Chapter One: Greenest in Flames!

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Mar 9, 2017 10:07 am
"Oi, you're supposed to be getting the prisoner to a secure location, not standing around chitchatting." He walks up to the man blocking the way and rests an arm around his shoulder "I tell ya', dealin' with the new scales is a right pain in the knickers. I's out takin' a piss and out of no'swhere two bolts, shink, shink, right into me shoulders; nearly made me other end start workin', if you savvy. So me's thinkin', ambush, must be a prisoner rescue so I hightail me way back here and alert Rezmir of this. He tells me 'What ye be wastin' your time here than? Move that prisoner.', of course I be paraphrasin' but that isn't important. So's I make my way back heres, spot some new scales and figure 'I'm a nice guy, I'll let them get some points under they's belt'. So I's tell 'em 'Rezmir wants this prisoner, out' and figured while they's move him, I could patch up me shoulders. Figures the secon' I's turn me back, they start up a chitchat."
Mar 9, 2017 2:14 pm
The man who originally spoke eyes Mryio suspiciously, "I didn't hear nothin' about that," he says, then turns to a couple of newer cultists, "You two, go fetch Rezmir for me. We'll see what he's got to say."

The two men rush off for the large tent, leaving a slightly smaller group of men blocking your way.
Mar 9, 2017 5:36 pm
Aside from the smaller group blocking us, how many people are near enough to see what's going on?
Mar 9, 2017 5:39 pm
BullOctorok says:
Aside from the smaller group blocking us, how many people are near enough to see what's going on?
There are about eight people in the group actively blocking you, and another two or so dozen watching with interest
Mar 9, 2017 9:33 pm
"Well, I'm not waiting around for you all to figure this out! I've got other assignments," Jon huffs, and starts to walk off in the direction of the hatchery, hoping the intrigue with the prisoner will keep eyes off him while he locates the egg.


Deception - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Mar 9, 2017 9:35 pm
"Stop now, yer not goin' anywhere 'til Rezmir gets here," the man says grimly, and a couple of other men step in front of Jon to block his way.
Could the rolls get any worse?
Mar 9, 2017 9:45 pm
Jon tries to turn a hard swallow into a casual shrug. "If you say so. Long as you'll vouch for I wasn't slacking if I'm late finishing my tasks."
Mar 13, 2017 1:58 am
Oridun whispers, just loud enough for you all to hear, "When I give the signal, make a break for it. Take this crazy guy with you, I've got a good feeling about him. I'll stay here and hold them off long enough for you to make your escape and you can come back for the egg later."
Mar 13, 2017 2:31 am
Bughu nods, and looks to Jon and Erich for silent confirmation. He spares a glance at the monk, hoping the weight won't slow them down too much.

As for the mustached stranger, Bughu offers nothing just yet. He did note the attempt at deflecting attention earlier, but reserves judgment until a safer time.
Mar 13, 2017 3:01 am
Erich nods quietly as well, ready to run.
Mar 13, 2017 1:09 pm
With a shaky breath that only you can hear, Oridun steps forward, "Ah, I knew I had this somewhere," he says, pulling out a piece of paper and moving forward to hand it to the man. As he gets close, he axe comes off his belt and swings up into the groin of the man, "Now boys, go!" he shouts at you as he wades into the group of men, axe flashing from side to side.
Mar 13, 2017 3:53 pm
Hand crossbow ready, Bughu spearheads the retreat. He keeps pace with the others, knowing they are laden with the monk, and will place a bolt between the eyes of anyone that seeks to bar their way.
Mar 13, 2017 11:45 pm
Erich follows along, running quickly. He's ready to sling fire at anyone that tries to step in front of them.
Mar 14, 2017 12:09 pm
Rushing out, a cultist makes a grab for Jon, thinking the little one would be an easy catch. Before his hands can get withing range, Jon's sword swings out, cutting the hand off at the wrist. Bughu fires a couple of bolts into a couple of men trying to get behind Oridun. Erich throws a ball of fire into the face of someone who tries to step in front and bar their way.

In moments, the group (minus Oridun) is out into the clear, though you can hear a lot of commotion behind you in the camp.
How do you want to make your escape 100% certain? Are you going to keep running, hide, or something else entirely?
Mar 14, 2017 4:20 pm
Jon's inclination would be to hide nearby so we can come back for the egg as soon as is feasible.
Mar 14, 2017 4:48 pm
Bughu takes over assisting Leosin's withdrawal by hooking under the monk's shoulder, keeping his hand crossbow ready. This will also slow his own progress so that Jon can keep up with the party. "We should keep moving, get some distance from the camp. The cover of night will help," he says, then looks at the sorcerer. "Erich, take point. Your eyes will guide us so we won't have to use torches and give away our positions. Make for Greenrest and avoid the rearguard like last time."

The archer reasons, "We come back for the egg later. The blue dragon suggested we attempt this rescue when the camp has moved on, which means they are unable to move the eggs. And this monk needs medical attention."
Is Myrio with us?

Also, I just realized that I might have missed what time it was when we entered the camp, and I've just been assuming it's nightfall. Is that still the case?
Last edited March 14, 2017 4:50 pm
Mar 14, 2017 4:58 pm
He would of followed, yes.
Mar 14, 2017 4:59 pm
It's currently about 5 pm
Mar 14, 2017 5:05 pm
"And you," says Bughu, pointing his crossbow at Myrio. "I don't much like you, but my friend's honor demands that I let you live. You also did something back there that should give me pause from ventilating your forehead." He lowers his weapon and adjusts Leosin's weight before continuing on. "Prove my friend right."
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