The temple is even more imposing up close. All around the temple there are a few steps to bring you up to the ground floor of the building. All around the building are cylindrical columns that end at the ceiling of the ground level. Ten feet behind the columns are the walls of the ground floor, with four archways regularly spaced along this wall. None of the archways have doors; initial access to the temple is unimpeded. Centered between each of the archways, and between the outside archways and the edges of the wall, are five arched alcoves, each of which contains the statue of what you presume are some of some significant people or divine beings important to the builders of the temple. You don't know if they are heroes, demigods, or gods, but they probably aren't the main deities, as the statues are all sized the same as normal humans. On the flat wall spaces between the alcoves are covered in carvings of various scenes and events that are presumably related to the characters represented by the statues. The statues, from left to right (while facing the building) appear to be a human-sized tree-person, a young boy, a man in the prime of his life, a young woman, and an anthropomorphic dog or wolf. You don't want to be seen, so you don't do more than just take the scene in and head for the nearest entrance.
You enter the archway that is second from the left since it is the closest to you after cutting across the open area. When you enter, you see a very large room. You are on the left side, and the next archway to the right can be seen on the right side of the room. (You don't know where the two outer doors lead right now.) You quickly move toward the center of the outside wall between the two archways so that if there is ever a patrol, you won't be easily seen from outside. From this relative cover, you look around the room. It is large and rectangular. On the center of the opposing wall are two statues. They are of humans, one male and one female, standing side-by-side. These are twice as tall as a human, which causes you to notice how high the ceiling actually are in this room. Again, all through the room, it is very ornate and well decorated. The floors are marble, as are the insides of the inner wall, not just behind the statues, but for the entire length of that wall. On the midpoint of the sections of the far wall between the statues and the far corners of the room is a large cloth hanging that, contrary to any textiles you saw in the old merchant's shop, looks to be in surprisingly good shape. In the midsections of the end walls to either side is another open archway to the rooms that the outer outside archways lead to.
For the most part, outside the statues, the room is fairly bare. The base of the statues are design to allow items to be deposited, and along the outer wall (where you current are) are several tables. Otherwise there doesn't appear to be any furniture, cabinets, storage, or anything like that. However, taking a good look at that outer wall, you can see many more carvings of scenes and events that are presumably related to the two statues in the room.