West Marches Style: Bringing Us Together

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Jul 17, 2017 4:57 pm
CouchLord0510 says:
I've got the exact same thing. It must be a site problem; hopefully Keleth can fix it.
This is a bug no one's reported yet; I haven't updated the code for this any time recently, so a bit surprised it's not working. I think I'm gonna need more info.
Jul 17, 2017 5:06 pm
I'm down to play, sounds fantastic
Jul 17, 2017 5:13 pm
Keleth says:
CouchLord0510 says:
I've got the exact same thing. It must be a site problem; hopefully Keleth can fix it.
This is a bug no one's reported yet; I haven't updated the code for this any time recently, so a bit surprised it's not working. I think I'm gonna need more info.
I think it may be that the original DM is the only one who can allow people. Obviously we've been allowing people into the game, but I think the original DM (DM_Apexwolf) has been the only one doing that so far so that may be an element of the problem.
Jul 17, 2017 7:35 pm
CouchLord0510 says:
deadpool_qc says:
CouchLord0510 says:
Bad_Neighbor84 says:
Hey guys. I'm super interested in this. Threw my application in!
Hey Bad_Neighbor! I see your application, but for some reason I personally can't accept you even though I have GM status. I think the GM stuff is fritzing a bit, but hopefully we'll get you in soon!
Tried it to but I get "Don't peak behind the DM screen! You might want to try looking somewhere else." in a very, VERY, small window pop up...
It seems I can't approve characters either.
I've got the exact same thing. It must be a site problem; hopefully Keleth can fix it.
I have been accepting anyone that joins as fast as I can. I check every hour or so, sometimes more often because I have seen how quickly this has exploded.
Jul 17, 2017 7:36 pm
dwarfwarlock says:
I'm down to play, sounds fantastic
Sent the invite.
Jul 18, 2017 9:47 am
Is there any more that would loke to join? We have 20 players now and are beginning to create characters. By the middle of next week, hopefully sooner, we should have the game up and running.
Game Link
Last edited Jul 18, 2017 9:47 am
Jul 18, 2017 11:25 am
I think we should look into ways to further advertise this. Ideas, anyone?
Jul 18, 2017 12:41 pm
Just a couple thoughts I had on my way home from work:
1) What kind of economy are we looking at? Barter/trade goods? Currency? If players only start with whatever wealth their background gives them (cause no gold rolls) then how are we going to purchase things? Where will the "quest givers" and such get the funds they give as rewards for "quests" completion?
2) Will there be Generic blacksmiths/leather workers/bowyers/supply merchants? Maybe with a flat rate for different items and no bargaining or haggling? If a player has Proficiency in Martial Weapons, but doesn't get one from his starting equipment, how would they go about getting one? Are they stuck with their starting equipment until they get better gear as they play?
Jul 18, 2017 6:28 pm
Silver.hawk says:
Just a couple thoughts I had on my way home from work:
1) What kind of economy are we looking at? Barter/trade goods? Currency? If players only start with whatever wealth their background gives them (cause no gold rolls) then how are we going to purchase things? Where will the "quest givers" and such get the funds they give as rewards for "quests" completion?
2) Will there be Generic blacksmiths/leather workers/bowyers/supply merchants? Maybe with a flat rate for different items and no bargaining or haggling? If a player has Proficiency in Martial Weapons, but doesn't get one from his starting equipment, how would they go about getting one? Are they stuck with their starting equipment until they get better gear as they play?
1) I think that currency is unrealistic. This settlement is currently the only one of its kind, and a meager 500 people or so are living in it so currency would not have any value outside of itself anyway because there is no government. Also because they have no one else to interact with, money and even gold and gems are of little use to them. Rather, things like a good sword or a bushel of grain will be worth more to them than a chest of gold. That's my gut instinct, because none of them have any hope of returning to their homeland.
2) I would think there would most definitely be generic blacksmiths and the like. While small, this settlement is relatively well established and they would have brought with them the craftsmen they needed to survive. A blacksmith and his fellow practical craftsmen certainly fit into that category. I think that as for paying, a flat rate is fine unless the shopkeeper grants a discount for some reason. Or if a character feels the need to make a persuasion check, that might be of use as well. But I think that when it comes to trading, we can take the PHB value. So if a certain sword is 50 GP, you could trade 50 GP worth of goods to the owner for the sword, assuming they were interested.
Jul 19, 2017 4:59 am
For the magic shop I will be more than open to barter/trade with the players !!
Jul 19, 2017 8:24 am
For getting this game out there more. Keleth could put it as a headline game for the main page. It has to be one of the quicker growing threads this site has had.
Also, just start inviting player you have played with before and you know can be active and committed, or just ones you think may enjoy a game, or those that have had nothing but bad experiences.
Jul 19, 2017 12:05 pm
So what programs did we decide to use for mapping and sharing info?
Jul 19, 2017 1:33 pm
As I understand it, we are using OneNote and possibly Stormboard. Maybe RealtimeBoard? I'm honestly a little out of that loop.
Jul 20, 2017 11:43 am
Hi All. For those also interested in playing in a very low magic, bloody, gritty, deadly version of West Marches, Dark Thrones - 5e Low Magic West Marches is getting close to being ready for play. Hop in now and start planning your characters. The Dark Thrones House Rules feature a low/no magic versions of the Bard, Paladin, Ranger, and Wizard. Humans are the only race and have a selection of setting specific subraces which grant extra feats.
Jul 20, 2017 6:17 pm
Intriguing, I will be watching. Subscribed.
Last edited Jul 20, 2017 6:17 pm
Jul 20, 2017 6:38 pm
The Dark Thrones one, the traditional one, or both?
Jul 25, 2017 11:30 am
We have 23 players now and are in the midst of begining advetures into the wilds. If you don't wish to be left behind I'd suggest joining now.


Aug 3, 2017 6:20 am
Noticed that the Game Master's Journey podcast is doing a series on West Marches campaign. If anyone is interested, check out Ep. 167: Preparing & Running a West Marches Campaign and Ep. 166: West Marches Campaigns. Good luck on your game everyone!
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