Chapter Three: On the Road

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Oct 29, 2017 10:47 pm
The man in the wool cap still looks on in irritation, but doesn't say or do anything otherwise.

The man speaking to Mryio smiles, "You're right, of course. Just stressed out is all. Wish I could take the advice, but my employer's instructions were very clear. We'll just have to find another way, or at least pray for the best."
Oct 30, 2017 8:41 pm
Mryio claps the man on the shoulder and smiles "Water under the bridge, friend. I don't know your instructions but we've all seen the contents of one crate, I don't see the harm in keeping that one out and having one of your guys carrying it. If you want, I will personally deal with anyone who isn't apart of your caravan if they try something with it, free of charge. Of course, I can't force you into doing anything you don't want to, only offering friendly advice and hoping to avoid this in the future; who knows, without seeing the rest of your cargo, one box may not even be enough to move your wagon to a safe load." Sans any interruptions, he turns to leave the cultists to repair their wagon and makes it back to his group.
Oct 31, 2017 5:08 am
Bughu maintains his stance until Myrio returns, then resumes his position as caravan guard while waiting for the procession to move forward.
Oct 31, 2017 6:12 pm
It doesn't take long before the wagon is fixed and you are back on the road. A couple of weeks later, you find yourselves approaching the village of Daggerford, a mere 120 miles south of Waterdeep. It is a small village, but is walled and friendly to travelers. It is the last full-day rest you're likely to have.
Nov 2, 2017 10:50 pm
Jon, weary from travel, goes looking for a quiet tavern in which to slowly consume a very large breakfast and write his letters home.
Nov 3, 2017 2:24 am
The wagons make their slow way across the final bridge approaching town. The river stretches along as far as you can see to the east, and west, eventually meeting with the Sea of Swords far to the west of here. On the north bank, Daggerford sits behind its stone wall, where you see a number of guards walking along and keeping an eye out for danger.

You roll into town without issue and see the town, though small, is lively and people bustle along the streets, ducking in and out of shops. Straight ahead is a three-story inn from which you can hear the sound of revelry. A lively tune meets you as you approach, and you are let off while the wagons are led further into town, where they will be secured by the town guard. Even the cultists leave their wagons here and make their way to the inn.

The place is busy and a number of servers weave through the crowd, delivering food and drink to the patrons. You find a seat against a wall before being approached by a serving girl. She takes your orders quickly and makes her way to the bar to fetch your drinks. Keeping a close eye on the cultists, you see them talking among themselves before taking a seat in a corner and sitting down for a drink. You'd swear that the wool-capped man seems to be in charge at this point.
Nov 3, 2017 2:24 am
Bughu remains close to the wagons, trying to ensure the cultists remain in sight.
Nov 4, 2017 5:14 am
I was under the impression that the cultist left their wagon and are at the inn. Let me know if that changes Bughu's location or not.
Mryio leans close to Bughu, looking at the cultists with his peripherals, and whispers "First time we've seen them completely abandon their wagon, aye?" He sips his mug of water "Might be worth trying to see if it is just gold they have in there or something more."
Nov 6, 2017 3:05 am
Yes, the cultists are no longer with their wagon.
Nov 6, 2017 6:03 am
Bughu considers this. "Maybe. But they never took their eyes off of it before that stranger came along. Now that he's here, they're much more inattentive. And where did that guy go?"
Nov 6, 2017 1:38 pm
I need a bit of fresh air. All those weeks on the road, I got used to it. I'll take an ale when I get back, huh? Erich says, stretching his arms over his head before standing up to head outside the inn.

Once outside, he's going to lean back against the building where he can hopefully spot anyone else coming out to head towards the wagons.
Nov 8, 2017 4:31 pm
Erich steps outside back into the midday sun. The wagons travel down the road and then turn a corner, headed in the direction of a small keep on a hill on the north side of town. The merchants can pay to have their goods stored there and kept safe by the town guards. They have a good reputation for honesty and are well-trusted for this duty.

Bughu looks around and spot the man in the wool hat sitting at the table with the other cultists. He appears to be totally at ease now and is already halfway through his first glass of wine.
Nov 8, 2017 4:56 pm
Did the cultists also pay to "keep" their wagon?
Nov 8, 2017 4:57 pm
CancerMan says:
Did the cultists also pay to "keep" their wagon?
As far as you can tell, they all did. The guards took all of the wagons away
Nov 8, 2017 5:06 pm
"We could try and inspect their wagon, under the pretense of checking our own," Bughu says to Myrio. "I don't know how organized the guards are, though; their reputation might be reinforced with procedures ensuring security of the cargo. I know I would have a close eye if I were tasked with that duty."
Nov 10, 2017 5:15 am
"Perhaps they would keep silent, if they knew what they are and perhaps a bit of gold to line their pockets. If we want to take that road, I suggest we lead with a decoy cart so in the event they don't go for it they don't tell our friends we were interested in their secret cart; perhaps the silk woman, she seems nice." Mryio finishes off his water, as he readies himself for Bughu's answer.
Nov 10, 2017 5:32 am
Bughu frowns in thought, shaking his head. "Somehow I doubt they would accept bribes, given their reputation. I think we might be better off sticking to orders and just tailing them to their destination, wherever that is."
Nov 10, 2017 3:33 pm
"Have either of you... tried talking to the man? We’re all in agreement that he’s someone important, right?" I give them a look like "There’s an obvious option here."
Last edited November 10, 2017 3:34 pm
Nov 10, 2017 4:18 pm
"We don't exactly have the best reputation with the Cult," says Bughu. "And if they somehow discover who we are or why we're interested in them, it'll blow the plan."
Nov 10, 2017 4:37 pm
"Ah, yes. You’re not exactly one for stealth. Kinda the reason why you need someone like me. Well, I can read his thoughts but it might be risky if he finds out. No risk, no reward?"
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