After a couple hours, you see a castle emerge from the horizon on the south side of the river. Magian will tell you that the castle used to be the main residence of the Lord whose holdings included Paphos back in the day, and it was one of the few locations associated with Paphos that survived mostly intact. However, despite this, the occupants were wiped out completely. A large tribe of orcs had claimed the castle many years ago and had long ruled it undisputed, but rumors said that a group of giants had recently taken it over. What that means for the orcs (or anyone else) is unknown. Fortunately, Magian says that their objective is firmly on the north side of the river, so there would be little chance of interacting with the occupants of the castle.
You finally come to a landing uncomfortably close to the castle, but on the north side of the river. (The river is pretty wide, so a boat of some sort is likely needed to cross it, and there doesn't seem to be any docks around where you are. Magian helps anyone needing help off, and gathers you all together. "We landed a short distance from where you'll need to start because I wanted to keep the griffons away from the anomaly. It's right over here." He leads you to a spot that you couldn't easily see from the air because, but is completely obvious from the ground. It looks similar to a walled remnant some of you have visited before, but it looks to be in much rougher shape and there are no well-worn paths or roads into the gate you can see. "It looks unoccupied, but there are occupants, though I don't know what they are."
Magian pauses and says, "The issue is that this didn't exist a month ago. This was a fairly open clearing. Now this new remnant exists. We have not seen anything just 'appearing' like this for a long time. The other problem is that this has a fairly strong magical emanation that doesn't seem to exist on the other remnants. Basically, this is very unusual, and anything this unusual is likely not a good thing. Your task is to explore it and see if you can find out why it has appeared. Since we don't know how long that may or may not take you, we don't have a planned time to come back to pick you up. I have seen that you," he nods to Oliver, "were being trained to give you an easier route back. In addition, I will be regularly sending a griffon to do scouting along the north river back. If you are seen, they will call out and come back for more to carry you the rest of the way back. But, for the most part, you will be on your own out here."
Magian sticks around for a few minutes to answer any questions. When done (or if there are no questions), he heads back to the griffons and heads out, back to the Carriage House.
Any questions for Magian? How do you want to approach this remnant. From your vantage point, you can see one gate on the facing wall. You likely assume there is likely one gate per side like the others, but you don't know that. It is obviously surrounded by a Barrier like the other remnants.