The New Remnant

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Feb 18, 2025 8:28 am
Arc come back to the group, and uses one of his talons to draw in the dirt a draft of what he saw. Since they seem to be minding their own business, they don't seem a violent crowd, but can't be sure their race, nor their intentions.

Just to be on the safe side, he recommends to enter through the door opposite to the people concentration.
Feb 18, 2025 8:53 am
Stee takes in the info and looking at the map agrees"Yes going in from a different gate makes sense. Try to avoid a possible confrontation right off the rip." Also he has his trusty bow out and ready just in case.
Feb 18, 2025 6:25 pm
"Aye. No need to start a battle on unfamiliar ground if we can get some sense of the place first."
Feb 18, 2025 7:38 pm
"Yes, I agree with the lateral approach as well. Seems the safest."

Oliver scratches his chin. "Now now, regarding on whether they are orcs or something more supernatural, they seem to have alcohol on them, so my bet would be orcs... Except the last time I assumed something like this, we found a phantom pirate ship with cursed alcohol... So, I don't know this time, har har!"
Feb 18, 2025 7:47 pm
Is that barrier work both ways in obfuscating vision? If so, we don't really have to sneak around, we can just head over to the other gate. Hiding in plain sight essentially.
Feb 18, 2025 8:28 pm
Cords draws out his handaxe and is ready to follow in line to enter.
Feb 19, 2025 9:49 am
Aizashi absorbs the information and gets ready to go.
I don't know too much about magic. But I guess we shouldn't assume that is obscures both ways. I think we ought to be cautious.
Feb 19, 2025 3:57 pm
For those with experience with such barriers, yes, the view is obscured both ways. As long as they don't have guards posted outside the doors (and they don't), their view would be as obscured as your view. Do note that Arc noticed differences in how clear or obscured the view was. There might theoretically be a usable point where the view is pretty clear that they could use. But, while theoretically possible, it is highly unlikely for several reasons. (He never found a clear view he noticed, but he kept moving, not wanting to stop and draw attention to himself.)

There is no door exactly opposite where they are, but the doors on the wall to the right of your position, or the doors on the opposite side of the Remnant are as good as you can get. Choosing the easier option, at least initially, you trudge on over to the door on the adjacent wall to your right. You take a moderately wide berth to keep distance with from the Remnant so that you will be less likely to be seen. When you reach a good position, you move in to check on the door on this wall and find that it is completely closed with no obvious way to open it. It does look like you could try to pry it open, but you don't know if it is reinforced on the inside or if it is magically locked. Or how much noise such an attempt would make.
I don't remember if I noted this, but the door on the south side (the first one you approached), was slightly open. One of the two doors was open enough for a person to easily walk through, but only one person at a time. The doors open out (not up or in). These doors did not have anything on the outside to open them, either.

Do you attempt to open it, or do you decide to take your chances with the other door?
Feb 19, 2025 4:55 pm "Hmm. Forcing that door sure doesn't look to be the best of way to enter this place."
Feb 19, 2025 5:59 pm
"No, it doesn't. Not only will it alert anyone on the other side, but they'll assume that we're here to wreck the place."
Feb 20, 2025 7:36 am
"Agreed. Let's continue to the next doors." Arc refers to the doors opposite the one they originally approached from, the 2nd best option away from the crowd.
Feb 20, 2025 5:54 pm
Choosing not to force the doors, you move around to the doors opposite of the one you intially faced. (You started with the southern doors, went to the eastern doors, and are now at the northern doors.) The trip around the corner continues to be uneventful. In fact, you seem to see even less wildlife than you would have expected. Perhaps the Remnant was still new enough that the local critters haven't yet normalized it.

As you approach the northern doors, you see that they are not only open, but are destroyed. They look like they have practically been blown out from the inside. As you approach, it looks like much of the area behind it is also in absolute ruins. However, you don't have a very good look at what's on the other side.
So, ya goin' in?
Feb 20, 2025 6:06 pm
Stee will look at the group "Shall we proceed?"
Do we have the communication crystals?
Feb 20, 2025 6:22 pm
I'd wager we should. Aizashi says while trying to see what he can see
Feb 20, 2025 9:22 pm
"In we go, then" whispers Oliver to the communication crystal, testing it.
I am guessing we took for granted that everyone has one, and though we didn't explain it to you how it works, you should be hearing the Otter's voice in your communicator crystal right now. It's a crystal walkie talkie :)
Feb 21, 2025 4:38 pm
Arc sees that Oliver has a similar crystal, seems we are all now very much communicated. That's good.

"Yes, let's go"
And without waiting further, Arc crosses the middle of the doors' archway. Not fast nor slow, just natural walk trusting the rest of his friend will walk with him... And stops a couple of meters inside the remnant to look around and see if someone inside comes to greet the team. Also to have a better look at the local population... What people do they see? How are they dressed? Do they have visible weapons?
Feb 22, 2025 1:11 am
Yes, the crystals given to everyone are functionally walkie-talkies. Arc and Oliver have already explained how they work to anyone who is curious. There are enough for everyone exactly, with one spare. Oliver, Stee, and Arc already had one. Aizashi, Blornvid, and Elyse each got one from Ealdwig, Grin, and Skeeve. There were two extra turned in by Brewner and Yoci (from Felix). Cords got one of those, and I'm gonna assume Oliver is holding the extra one.
You approach the door carefully, but as you do so, you can see that the damage to the door and the doorway appears to be old. It is not recent. Still not letting your guard down despite that, you continue your careful approach. You get along the wall, and start to carefully look into the Remnant from this vantage point. The barrier does not appear to very strong at the doorway, and you can see through it pretty clearly. What you see is some devastated buildings on either side of the doorway, an large open area past those building on either side, and a large building past the open area. (It matches how Arc described it earlier.) The large building across the open area is not so damaged. You can see that there are some recent indications of movement through this area, but it isn't heavy and isn't well-trodden.

You carefully enter the Remnant and get a much better view. The entire inside of the wall is lined with buildings and other structures. The damage is mostly focused around the doorway and the buildings on either side of it. Past those, the buildings just look rundown and neglected, as opposed to destroyed. (To you the player it would look like it was hit with high explosive artillery. To the characters, it just looks like some very nasty magic was used to cause explosions.) The open area is pretty wide between the buildings along the wall and the central building structure, and it runs the entire length you can see, from the bend by the east wall corner, all the way to the bend by the west wall corner. Again, it matches Arc's descriptions of going completely around the central structure. Currently, you do not see anyone, though you can hear that activity (nothing alarming, just the normal movement of people and what they do during a day) is happening a ways from where you currently are. As long as you stay relatively quiet, they should be far enough away to not hear you. Make a loud noise, and all bets are off. Also, you don't know if they have regular patrols going on or not, either. They might, since they know this door is currently open.

Of special note is the central structure. It is very large, and really does take up the whole center section of the Remnant. It looks to be a good four stories tall, but there might be another level stuck in there somehow. (For whatever reason, Arc's guess on the height of the central structure ended up being too short. The obscured view probably messed with his perception.) It is also very impressive and fairly ornate. It is also in surprisingly good condition, considering the state of the buildings along the wall. Even the non-damaged buildings show the passage of time and effects of neglect and weather. The main structure seems to just be in better repair. Not that it has been well tended; just that it didn't deteriorate as fast.
OK, there is no immediate danger that you can see, and you have heard no reaction to your entrance. However, you know there are others in the Remnant and if they have any organization whatsoever, it is likely that they check things periodically. So, do you want to check out the buildings along the wall, or do you want to go directly to the main building in the center?
Feb 22, 2025 1:27 am
Taking in the sight Aizashi let's out a breath he didn't realize he was holding when he walked through the barrier.
Should we perhaps scout some of these buildings and see if we can set up some kind of rally point, just in case things don't go out way?
Feb 22, 2025 3:36 pm
Oh, yeah, forgot to mention ...
When you enter the Remnant, you feel a bit of nausea, but nothing too serious, and less than what those of you who've done this before remember. (No rolls needed for being unaffected by this one.)
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