her shoulder. "I've been burying myself in books since I started working at the Biblioplex. A break would do me some good."
htech says:
"Name’s Greta Ironhart, proud daughter of the Ironheel clan and your future best friend—whether you like it or not!" She winked.
"Is that right? Do you often force yourself into the good graces of others?" Marlena flashes an amused smile as she looks down at Greta. She notices the dwarf's muscular physique. "You're very... solid," she starts, but she quickly tries to amend her statement when she realizes it could be taken in offense. "I-In a good way! You look good!" Too far in the other direction... Mildly embarrassed, she clears her throat. "Uh, what do you do? Duel?"
Jan 29, 2025 5:56 am
Dorian has been hanging back, watching through the crowd for people he might know while his group cleaners the professor with questions. After the initial avalanche wins down he steps forward and offers the professor his hand. "Professor, I'm Dorian LaCroix. We conversed by letter and I want to thank you for your kind words. I look forward to learning much of Illusio."

Dorian is a rakish man, his hair mussy in such a way as to look haphazard but perfectly so. Fine aristocratic features, a casual flamboyance and with no hint of shyness, he's clearly comfortable around strangers. His clothing is similarly fashionable, nearly cutting edge. If there is one odd thing about him, it's that his expensive clothing seems worn perhaps a little too often.

Those who know such things might recognize his last name, that he shares with an absurdly wealthy family with fingers in all sorts of industry and seen regularly with nobility.
Jan 29, 2025 9:14 am
Thank you professor, but I have never been a princess. Never will be. My mother... Kiraen stops herself again. She is still oversharing stuff she should not.

Not wanting to hold up the guided ture any further she just nods to Greta and look expected at the professor. A quick not-so-subtle glance at Dorian evaluates the last member in their group.
Jan 29, 2025 3:08 pm
Zix frowns slightly for a second at the lack of a reciprocal answer, and exchanges a questioning glance with its corvid companion.

Greta Ironhart


Jan 30, 2025 7:38 am
Marlena says:
"Uh, what do you do? Duel?"
"Oh! I am a loyal member of the Misthaven Iron-Lifters Society, and an enthusiast of all things heavy. That’s right—if it can be lifted, tossed, or hauled, I’m your gal. You’ll usually find me in the gym, breakin’ records, or down at the Bow’s End Tavern, breakin’ a few mugs. Don’t worry, though—I always replace ’em!"

She flexed one arm playfully, showing off her strength.

"And when I’m not throwin’ weights around or enjoyin’ a pint, you’ll probably catch me workin’ at the Stadium. I help set up for events, clean up after, and basically get paid to work out. It’s the dream!"

She turns to the group.

"So, tell me—have any of you heard about the extracurriculars yet?" She scanned their faces, noting a few hesitant nods and some blank stares. "No? Well, don’t worry, you’ll be gettin’ a fancy magical flyer about ‘em soon enough."
I will continue the tour and post for the Professor as soon as I can. In the meantime, what do you do?
Greta Ironhart
Jan 30, 2025 7:46 am
vicky_molokh says:
Zix frowns slightly for a second at the lack of a reciprocal answer, and exchanges a questioning glance with its corvid companion.
I'm sorry, there is a lot of back'n'forth, I missed yours
vicky_molokh says:
"I'm all the way from the seaside, but have travelled throughout the land from there to here - well, almost here, usually - more than once. What about you? Yours isn't familiar to me either."
I would expect not, since you have traved the surface on the land. I was raised in the underdark, below the land.
I hope that by the end of the year I wont need these glasses anymore.
Her tone is light hearted.
Its awfully bright up here, but I will get used to it - or so they say. That is the one blessing of my human blood. Adaptability
Jan 30, 2025 8:55 am
The creature ponders. "Hmm, haven't been there before. Perhaps I should try to add that to my course of travels at some point."
Jan 30, 2025 9:28 am
vicky_molokh says:
The creature ponders. "Hmm, haven't been there before. Perhaps I should try to add that to my course of travels at some point."
No, you should not. The drow can be... She is searching for a good word. Unforgiving.
I wish I could change them, but I can't.
Look them up in the library before you foster any ideas about venturing into the underdark.
Last edited January 30, 2025 9:30 am

Professor Calien Mirthwhistle, Dean of Illusio


Jan 30, 2025 10:09 pm
The Dean takes Dorian’s hand in a firm but graceful shake.

"Ah, Mr. LaCroix. Farlagne speaks of many things, but seldom with such unrestrained praise. I am pleased to finally put a face to the name—though I suspect your reputation may precede you more than you let on."

His smile is knowing, the kind that suggests he already understands more than he lets on. He releases Dorian’s hand and clasps his own together, addressing the group at large.

"I do hope our little orientation proves enlightening, even to those already well-acquainted with the campus. After all, knowledge is rarely about seeing things for the first time—it is about seeing them with new eyes." He gives Kiraen a small nod.

The group steps out of the Biblioplex and into the cool air of the central campus. The pathways are quiet now, the rush of students dispersing into different directions.

The floating lanterns lead them down winding stone paths, past some lecture halls, small pockets of lush greenery, and the occasional statue that seems to watch them as they pass. At first, the route seems ordinary—until it isn’t.

They turn a corner near a row of ivy-clad faculty offices, only to find themselves seeing something that simply should not be there.

A door.

Not in their path, not attached to any building—just standing there, alone, in the grass.

A door, tall and ancient, sitting upright in the middle of a neatly trimmed lawn, its deep mahogany surface carved with runes. Iron reinforcements line its edges, and at its center, an intricate lock rests beneath another pattern of runes that seem to shift under their gazes. No walls frame it. No hinges connect it to anything. It simply exists.

Behind them, Professor Mirthwhistle stops at a polite distance, observing their reaction with an unmistakable glint of amusement in his sharp eyes. He makes no move to approach the door himself, nor does he offer an explanation.
What do you do?
Professor Calien Mirthwhistle, Dean of Illusio
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