Paying the Price (OOC)

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Mar 3, 2025 5:29 pm
Uh oh. I'm guessing Chablis was not the one feeding on Sarah... But maybe?
Mar 3, 2025 5:32 pm
Drgwen says:
Uh oh. I'm guessing Chablis was not the one feeding on Sarah... But maybe?
If she was, she possibly hasn't fed in days (with Sarah gone).

And, yes, she actually said 'fudge' [ref].
Mar 3, 2025 6:16 pm
vagueGM says:
Though the fact that she knows Benji, and did not mention it..
We already had that revelation; and Bev even accompanied Benji and Emma on their shopping trip. [ref]
Mar 3, 2025 6:20 pm
Delirium says:
vagueGM says:
Though the fact that she knows Benji, and did not mention it..
We already had that revelation; and Bev even accompanied Benji and Emma on their shopping trip. [ref]
Whoops, quite right. Ignore that bit, it was fluff anyway.
I think it was the fact that Benji was the vamp she mention letting feed on her that did not come up?
Mar 3, 2025 6:23 pm
I don't think that it was Benji feeding from her ever came up, no.
Mar 3, 2025 6:41 pm
@Drgwen: Persephone has a silver tongue, which (aside from the mechanical) means you are good at talking to people. This is not the reason you did not need to roll Persuade to get her in the closet [ref], that is part of her NPC Profile ('Drives', or whatever they call them in this game).

However... she is starving, and while half an hour is not really that long, it can feel like an eternity to a starving person. Maybe we need a roll to see how well you contain her till help gets here? Or what Bev walks in on?

Maybe we can use a Persuade roll (promises and threats)? Unless you want to try use Tongued and Silver to both tempt her and Figure Her Out to work out more? (Or just plain Figure someone Out, if you want to bypass the temptation, but that is not your strong-suit.:) Obviously what you can learn depends on what you do and say and ask and such.

It will be some hours before I can respond, so no rush if you, too, want to think about it.
Mar 4, 2025 12:03 am
OK, I’m finally home from work and going to post. But then my friends are dragging me out to see a band so I won’t be available for several hours after this.
Mar 4, 2025 6:33 am
Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... if you help me understand, I’ll make sure you are always fed ...
As it says in book and also the Moves Advice section of the sheet (Details +):
Tongued and Silver requires you to tempt someone with the lure of power while you figure them out. The offer must be seductive enough to catch their interest —and might also lead to you persuading them— but you don't have to follow through on what you promise or even push the issue to see past their facade.
How are you tempting her with power? You are offering food (but that has already been done), and implying safety, but I see nothing about 'power' in there? Does this move trigger?

If not, then this is might be a normal Figure Someone Out? But your (previously-sharp?) Mind is, maybe, not what it used to be? So that would be a 6.

Maybe Emma can Help you get that up by 1 point? (Even if it is Tongued and Silver, a 10 could be better.)
Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... Did someone hurt you too? Maybe bite you? Or maybe make you forget a period of time when you were alone with them? Maybe someone who had been spending time with Sarah too? ...
But is seems to be you are mainly reiterating your offer to feed her, and trying to get her to answer questions? If we look askance at them I can, maybe, fit one of your questions into the prescribed list for Figure Someone Out, but if you want her to talk about other things (not on the list) Persuade sounds more like what you are doing?

Persuading someone to talk does not mean what they say will be truth, but Chablis does not seem like a great thinker so any lies may be easy to discern?

If we treat this as a Persuade it is a 9, so maybe Emma can try Help bring that to a 10 if she is willing to renter the room and complicate things with her presence?
Mar 4, 2025 6:53 am
So, first, I did not intend anything I said there to be my actual move questions… I would explicitly choose one from the list; that talk was supposed to be my action that triggered the move. Sorry about the confusion.

And second, I overlooked that it was a temptation *of power*! I thought the move was just a temptation in general; my bad. Let’s just make it a persuade then.

Mar 4, 2025 6:56 am
No worries.

Let's see if @Delirium wants to involve Emma to try bring it to a 10+.
Mar 4, 2025 7:03 am
Emma has already left the apartment to wait outside on the street for Bev. She figured staying in the apartment any longer would only make things worse. Even if she did stay, her goals are different from Persephone’s. Emma isn't interested in interrogating Chablis right now. She just wanted her distracted long enough for Bev to get there. Questioning her would be much easier once she's fed.
Mar 4, 2025 7:04 am
That is a good point!
Mar 4, 2025 11:06 am
Agreed. I just wanted to give the opportunity for Emma to get cold (waiting in the rainy street for half an hour) and come back to complicate things help.

Chablis will 'counter your offer or demand payment' in her own way. Persephone has the situation somewhat under control, but will need to do more to maintain that control or gain more control.
Mar 5, 2025 6:37 am
Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... She has no idea how much blood vampires need ...
More than that, I can tell you. :)
Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... and if getting just a taste will calm her or drive her into a frenzy.
I don't know either, though that seems likely.

Maybe you need to roll Keep Your Cool to avoid that happening?
Mar 5, 2025 7:18 am
Drgwen says:
(in RP) ... She had only moments to jump up and push the bed back into place!
Seems to me the most logical 'price' is that you injure your bitten shoulder further through this strenuous activity? What say you?

If so: Do you want this to be purely physical damage from the strain, or should we make this a psychological issue instead? You were just attacked and bitten by a vampire!... a vampire bit you! Does that mean you are going to turn into a vampire? Can you believe the people who say 'no... er... probably not...'?

We don't need to see these doubts in play just yet, the conversation can happen, but if we go this route you might not be convinced and can bring this into play whenever you want. We can also resolve it whenever you want, however you want.
Mar 5, 2025 7:19 am
Hmm. Let me think about this. I'll come up with something tomorrow after some sleep, hopefully!
Mar 5, 2025 2:47 pm
Hey just a heads up that I probably won’t be able to post between now and Tuesday! Hopefully it won’t slow anything down too much since Benji’s not in a scene with anyone else right now anyway
Mar 5, 2025 2:52 pm
Cool. Thanks for letting us know.

I was toying with the idea of bringing Benji into the other scene to advise on the Chablis (and Persephone bite) situation, but we will find a reason that does not work.

Technically Benji is a day behind, but we can ignore or work around that detail, especially if more time has passed. :)
Mar 5, 2025 3:01 pm
If that scene’s still going by the time I’m back, I’d be happy to join in! I don’t think Benji’s got any particularly time-sensitive stuff going on so we could easily jump ahead in time or whatever. Otherwise, hopefully Benji gets a chance to meet Persephone soon some other way :)
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