First Evening at Yokai Academy

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Mar 8, 2025 6:47 pm
Luna watched Father Tsuji leave after he handed them the holy water. Something seemed off about him to her, but that would have to wait until later. "Maybe he was investigating the corruption too, but why leave now..."

Quite possibly, that man is just lazy. After all, there's a gaggle of students willing to do it on their own time for him.

That doesn't inspire my confidence in the teaching staff here... With certain instructors being 'eccentric' as-is, Luna couldn't help but wonder about the next 3 years at this school.

While Luna was thinking about the corruption, the definitely-not-a-romcom scenario with Rikishi went on in the background.
Mar 9, 2025 1:52 am
Katsuya Momochichi
"Hmm..." She ponders at Ibuki's question, "Oh! He was picking herbs, I think! I've heard he saying it!" She answers, excitedly.

At the suspicious eyebrow-raises multiplying towards him, she pouts, "Hey; he may be a bit, uh... carefree... But he isn't evil! katsuya swears it!" She nods at herself.
New Rikishi
"Heh... This is my true form, you see?" His voice almost a whisper, "You know, I'm a shy guy, I don't want to attract too much attention, so I hide my true appearance from others... But I had to make a special exception to YOU, Hanami-chan!"
By the way, did Hanami brought Aika with her?
Mar 9, 2025 3:19 am
"Hey wait, where are you"

She looks down at the imitation gold tube and pops the cork to see what's in it, then replaces said cork.

"He ran off really fast. What's up with this water?"

She holds it out for nobody in particular, but with a definite bent towards Hanami.

"Holy water? What are we supposed to do? Wouldn't watering evil plants make them stronger?"

For the first time around her new peers, the dragon girl seems genuinely puzzled by events. She looks up from the tube to Rikishi, though still down overall, and she stares at him for several seconds. Unlike princesses, handsome boys cause no particular excitement in Sumeryu. Since when do dragons care about princes except to eat them? Never! That's when!

Well there was Kaguya-hime, but her beau was a monk, not a prince.


"So the map in your cookie said to go here?" she prompts Ibuki, ignoring Rikishi for the moment. Her obliviousness comes across as nonchalant social mastery through subtle and active body language, in particular in how she stands with one knee slightly bent and her hand on her hip.
Mar 9, 2025 3:42 pm
"that is what i assumed the red X indicated though we could be slightly off on the exact location, as for the holy water... while it is not my belief i have found the the power of faith is its own kind of strength" Ibuki is also ignoring Rikishi for now as she gets a vague sense that this is hole best left undug

"Well if you are vouching for him Katsuya i have no reason to suspect him, we all have our secrets Afterall. On to other matters i believe you said the source of this corruption would be easier to find at but more powerful yes? if it seems we are close to its source i think we should take it down now before it becomes fully night where its at its strongest no? this would also prevent any one else falling victim to these plants"
Mar 9, 2025 9:00 pm
It's night already though.
Mar 10, 2025 3:57 am
"Yes, it should be easy to find now, but it's at the peak of its power... If we fight it now, we'll need to be prepared for the worst. But now that we roughly know where it is, we can also come back during the day when it's weaker."

Luna spoke out of concern for her newfound friends. While she was experienced with carrying out exorcisms, she couldn't be sure how everyone else would fair fighting the corruption.
Mar 11, 2025 7:37 am
Lín Jìng takes a long circular path, trying not disturb Hanami and Rikishi, while definitely not letting her eyes off them, and approaches Luna. "So, um, you all up to something? Bashing more corrupt trees and mushrooms? Or what are we, errr, you, or we, doing next?"
Mar 11, 2025 8:15 pm
I admittedly sort of forgot about Aika for a moment, but yes, I'd say Hanami brought her.
"Oh, don't give me that!" Hanami rolls her eyes. "If you actually looked like this, it wouldn't make sense for you to steal panties. You're planning something weird again, aren't you? Whatever it is, you're lucky there's more important things to worry about or I'd rip off that illusion myself!"

She lets go of Rikishi's collar and faces everyone. "Ahem... Sorry for the distraction. I personally think we should take the source of the corruption down now before anyone else gets hurt. However, if we proceed, we should do so with caution. I can't shake the feeling that we were led out here for a reason."
Mar 12, 2025 2:05 am
Luna nodded her head in agreement with Hanami. "Agreed, let's proceed with caution then. Can you use your magic to light the way?"
Mar 12, 2025 6:17 am
The giant girl answers Lin: "There was a map inside a cookie that Ibuki got at the cafe. The manager was kind of suspicious about the whole thing; it came on a plate of pastries we didn't order. It would seem to me that she wants someone else to take care of the problem for her, even though she knows about it."

She puts her hands on her hips and huffs. "The teachers and staff haven't shown much in the way of responsible maturity, so it's up to us to prevent anybody else from being hurt, like that priest was."

Then, the gorgeous dragon girl flips her long red hair over her shoulder and declares, nonchalantly and with calm confidence, to both Luna and Hanami, "There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm here to protect you." If any of the fan club were around to witness that, at least half of them would have fainted.

"Which way?" she asks, already stepping forward to be the first into danger.
Last edited March 12, 2025 6:17 am
Mar 12, 2025 2:46 pm
"Heh~ So fiery! How adorable~" Rikishi snarks, as Hanami releases him.
Finding the way forward was easy enough, even the magically uninclined could feel a heavy presence ahead.

After some more walking on the trail, they reach a lake, around 25 meters (or 80 feet) in diameter; well, it's a pretty marshy lake, one having to be careful not to sink on the mud around it, even if it's covered by grass.

The crescent moon shines eerily over the still water, and old willows' shadows added to the ominous tone.
But then, the water's stillness is broken!
From now on, We'll do side initiative. I'll be rolling a dice for the enemy's side and one for the party's side, using the highest bonuses from a single player. No one seems to have Quick in the party though. You can act on whichever order you want (usually in whichever order you post) and I'll make all the monster's actions in a single post.

The enemy's go first!

A great frog bursts out of the water! It measures around 10 meters (or 30 feet) in height!

As he does, he opens his big mouth, and a sticky tongue sprouts out! Finding Luna! Maybe she looks yummier or something... And so, (unless her defense roll is higher than 8) pulls her by the leg towards his gaping mouth!

With his front legs, he also throws a big ball of mud at the remaining girls!

You may roll to avoid it with a roll, DN 6; otherwise, receive a -1 to all physical rolls.


Party's initiative - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Enemy's party - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Mar 12, 2025 3:14 pm
Lín Jìng walks along with the others, glances at Rikishi and sends him a mental message: Hey, you were pretty cool so far. And watching Hanami get all flustered sure was funny, especially when she tries to deny it. Feel free to keep enjoying your new form for the rest of the evening, just don't forget that it's meant to make me cool for having you around.

Oh, and if you're worried about anything we run into, just hide behind the dragon. She may be a stone-cold jaded stoic, but she seems to like protecting everyone nonetheless, and good at-

"-Whoa?!" Lín Jìng seems startled by something.
Mar 12, 2025 5:21 pm
Ibuki gets hit right in the face by a the mudball she then slowly begins to wipe the mud from her face "If this were one of those 'video games' i have head about i believe this would indicate we are heading in the correct direction"
Last edited March 12, 2025 5:24 pm


dodge - (r2d6)

(22) = 4

Mar 12, 2025 5:31 pm
Ibuki upon clearing her vision and seeing the the frog grab Luna will rather brutally stamp on the frog's tongue as it is retracting before grabbing it and attempting to instead make the frog the one that is being pulled
Mar 12, 2025 5:38 pm
And with that Lín Jìng is not to be found where she was. Whoever wanted to assess whether she was hit with the mud-ball had to first figure out where to did she teleport. Which might be easier said than done, since she still kept up her invisibility spell going, and used the opportunity to fade out of sight.

I didn't manage my spell notes as well as I should have, so I'm going to assume that some of the buffs (like Iron Will) got dispelled at some point when she was in the mall. So right now her only ongoing spells would be Invisibility from the morning (ritual casting to reduce END cost), and the thing she cast on Rikishi (also ritual). However, she only had 5 END left when she went into the changing room, so it's not clear how much END she should have recovered by now, even after releasing most of the END-tapping Spells. (Note, there were some other expenditures, like for the multi-target attack.)

How much END should she have at the start of the combat, @Moyreau?


Teleport Dodge - (5d6)

(12635) = 17

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