Real shame that this concept didn't work out.
I actually was part of a discord server that used mics and organized one-shots in a vast common campaign, used roll20 as support etc.
I think transposing this huge community to a play-by-post format really has a lot of potential, but yeah, we'd need a team of say, 3 serious DMs and 6-15 dedicated players to get it going, some of these doubling up as "maintenance crew" (compendium updates: stories, cities, dungeons, maps, timeline, etc).
It's some work, not much, but would have to be done with dedication and regularity.
But it could be done.
On another note, one can also start opensource world-building with simple, straight-up creative story-telling, that can be adapted or integrated into roleplay later.
Last edited Dec 21, 2018 8:10 pm