She initially hesitates to join in on the pact, her thoughts being more align with Zix's, but after Greta says her piece, Marlena is convinced to place her hand on top of Dorian's. "Okay, I'm in. You lot seem alright so far, so... Tour buddies!" Marlena chuckles sheepishly.
1. New Student Orientation
She initially hesitates to join in on the pact, her thoughts being more align with Zix's, but after Greta says her piece, Marlena is convinced to place her hand on top of Dorian's. "Okay, I'm in. You lot seem alright so far, so... Tour buddies!" Marlena chuckles sheepishly.
"Right, my eager scholars! To the lecture hall of the Biblioplex. Let’s get you all settled before the real fun begins."
The hall she leads you to is vast, with rows of tiered benches forming a semi-circle around a central podium. Senior students and faculty have already cleared out, leaving only first-years to fill the space. Most of them look fresh-faced and untested, regular students without any magic training or instincts of battle.
The room hums with excitement, students still abuzz from the day's events, when suddenly...
A scream rips through the hall.
"That chair!" a young elf girl shrieks, pointing toward the stacks as she sprints past. "That chair has teeth! Please, anyone, stop it!"
Chaos erupts. Students scatter in every direction, papers and books flying as panicked bodies collide in the rush to get away. Some trip over benches, others push toward the exits, creating a bottleneck at the doors.
Professor Starforge is already moving. She tries to corral the panicked students. "Stay calm! No pushing! Move in an orderly fashion..."
But she’s only one person, and the situation is spiraling fast.
From the corner of your eye, a shape scuttles between the benches—a monstrous chair, its wooden legs bending like insect limbs, its seat splitting into a jagged maw lined with too-white teeth. The creature gnashes hungrily before lunging forward, knocking over a student as it moves.
Nervous gnome
His wide, dark eyes dart between the monstrous chair and the nearest exit, his breath coming in quick gasps. "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" he squeaks.

She points her wand at the Nervous gnome and projects a handful of images looking like the gnome, giving the animated furniture multiple targets to choose from
This is not the first she has been in real combat. But it is the first time her companions haven't been trained drow warriors.
Illusio (Deceive), Relentless, not backing down - (1d6, 1d4, 1d8)
1d6 : (5) = 5
1d4 : (3) = 3
1d8 : (1) = 1
While Kiraen's casting her illusion, Marlena digs into her satchel of holding and pulls out a prototype she's been working on. It's a metallic sphere no bigger than an apple, inactive Excidium runes carefully carved into the surface. A thin line divides the sphere in half. A mechanical click rings out as she twists the halves, disengaging the mechanism keeping the sphere firmly shut. It takes a more pill-like shape as it opens, revealing an ice-blue crystal held within that starts violently reacting to the air, spilling subzero fog and trembling wildly. Simultaneously, the runes light up.
Marlena lets the prototype ice grenade cook in her hands for a couple seconds, then lobs it at the monstrous chair!
Excidium (Destroy) - (1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (5) = 5
1d6 : (1) = 1
Amplifico - (1d6+1d8)
(5) + (6) = 11
Difficulty 2d6 - (2d6)
(26) = 8
He presses the air together between the girl and the monster chair to give her some protection from it's particular brand of dis-comfort.
Tutela (Protect), Spend Mana - (1d4, 1d6, 1D6)
1d4 : (1) = 1
1d6 : (3) = 3
1D6 : (3) = 3
The chair’s jagged maw pauses mid-snap, its wooden legs skittering as it hesitates, confused by the sudden swarm of identical targets. Its hungry, twisting form flickers between them, unsure which is real. It buys them precious seconds.

But instead of running, the nervous gnome, still frozen in place, glances around in shock as half a dozen versions of himself do the same.
She miscalculates.The grenade bounces off the back of a chair, spinning wildly before slamming into the floor just short of its intended target. The freezing reaction activates immediately, a burst of ice spreading across the wooden tiles between them and the monster.
The force takes—but not as intended.
In the chaos, the shimmering barrier forms around the wrong target. The mimic lets out a guttural, wooden creak as it finds itself wrapped in an invisible cocoon of safety, shielded from any attacks. It hesitates, seemingly surprised by its newfound protection—then its jagged maw spreads into what could only be described as a wicked grin.
The creature slams its wooden legs against the barrier, testing it, and when it holds, it begins to circle inside, watching its would-be attackers with something disturbingly close to amusement.
Complications and injuries
Chair mimic: None
Nervous gnome: None
Room: Slippery floors (D6)
Assets and bonuses
Chair mimic: Force field (D6)
Nervous gnome: Mirror images (D6)
Greta: Enhanced strength (D6)
Illusio DR (Kiraen, 1d6 bonus) - (2d6)
(43) = 7
Excidium DR (Marlena, 1d6 Injury, Area of effect) - (2d8)
(63) = 9
Tutela DR (Dorian, 1d6 bonus) - (2d6)
(55) = 10
Greta Ironhart

And then, thanks to Zix's enhanced strength and speed, Greta is there.
Despite the slick layer of frost spreading across the floor from Marlena’s grenade, Greta charges forward, boots gripping with surety born from years of working in a chaotic environment. Positioning herself between the mimic and the gnome, she plants her feet firmly, ready to confront the monstrous chair head-on.
"Oi, you gangly piece of kindling!" she barks at the mimic. "Try biting something that bites back, why don’t ya?"
She flexes her fingers, cracking her knuckles with a grin that mirrors the mimic’s own jagged one. Though unarmed, there is nothing uncertain in her stance—only unwavering confidence, like she’s already decided the mimic is going to regret its life choices.
The gnome lets out a breathless squeak, eyes wide as saucers. "T-Thank you!" he stammers.
Greta doesn’t take her eyes off the mimic. "Stick close, pointy hat. This is about to get interesting."

It's the PCs turn again.
What do you do?
Complications and injuries
Chair mimic: None
Nervous gnome: None
Greta: None
Room: Slippery floors (D6)
Assets and bonuses
Chair mimic: Force field (D6)
Nervous gnome: Mirror images (D6)
Greta: Enhanced strength (D6)
Greta: Mobility (Physical) - (1d6, 1d10)
1d6 : (3) = 3
1d10 : (8) = 8
Mobility DR (Greta, Slippery floor) - (3d6h2)
(625) = 11
Greta: Enhanced Strength - (1d6)
(2) = 2
At least it's worth a try.
The doppelgänger expands it ribcage and lungs slightly to shout louder. "Greta, defence in depth - stay at the front, but with retreats as necessary! Gnome, fall back to the exit, Critic, show the way! Lena, you can add water when the chair is on the iced floor or something," Zix took a breath. "Kira, your wand is a weapon, it's time for it to shine along with you."
Maybe I overstepped my bounds. Maybe Dorian would be better at this after all . . .
Organise the defenders - (1d8+1d6)
(1) + (1) = 2
Magitechnician (Mental) + Magic Toolbelt - (1d10, 1d10, 1d6)
1d10 : (8) = 8
1d10 : (9) = 9
1d6 : (5) = 5
Melee Combat (Physical), Daggers - (1d8, 1d8, 1d10)
1d8 : (5) = 5
1d8 : (2) = 2
1d10 : (5) = 5
Secret Roll
Results in my next post.
Zix DR (Leadership. Maybe, just maybe, I will botch as well?) - (2d6)
(41) = 5
Marlena's DR (Hand cannon assembly) - (2d8)
(44) = 8
Kiraen's DR (Monster Melee + Slippery floor + Force field) - (2d8, 1d6, 1d6)
2d8 : (24) = 6
1d6 : (1) = 1
1d6 : (2) = 2
Greta: Physical, Melee Combat - (1d10, 1d8)
1d10 : (5) = 5
1d8 : (3) = 3
Greta’s DR (Monster Melee, Force field) - (2d8, 1d6)
2d8 : (68) = 14
1d6 : (3) = 3
"Nah," she grunted, lowering her stance. "I’ll just hit it harder."
With a powerful push, she charged at the mimic, shoulder braced to tackle it. But she hadn’t accounted for Dorian’s force barrier. The moment she made impact, the force field repelled her with a loud thud! She staggered backward, shaking her head as if she had just rammed into a stone wall. "The hell?" she muttered, dazed.
Marlena heard Zix's guidance—impossible not to, really—but she was already working on something else. She was able to build a magic hand cannon. Her hands worked with near-inhuman precision, carving Excidium runes into the barrel. A weapon designed to rot organic matter, perfect for attacking a creature made of living wood. She grinned to herself, eager to prove her inventions could succeed where the grenade had failed.
A guttural screech echoed through the hall as the creature stumbled, its balance thrown off. One limb severed, it swayed violently, trying to stay upright.
About your dice, Runekyndig, I am hiding your Mobility test. We never roll twice in the same round. Applicable conditions (e.g. the slippery floor) are part of the dice pool and we just use the most relevant skill (in this case, Combat) even if Kiraen moved and attacked, ok? =)
Now the fight was truly on - the half-drow thought.
Complications and injuries
Chair mimic: Severed leg (Major injury, D8)
Nervous gnome: None
Room: Slippery floors (D6)
Assets and bonuses
Chair mimic: Force field (D6)
Nervous gnome: Mirror images (D6)
Greta: Enhanced strength (D6) None
Amplifico (Enhance/amplify) - (1d6, 1d6)
1d6 : (5) = 5
1d6 : (5) = 5
I am stepping up Greta’s bonus.
Greta clenched her fists, rolling her shoulders as she adjusted to the newfound strength. Her boots dug into the floor, and a grin—wild and full of challenge—split her face.
"Oh, hell yeah."
Complications and injuries
Chair mimic: Severed leg (Major injury, D8)
Nervous gnome: None
Room: Slippery floors (D6)
Assets and bonuses
Chair mimic: Force field (D6)
Nervous gnome: Mirror images (D6)
Greta: Enhanced strength (D8)
Dorian’s DR - (2d6)
(14) = 5
Chair mimic

Then, with horrifying speed, its seat split open like a grotesque maw, jagged teeth gleaming.
Kiraen barely had time to turn before the mimic lunged. Pain flared as its gnarled, splintering teeth sank into her shoulder. A sharp, crushing pressure. Her breath hitched—she’d been in fights before, but being bitten by a chair was new.
Complications and injuries
Chair mimic: Severed leg (Major injury, D8)
Nervous gnome: None
Room: Slippery floors (D6)
Kiraen: Bitten (Minor Injury)
Assets and bonuses
Chair mimic: Force field (D6)
Nervous gnome: Mirror images (D6)
Greta: Enhanced strength (D8)
Mimic attack - (2d8)
(86) = 14
Kiraen Nyrazzrin: Melee Combat (Physical), Kiraen Nyrazzrin: Daggers - (1d8, 1d8, 1d10)
1d8 : (3) = 3
1d8 : (5) = 5
1d10 : (2) = 2
Kiraen: Severed leg - (1d8)
(5) = 5