@DireHalfling @WanderOne - feel free to roleplay more of the conversation in response to the Jarls' comments/questions as you like. @Nebula too! You all are hiking together for a full day, after all. In parallel, though, I am going to proceed with the journey.
The party follows
Cecily's Road and enters the
Dim Forest well before midday. The dirt of the road is hard-packed from decades of travel, but you can see that the forest is slowly trying to reclaim the road: weeds and grasses have sprouted at the edges and in deeper ruts, allowed to grow because the traffic on the road has dwindled almost to zero. The trees' canopy is thick overhead, casting the road in shade; the air is cool and moist, refreshing after the heat of the hike to get this far. It feels calm, peaceful, and old. It is strange to think that the woman who hired you,
Cecily Raptor, walked these same woods hundreds of years ago, blazing the trail that became this road that bears her name.
The journey continues uneventfully, though
Wenderly ends up getting carried more than he walks, with
Abel and
Elista trading their youngest back and forth.
Abella sings for a time; she has a pleasant enough voice, and the rest of the family sings accompaniment at times. Not long after entering the forest, the family stops for a meal, and afterward you all continue on further east. By the end of the day, the singing has stopped. The family is exhausted and the children are irritable, squabbling with each other or sulking.
Finally, a little while after sunset (
"Not far now," Abel keeps assuring his exhausted children), everyone brightens when they see the little trail leading off of the Road: the path to the Jarl homestead! The older children's pace picks up, and
Elista smiles in relief, handing
Wenderly (who is completely asleep and limp like a rag doll) back to her husband.
"Thank you for your company, Exalted Ones. Our home is far, far too humble, but would your Majesties allow us to provide you a meal and a place to sleep tonight?"