Part 4: Wave Echo Cave

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Feb 8, 2017 11:46 pm
Kama kneels over the body of the dwarf. He cuts the bonds and checks on the dwarf's condition.


Medicine - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Feb 9, 2017 2:23 pm
Kama checks over the dwarf and finds that he is alive, though he is bruised over nearly every inch of his body and he's missing his pinky finger on his left hand, a recent wound. The bonds are made from fine rope and secured tightly in such a way that it forces his shoulders close together; it must be creating one hell of a pain in his back.
Feb 9, 2017 3:44 pm
The half-orc draws a dagger and tries to cut the rope.
Feb 9, 2017 4:58 pm
The rope is very strong, but the fine blade of Kama's dagger cuts through it easily. The dwarf groans as his body assumes a more natural position.
Feb 9, 2017 5:08 pm
"Lady Luck's with you, friend," Kama mutters as he places his hand on the dwarf's shoulder to roll him over and support his head. The half-orc administers one of his healing potions.


Healing Potion - (2d4+2)

(32) + 2 = 7

Feb 9, 2017 5:50 pm
The dwarf sputters a little bit as the potion goes down his throat and you can see some of the worst bruising begin to fade away. His eyes flutter open and he speak groggily, "Wha?"
Feb 12, 2017 1:12 am
As Kama assists the dwarf, Stormsong looks around the room.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Feb 13, 2017 3:39 am
"Can you stand? Do you know where you are?" I help Kama with the dwarf.
Feb 13, 2017 2:52 pm
The dwarf stares at Xora for a moment, confused, then chuckles weakly, "Doesn't look like you're with them, I guess," he says, then winces and hangs his head, "They got Tharden, the bastards, but I guess that Gundren must be ok if you found your way here?"

Stormsong doesn't find anything of note in the room.
Feb 13, 2017 4:02 pm
"So you're one of Gundren's brothers then? I suppose we're working for you."
He bows and says, "Stormsong, at your service."

(After the introductions)

"What do you know about their numbers? We did take out a magical dark elf," he shows the staff with the spider on top, "and several bugbears appeared to have taken our invitation to leave, but time will tell."

"I'm sorry about your other brother. I believe these, then, belong to you," as he hands over the magical boots.
Last edited February 13, 2017 4:04 pm
Feb 13, 2017 4:12 pm
Kama stares at the dwarf, tapping his temple. "Sorry," he says, finally. "I know you're related to Gundren, but your name. You're... Nundro?"
Feb 13, 2017 4:29 pm
"Nundro, aye, that's me. I don't know much about what they got here, I was kept in this room all the time and beaten for information - not that I had any to give," he grumbles, then speaks sadly on seeing the boots, "Thanks for me brother's boots.
Feb 13, 2017 4:39 pm
"And Gundren is alive. He is back at Phandalin, awaiting word of from us of what we find," says Kama. "Which basically amounts to awful. I'm sorry to say that you've got a ghoul infestation here."

He stands to offer Nundro a hand up. "There are still some areas we haven't checked out. We're getting to them, but first I think we need to rest for a bit."
Feb 15, 2017 4:00 pm
Short rest time?
Feb 15, 2017 4:51 pm
At least, is Kama's vote.
Feb 15, 2017 7:03 pm
You stay with Nundro, who has passed out and is resting peacefully on the bed in the room now. An hour passes with no trouble, do you want to try for the whole eight?
Feb 15, 2017 7:15 pm
LR would top off spell slots, but Stormsong could go now if it's the concensus. If anyone uses a HD, add 1d6 from his Song of Rest.
Feb 16, 2017 6:15 pm
Kama is ready to go after a short rest. He does, however, acknowledge that such a pace may prove too much for the others, especially with an injured dwarf.
I leave that decision to the others. My guess is that we'd have to defend against any bugbears that decided to stay, or the undead that might prowl the hallways. So the odds of battle are high.

Back to full HP, 31/31.
Last edited February 16, 2017 6:18 pm


1 Hit Dice - (1d10+2, 1d6)

1d10+2 : (10) + 2 = 12

1d6 : (5) = 5

Feb 17, 2017 2:35 am
As you decide your next course of action, Nundro groans from his place on the bed, "Argh, me back aches. A dwarf should never sleep on somethin' so soft!" he says as he stands up and stretches, wincing in pain as his sore muscles are stretched. He looks around at you all, "If yer thinkin' o' stayin' here with me, think again! Just leave me a blade, some food, and I'll lock the door behind ye while ye explore."
Feb 17, 2017 4:56 am
Kama nods respectfully, and holds out one of his handaxes for Nundro to take. He looks to the others to gauge their desire.
Last edited February 17, 2017 4:56 am
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