Drgwen says:
RP) ... if you help me understand, I’ll make sure you are always fed ...
As it says in book and also the Moves Advice section of the sheet (Details +):
Tongued and Silver requires you to tempt someone with the lure of power while you
figure them out. The offer must be seductive enough to catch their interest —and might also lead to you
persuading them— but you don't have to follow through on what you promise or even push the issue to see past their facade.
How are you tempting her with power? You are offering food (but that has already been done), and implying safety, but I see nothing about 'power' in there? Does this move trigger?
If not, then this is might be a normal
Figure Someone Out? But your (previously-sharp?) Mind is, maybe, not what it used to be? So that would be a 6.
Emma can Help you get that up by 1 point? (Even if it is
Tongued and Silver, a 10 could be better.)
Drgwen says:
RP) ... Did someone hurt you too? Maybe bite you? Or maybe make you forget a period of time when you were alone with them? Maybe someone who had been spending time with Sarah too? ...
But is seems to be you are mainly reiterating your offer to feed her, and trying to get her to answer questions? If we look askance at them I can, maybe, fit one of your questions into the prescribed list for
Figure Someone Out, but if you want her to talk about other things (not on the list)
Persuade sounds more like what you are doing?
Persuading someone to talk does not mean what they say will be truth, but Chablis does not seem like a great thinker so any lies may be easy to discern?
If we treat this as a
Persuade it is a 9, so maybe
Emma can try Help bring that to a 10 if she is willing to renter the room and complicate things with her presence?