Chapter 2.1b: Search Party (Hochoch)
Feb 9, 2025 7:02 am
Having left with the blessing of the legendary heroine Cecily Raptor and directions to report in to the new Dungeon Busters hall in the town of Hochoch, new recruits human cleric Lady Arya Arkon, human fighter Manthis the Mask, and halfling barbarian Rosemary Flitwhistle have been traveling together on various country roads through southern Keoland for days now. The weather has been warm during the day and the skies clear with many stars at night. There aren't a lot of people living in the countryside; they've passed half days without meeting another person on the road, though they have sometimes seen isolated crofters weeding their fields pause and give a wave as they pass. The three adventurers have had plenty of time to get to know one another during the trip. The land, and part of them is restless with the thought that maybe there won't be work for them in such a placid corner of the land.
Is there anything that you want to do/say before you reach your destination?Feb 9, 2025 7:05 am

GM: What would be the cost in eagles to purchase some fire-eater oil for performing? And could he have already purchased that. He has 15 eagles on him. Might also consider having bought a dagger too. Kinda handy things. I have current have only the starting class gear + background + trinket. Might also get two does for fire-eater as he probably shows off to those he is traveling with.
Manthis is a husky large man in his twenties. Found in common clothing or chain mail. Always with a greatsword & a whip. Pack on a backpack and he is ready to travel. Sometimes you can hear him coming as he likes to play his pan flute.
Edit: Change out the shawm for a pan flute. Was thinking the wrong instrument for him and corrected it.
[ +- ] Pan Flute

Last edited February 9, 2025 7:33 am
Arya Arkon
Feb 9, 2025 8:22 am

Arya Arkon

Despite her superior demeanor, Arya has shown kindness to the common folk encountered during their travels, blessing their crops and chanting the glory of Pelor in the villages she visits.
As they approach their destination, the athletic lady strides forward, clad in chain mail covered by a golden tabard emblazoned with an orange sun in the center. Her face, sculpted like a determined goddess, radiates an almost divine aura.
"Radiant Pelor, Sun of Righteousness, grant me your strength and guidance. May your light banish the shadows and fill my heart with courage." Arya murmured, a hint of resolve hardening her delicate features. "Almost there..." she whispered, eager to cleanse the region of all wickedness and return home.
Last edited February 10, 2025 10:53 am
Feb 10, 2025 7:23 am
But as the sun begins to descend from midday on the fourth day, sharp-eyed Arya spots a darker line on the horizon to the north: the shadow of the Dim Forest. Soon enough they see the smudge of distant structures between them and the vast line of trees: the buildings of Hochoch and the wall surrounding it. The plains give way to the orderly rows of crop fields and fenced-off areas for grazing stock.
Within half an hour, they have continued up the south road to the point where it becomes a street in the town itself. Off to the east is the tower of a Temple, and not far beyond it, the wide, gently flowing Realstream River. They have to make a series of turns to maneuver around rows of houses and shops to arrive at the south gate in the town wall. Asking directions, the trio are met with smiles and good wishes as the townsfolk direct them to the Inn of Eternal Rest, where they can meet with Olpert Razorson, the chief of the local Dungeon Busters operation.
Within half an hour, they have continued up the south road to the point where it becomes a street in the town itself. Off to the east is the tower of a Temple, and not far beyond it, the wide, gently flowing Realstream River. They have to make a series of turns to maneuver around rows of houses and shops to arrive at the south gate in the town wall. Asking directions, the trio are met with smiles and good wishes as the townsfolk direct them to the Inn of Eternal Rest, where they can meet with Olpert Razorson, the chief of the local Dungeon Busters operation.
[ +- ] Hochoch

Feb 10, 2025 7:26 am
You enter the Inn of Eternal Rest through wide double-doors that lead through an outer wall into an open-air courtyard that adjoins a flagstone patio with tables and chairs set out for guests to enjoy the good weather. Movable partitions have been set aside so that you can also see into the interior of the Inn: a counter/bar in front of a kitchen where food and drinks are served, many more tables and chairs, a large fireplace, a hallway leading to private rooms, and stairs leading upwards. The Inn is not particularly busy this early in the evening, so there are only a few regular patrons seated at tables. A young blonde looks curiously up from her companions at the trio of heroes as they enter, but then they see Olpert seated at the desk he's set up in the courtyard. He waves them over and checks the letters of recommendation they carry from Cecily. "Good, good." he says, satisfied at their bona fides. "This is excellent timing! We've got people working on two projects right now. We're trying to put a stop to a bandit gang that's been active in the area, and we're investigating a drop in trade with Orlane, a village that normally produces most of the food in the region. I'll be wrapping up in a few minutes. Get yourselves settled, get something to eat and drink, arrange lodgings (the couple that runs this inn, the Thornhills, run a clean establishment), and get a sense of the town. If you have any questions, just ask. Later we'll talk about assignments."
Arya Arkon
Feb 10, 2025 10:24 am

Arya Arkon
Inside the inn, the aromas of wine and roasting meat filled the air, a welcome change from the chill of the forest. Arya felt the weight of her armor pressing against her body, eager to shed it and allow her skin to breathe. A warm bath seemed a distant, yet oh-so-sweet, reward.
In the courtyard, she approached the man waving at them. "Mister Razorson, I presume?" she inquired. "May Pelor's light illuminate your path. Please, call me Mother Arkon." While unusual for one so young, the title of mother was not uncommon for women of the cloth. She presented her letter of recommendation and her divine credentials, a document bearing the seal of her temple that confirmed her status as a cleric of Pelor. "Thank you for your consideration," she continued. "A good meal for myself and my companions would be most welcome. This is Mantis and Rosemary, both capable warriors. Together, we should be able to deal with any nuisance."
Last edited February 10, 2025 10:52 am
Feb 10, 2025 1:36 pm

Hooking up with Olpert was quick and nice. Talks of the mission were very welcome to Manthis. A clean bath & a comfy room is welcome sight always to him. Something to dine on besides trail ration is taken well too. Manthis will gladly settle in Inn of Eternal Rest and looks forward to viewing the local sights per say of walled Hochoch which he imagines is sparce at best.
Manthis is heavy on the thoughts of doing away the pesky bandits that are reducing Orlane's needed trade. Seem that he almost takes it personally and welcome any aid that helpful Olpert will offer. Fighter Manthis keeps a more businessman attitude during the encounter. And hopes tomorrow further discussions will bring more light on the current issue. It has been a fine introduction day.
Manthis says to mother Arya, "Shall we stroll along the inter walls of here a bit before the night takes us?" Otherwise to do a bit exploring and to get the layout of this place better in mind. Place isn't large so; he doesn't expect it to take much time. He fully expects to make his presence a bit more noticeable as walking with lovely Arya will do.
Feb 10, 2025 4:25 pm
Rosemary holds up a finger. "I'd like to join if you don't mind, Manthis. I think getting acquainted with our surroundings is a good start. And afterwards..." She pats her baker's paddle. "I could scrounge up some ingredients and make us some poppy seed muffins! I think a good homemade snack for our fellow DB's would be a friendly welcome."
Last edited February 10, 2025 4:25 pm
Feb 10, 2025 7:38 pm
WanderOne says:
What would be the cost in eagles to purchase some fire-eater oil for performing? Might also consider having bought a dagger too. OOC:
@WanderOne - I'm fine to say that Manthis has two flasks of fire-eater oil (a special oil that burns very hot and very fast, like butane) remaining from his job with the Fantastical Fearless Fireflies. For future reference, though, it generally costs 2 seals per flask. Certainly, Manthis can also have picked up a dagger for 2 eagles on his travels.Feb 10, 2025 8:09 pm
Despite the others' eagerness to check in and get settled after four days of hiking and three nights spent camped out in open fields, Arya convinced them to make a slight detour as they entered Hochoch to enter the Temple they could see to the south of the town, not far from the river. Inside were a number of acolytes conducting various tasks and rituals. Like most Temples in small communities, this building has alcoves honoring multiple deities of the Flan pantheon: Beory, Allitur, Obad-Hai, and Rao among them. A group of several people - two adults, two youths, and several children who seem related - are making the rounds from one alcove to the next, prostrating and praying thanks to each of the represented gods. A kneeling priestess looks on, smiling, and then one of the acolytes points out the adventurers to her. She rises gracefully to her feet and glides over to the group.
"Blessings be upon you, wanderers," the priestess says with a smile, correctly gauging from the dusty clothes that these unfamiliar faces belong to people who've just arrived. "I am Diana. I see that one of you," she nods at Lady Arkon, "is of the faithful as well. What are your names?"
"Blessings be upon you, wanderers," the priestess says with a smile, correctly gauging from the dusty clothes that these unfamiliar faces belong to people who've just arrived. "I am Diana. I see that one of you," she nods at Lady Arkon, "is of the faithful as well. What are your names?"
Feb 10, 2025 9:28 pm
Rosemary, not knowing how to act in a situation like this, does a cute little bow. "Good evening, milady. I am Rosemary Flitwhistle of the Dungeon Busters."
Feb 10, 2025 10:47 pm
"Oh!" Diana beams. "You're very welcome here! You see that family over there?" She points to the group of adults and children that is moving from one alcove to the next. "Those are the Jarls. Their boy Devek," She points him out, "was rescued from a deathly sleep by the Dungeon Busters less than a week ago! We feared he would never wake, but your fellows discovered the cure and brought us the formula for its creation. He woke up right away, and has been on the mend ever since. He's well enough to go back home now, so they're paying their respects before leaving." Diana turns back to the heroes. "I expect they may stop by the Inn of Eternal Rest to pay respects to all of you heroes before they head back to their home. Is there anything that we can do for you now, or are you just getting to know the town?"
Feb 10, 2025 11:11 pm
Hearing the story of Devek's recovery makes Rosemary beam from ear to ear. "Oh wow! That's an amazing story! I'm very glad that my fellow DB's were able to help! Would the Jarls like an escort home? I'm only speaking for myself, but I... think that we are just getting to know the area?" Rosemary turns to Manthis and Arya. "What about you guys?"
Arya Arkon
Feb 11, 2025 2:29 am

Arya Arkon

Arya spent a considerable amount of time examining the details of the humble temple. Her brow furrowed as she noticed the absence of any iconography dedicated to Pelor, a deity typically revered within the Duchy of Geoff. "Greetings, sister Diana," she said to the temple attendant. "I am Mother Arkon, from the Cathedral of Gorna. May the Shining Father bless you and the good people of Hochoch." Arya was wise enough to avoid religious debate, but her gaze lingered on the depictions of other deities within the temple. "Pelor is merciful," she observed, "and by His will, Devek was saved through the valiant efforts of mortal hands. It fills me with pride that the Dungeon Busters dedicate themselves to saving lives. We recently joined their ranks."
"As Rosemary mentioned," she continued, "we are simply exploring the town. However, since we are here, it seems an appropriate time to offer thanks to Pelor for guiding us safely through our journey here."
Last edited February 11, 2025 2:30 am
Feb 11, 2025 3:02 am

Arya Arkon
Feb 11, 2025 5:00 am

Arya Arkon
Last edited February 11, 2025 8:02 am
Feb 12, 2025 6:13 am
Diana bows her head respectfully at the mention of honoring the deity. "We honor all the gods here, but we have not had a priest dedicated to the rituals and rites of Pelor for years. Perhaps, as your duties allow, you might devote some time to dedicate an altar to the Sun?"
At the suggestion of escorting the crofter and his family, Diana smiles appreciatively. "I'm sure the Jarl family would be delighted at your offer. Why don't you talk to them about it?" She lowers her voice. "But know that it's not a short trip; they are not Hochoch residents. The Jarls live a full day's hike east of here, deep in the Dim. If you need to settle your affairs first, they would probably be willing to wait another day before returning. But don't let me speak for them; they'd love to meet you."
At the suggestion of escorting the crofter and his family, Diana smiles appreciatively. "I'm sure the Jarl family would be delighted at your offer. Why don't you talk to them about it?" She lowers her voice. "But know that it's not a short trip; they are not Hochoch residents. The Jarls live a full day's hike east of here, deep in the Dim. If you need to settle your affairs first, they would probably be willing to wait another day before returning. But don't let me speak for them; they'd love to meet you."
Arya Arkon
Feb 12, 2025 10:57 am

Arya Arkon
A slight shiver ran down her spine at the mention of the Dim Forest. She quickly masked it with a forced air of confidence. "The Dim Forest? Oh, right. Sure, I mean... if you're all up for it, I'm in. A day's journey is nothing."
Last edited February 12, 2025 10:57 am
Feb 12, 2025 6:25 pm
Rosemary looks up to Arya. "We should talk to the Jarls." She turns to Mantis. "Do you think we should touch base with Olpert so he knows where we're at before we escort them?"
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