Yes, the crystals given to everyone are functionally walkie-talkies. Arc and Oliver have already explained how they work to anyone who is curious. There are enough for everyone exactly, with one spare. Oliver, Stee, and Arc already had one. Aizashi, Blornvid, and Elyse each got one from Ealdwig, Grin, and Skeeve. There were two extra turned in by Brewner and Yoci (from Felix). Cords got one of those, and I'm gonna assume Oliver is holding the extra one.
You approach the door carefully, but as you do so, you can see that the damage to the door and the doorway appears to be old. It is not recent. Still not letting your guard down despite that, you continue your careful approach. You get along the wall, and start to carefully look into the Remnant from this vantage point. The barrier does not appear to very strong at the doorway, and you can see through it pretty clearly. What you see is some devastated buildings on either side of the doorway, an large open area past those building on either side, and a large building past the open area. (It matches how Arc described it earlier.) The large building across the open area is not so damaged. You can see that there are some recent indications of movement through this area, but it isn't heavy and isn't well-trodden.
You carefully enter the Remnant and get a much better view. The entire inside of the wall is lined with buildings and other structures. The damage is mostly focused around the doorway and the buildings on either side of it. Past those, the buildings just look rundown and neglected, as opposed to destroyed. (To you the player it would look like it was hit with high explosive artillery. To the characters, it just looks like some very nasty magic was used to cause explosions.) The open area is pretty wide between the buildings along the wall and the central building structure, and it runs the entire length you can see, from the bend by the east wall corner, all the way to the bend by the west wall corner. Again, it matches Arc's descriptions of going completely around the central structure. Currently, you do not see anyone, though you can hear that activity (nothing alarming, just the normal movement of people and what they do during a day) is happening a ways from where you currently are. As long as you stay relatively quiet, they should be far enough away to not hear you. Make a loud noise, and all bets are off. Also, you don't know if they have regular patrols going on or not, either. They might, since they know this door is currently open.
Of special note is the central structure. It is very large, and really does take up the whole center section of the Remnant. It looks to be a good four stories tall, but there might be another level stuck in there somehow. (For whatever reason, Arc's guess on the height of the central structure ended up being too short. The obscured view probably messed with his perception.) It is also very impressive and fairly ornate. It is also in surprisingly good condition, considering the state of the buildings along the wall. Even the non-damaged buildings show the passage of time and effects of neglect and weather. The main structure seems to just be in better repair. Not that it has been well tended; just that it didn't deteriorate as fast.
OK, there is no immediate danger that you can see, and you have heard no reaction to your entrance. However, you know there are others in the Remnant and if they have any organization whatsoever, it is likely that they check things periodically. So, do you want to check out the buildings along the wall, or do you want to go directly to the main building in the center?