But it is a long hike with few distractions and not a great amount of variety. As evening approaches, the party begins to discuss how soon they should look for a place to make camp. Do they look now, using the last hours of daylight to set up a comfortable camp, or push on for a couple of hours and get that much further before stopping? Or, if you're feeling in a hurry, you could continue into the night...
Chapter 2.1b: Search Party (Hochoch)
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Feb 27, 2025 4:37 am
Beautiful letter from Rosemary, @DireHalfling! I look forward to seeing how that plays out with the Jarls by the time of a future visit!But it is a long hike with few distractions and not a great amount of variety. As evening approaches, the party begins to discuss how soon they should look for a place to make camp. Do they look now, using the last hours of daylight to set up a comfortable camp, or push on for a couple of hours and get that much further before stopping? Or, if you're feeling in a hurry, you could continue into the night...
If you decide to stop, characters can roll Nature checks to find and set camp when they're ready.Feb 27, 2025 5:30 am
If you decide to stop, characters can roll Nature checks to find and set camp when they're ready.
+0 Nature Check. Manthis has a 7.
+0 Nature Check. Manthis has a 7.
Last edited February 27, 2025 5:30 am
Nature Check - (1d20+0)
(7) = 7
Feb 27, 2025 7:59 am
Arya is fine with organize their camp while there's still daylight. They aren't in a rush anyway.With a 18 she might had found a good spot that seems face with proper cover.
Last edited February 27, 2025 8:01 am
Nature check - (1d20-1)
(19) - 1 = 18
Feb 27, 2025 2:25 pm
Rosemary attempted to look for a good spot but wasn't successful. She decided to use the time to gather ingredients and food for dinner.
Last edited February 27, 2025 2:29 pm
Nature - (1d20+1)
(7) + 1 = 8
Nature (searching for food and ingredients) - (1d20+1)
(19) + 1 = 20
Feb 28, 2025 6:21 am
Cecily's Road follows a gentle incline, sometimes going up a bit, sometimes down, but overall the party has been gradually climbing in elevation all day. The three heroes agree to look for a place to camp while there is still dim daylight illuminating the forest floor. They split up, looking in different directions, but staying within easy earshot of one another. At this point, the Realstream has meandered away from the relatively straight road, and so there is plenty of terrain to cover without even getting close enough to hear the river.
Arya finds a rocky promontory: an ancient upthrust of granite that eroded more slowly than the surrounding terrain. The result is a hill of mossy stone, 10 or 12 paces higher than the land around it. Cracks have formed at points in the rock, and those have filled with leaves and bracken, forming soil in which ferns have sprouted. A scraggly oak tree has managed to root itself at the top, leaning over the edge. Other trees and shrubs grow out on either side, forming a protective ring about a clearing at the base of the hill. It's ideal, and the party finds that others have used this place as a camp site in the past: a ring of stones shows where fires have been kindled in the past. The thick layer of leaves makes for a soft place to spread out bedrolls, and it's dry and sheltered from wind in the lee of the rock.
While the others set up and gather firewood, Rosemary ranges a bit further to forage for edible plants and fungi. She's collected a healthy amount of miner's lettuce along with some berries by the time the sun is setting...when she comes across the body of a dead mule.
Arya finds a rocky promontory: an ancient upthrust of granite that eroded more slowly than the surrounding terrain. The result is a hill of mossy stone, 10 or 12 paces higher than the land around it. Cracks have formed at points in the rock, and those have filled with leaves and bracken, forming soil in which ferns have sprouted. A scraggly oak tree has managed to root itself at the top, leaning over the edge. Other trees and shrubs grow out on either side, forming a protective ring about a clearing at the base of the hill. It's ideal, and the party finds that others have used this place as a camp site in the past: a ring of stones shows where fires have been kindled in the past. The thick layer of leaves makes for a soft place to spread out bedrolls, and it's dry and sheltered from wind in the lee of the rock.
While the others set up and gather firewood, Rosemary ranges a bit further to forage for edible plants and fungi. She's collected a healthy amount of miner's lettuce along with some berries by the time the sun is setting...when she comes across the body of a dead mule.
Feb 28, 2025 10:54 am
As the last vestiges of daylight bled from the sky, Arya finish setting up preparing their campsite with an efficient grace that belied her delicate appearance. She gathered fallen branches, her white priestess robes catching on the rough bark, but she paid it no mind. With practiced ease, she arranged the firewood in the center of their space ready to light up a campfire.
Stepping away, she found a small clearing not far, where the last slivers of the setting sun still painted the western horizon with hues of orange and violet. She knelt, her hands clasped before her, and closed her eyes.
"Pelor, Lord of Light," she began, her voice a soft murmur that carried on the gentle breeze. "Thank you for guiding us safely through this day. Though shadows lengthen and darkness encroaches, I know your light remains, a constant beacon against the night. Bless this campsite, protect us from harm, and grant us restful slumber."
As the last glimmer of sunset faded, Arya finished her prayer, a sense of calm settling over her. She rose, her eyes reflecting the faint starlight. Disciplined and wise, she rarely lose any moment for triviality.
Stepping away, she found a small clearing not far, where the last slivers of the setting sun still painted the western horizon with hues of orange and violet. She knelt, her hands clasped before her, and closed her eyes.
"Pelor, Lord of Light," she began, her voice a soft murmur that carried on the gentle breeze. "Thank you for guiding us safely through this day. Though shadows lengthen and darkness encroaches, I know your light remains, a constant beacon against the night. Bless this campsite, protect us from harm, and grant us restful slumber."
As the last glimmer of sunset faded, Arya finished her prayer, a sense of calm settling over her. She rose, her eyes reflecting the faint starlight. Disciplined and wise, she rarely lose any moment for triviality.
Mar 1, 2025 1:04 am
DireHalfling says:
How far is the mule corpse from the camp?OOC:
As the crow flies, maybe 60 paces (it's a bit more circuitous walking around trees and thickets). Let me know if you want to look at the body or at the area around it, and/or if you let the others know what you've found.Mar 2, 2025 5:32 pm
As Arya finishes her prayers, Manthis finishes lighting the fire. As the party settles down for the night, Rosemary offers pastries, berries, and miner's lettuce to augment their meals. Smoke from the fire drifts up to the sky as the first stars are appearing in the sky. Some bats emerge from crevices in the rock and begin swooping and wheeling in the deepening twilight overhead. A fox shrieks in the distance. Moths flutter at the edge of the firelight.
As you gather around the fire, each PC should decrement one ration, then get the benefit of a long rest (preparing spells, etc) and decide whether you are going to have one or more of you staying awake to stand guard for any part of that 8 hours.
Question: does Rosemary mention what she found to the rest of the group?As you gather around the fire, each PC should decrement one ration, then get the benefit of a long rest (preparing spells, etc) and decide whether you are going to have one or more of you staying awake to stand guard for any part of that 8 hours.
Another roll - (1d4)
(2) = 2
Mar 2, 2025 5:48 pm
Manthis offers, "Perhaps I should stand guard later tonight." He is offering for the last of the night for guard duty.
Mar 3, 2025 3:33 pm
As she finishes handing out dinner, Rosemary takes a deep breath. "As I was looking for herbs, I found a mule corpse not far from here. I'm not sure if it's worth mentioning, but you know now. In the meantime..." She puts away her cooking supplies. "I can take first watch so you all can get some sleep. I'm sure we have another long day of walking ahead of us."
Mar 3, 2025 4:50 pm
Rosemary wears an uncomfortable face. "Umm... I'm not sure. I didn't get close enough to check. I can show you were it is, though."
Mar 4, 2025 2:09 am
Jonel is almost to the point of exhaustion when he sees a campfire in the distance. He suspects it might be a band of brigands until he smells the scent of fresh pastries. A bandit baker would definitely be a first for him. "Haloo in the camp!" He waits patiently for a reply.
Last edited March 4, 2025 2:12 am
Mar 4, 2025 3:10 am

Despite the stranger's sudden appearance, Arya made no move for her weapon. A lingering naiveté, born of her sheltered temple life, still held sway. Who would dare attack a priestess, so close to a settlement? she reasoned, the thought almost a dismissal.
"Good evening, traveler," she greeted, her voice clear and melodious. "I am Mother Arkon. You are welcome to share our camp fire if you'd like, or are you just passing by? " Her white robes, pristine against the deepening twilight, and the radiant holy symbol of Pelor, prominently displayed, left no doubt as to her identity.
Last edited March 4, 2025 3:10 am
Mar 4, 2025 3:56 am

Last edited March 4, 2025 3:56 am
Mar 4, 2025 6:06 am
Jonel feels some of his tension ease as he sees the lady in white and begins walking into the light of the fire. Upon being addressed by Manthis, he slows his gait. "Aye, sir. I am alone, but after the events of this night, I doubt I will ever travel these parts without company again. I appreciate your hospitality, ma'am. Unfortunately, I have had some trouble on the road. I had been travelling alone for some time. After settling to rest not far from here, I was waylaid by undead abominations. They managed to take down my mule, and I consider myself quite lucky that I escaped with my life." Jonel looks back the way he came with apprehension. "I hope those fiends have abandoned their pursuit."
Last edited March 4, 2025 6:10 am
Mar 4, 2025 4:55 pm
The cheery light of the campfire flickers on the faces of the adventuring trio and up the surface of the rock face behind them. It's a good thing; Jonel would not have found them without the light. An evening breeze blows through the forest, soughing through the trees. Embers fly up from the fire, glowing briefly and then cooling into darkness, and the smoke twists into momentary vortices. But as the breeze dies down, the rustling noise of the foliage around the camp continues.

Mar 4, 2025 5:27 pm
As the wind dies down, Rosemary readies her baker's paddle. "First the mule," she thinks. "Then this stranger. And he may have brought undead friends?"
She looks about for where the rustling is coming from. She sniffs the air to see if the scent of rotten flesh was carried on the wind and overpowered the smokey campfire.
Reaching into her pack, the halfling withdraws some crushed lavender, remembering painfully for a moment of her own Lavender at home. She rubs some on her upper lip and offers it to her companions. "Here. Rub it on your upper lip. If there are undead about, I'm sure this will help fight the stench."
She looks about for where the rustling is coming from. She sniffs the air to see if the scent of rotten flesh was carried on the wind and overpowered the smokey campfire.
Reaching into her pack, the halfling withdraws some crushed lavender, remembering painfully for a moment of her own Lavender at home. She rubs some on her upper lip and offers it to her companions. "Here. Rub it on your upper lip. If there are undead about, I'm sure this will help fight the stench."
Perception (seeing moving foliage or catching the scent of rotten flesh) - (1d20+0)
(15) = 15
Mar 4, 2025 7:11 pm
Jonel strains his eyes in the dim light. Dark figures appear to be moving forward through the undergrowth. "I think we got company."
Can I roll to Stealth?Last edited March 5, 2025 5:16 am
Perception - ((1d20+2))
(17) + 2 = 19
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