Octagon - Another Purpose - Game Thread.

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Oct 25, 2015 7:52 pm
Ronna shades her eyes with the palm of her hand and watches the entrance of the cave.

"You've been here before, Zinobia. What should we expect?"

She touches instinctively her case of darts, well depleted already.
Oct 25, 2015 8:00 pm
Zinobia quickly answers to the Ronna's replique :
" I was not there. I was nearby, when my young son with my younger cousin went inside. And they did not returned. This is place where some powerful Numenera reside. And as I said Yosh-Ul Seers feel him. He is alive. In Ninth World. They sense him very very far. This means, as all the clues suggest, one of the massive Numeneras here may be door to some very distant place. And this thing " - he waved with the octagon-shaped compass he held in his right hand - "may be the key my son lacked in order to return back - anyways , thats is my guess.
And i rechecked with seers before we departed. He is alive. Still...."

He dropped his sight onto the ground, and then raised his gaze back to the party : "So.... after me, i guess?"

He started slow movement towards the cave entrance, then turned back, waving with suggestion to follow him.
Oct 26, 2015 7:16 pm
Waiting Nyoms input in order to advance (others can and should act too)
Oct 26, 2015 8:14 pm
Ronna watches the entrance of the cave in silence, waiting for the group to move. As she has the habit to do, she will enter last, lagging slightly behind the others.
Oct 26, 2015 9:44 pm
"Yes, let's be on the move." a rejuvenated Nyom responds as she'll fall in line just ahead of Ronna's traditional spot.
Oct 26, 2015 9:47 pm
Lucas, being quite silent lately, takes last spot in the row, smiling tiredly to Ronna said calmly: "I'll watch our backs"

Zinobia turns his face towards Mandoric waiting for his confirmation of move.

Results of the Mandoric check:
Area seems to be safe, for now.
Oct 27, 2015 5:08 am
The merchant peers into the darkness of the cave, and commands his seskii to stay close. The beast's spines bristle at the general sense of trepidation, as master and hound move forward with the group.
Last edited October 27, 2015 5:09 am
Oct 27, 2015 6:09 pm
Zinobia nodded, and with determined pace moved towards the cave entrance.

Lucas, being quite silent and looking tired lately, said calmly to Ronna "I'll watch your back" and moved himself to the end of the party.

Zinobia activated glow globe and signaled to Lucas to do the same.

The party entered the cave. Inner cave was quite damp inside and was quite narrow.

Party advanced into the cave already for 5 minutes through it's wet and narrow corridors, when the Zinobia's glow globe revealed wide square hall.
It had walls made of dark gray stone, which had very even surface. It, obviously, was something very ancient. In the dim light Zinobia noticed door opening on opposite side of the hall and pointed towards it with his palm - "I guess..... there...." - and without any hesitation he moved towards the door.

It was octagon shaped hole, with heavy and wide frame around it. Zinobia peeked inside and his head returned from the hole and said: "Stairs. Not so high. Watch your step".

He entered the hole , and the light from his globe started to descend.
Party followed him. It was staircase made of same dark gray stone, seemingly same material used to make the door frame and the walls in the hall. It was not high - arund 3 metres. It led towards Octagon shaped hall. It was really big. It's central area was elevated - around foot above outer circle level, and it had some pedestal in the middle. The room was really huge, but even from the edge of the hall, in the darkness, which was disturbed only by two weak glow globes, odd light surrounding the pedestal was visible.

Zinobia, without any doubts and with firm determination moved quite quickly towards the pedestal, while all the party descended from the staricase. Mandoric and his Seskii reached the inner, elevated level, Nyom been close nearby, and Ronna few steps from the staircase.
Lucas still stood on the last, bottom step of the staricase, trying to provide the light to advancing forward Ronna and Nyom.

Zinobia touched the pedestal.

There been white Light. Shake, Tremor. Then Nothing. Silence, and sucking, powerful whirlpool. Each one's eyes became blinded and conciousness slipped away.

It's not the start of new turn. It is GM Plot Intrusion. All the party losing conciousness and unable to move.
Every party member Gets 1 XP point.

Soon to be continued. Next post will come soon.

You can not post or do anything that is not in-character private thoughts before the next post, which will be the start of the Act II . During this transition, characters can not move or speak.
Oct 27, 2015 7:11 pm
Act II


Conciousness was returning slowly. And the sharp, artificial light struck the eyelids of the party members, forcing them to open their eyes and to see the new reality around them. Each party member found himself lying on the dry, even, silvery floor, and noticed other party members lying nearby.

Each party member tried to stand up. Zinobia was the first one and he immidiately helped Ronna by giving her his hand.
The space around the party appeared to be an octagon-shaped room with diameter around 30m. It was filled with artificial sharp white light, which was emmited by crystals embedded into the ceiling of the room.

At first, it was unclear what was going on with the walls of the room - they looked like flowing, almost liquid dark gray substance. But after a while it became apparent - the walls were made of glass, almost invisible and very thin. And all the space outside of the room was filled with fog. The fog was not static, and there was some kind of movement outside the walls of the room.

There was no sight of Lucas anywhere.

The light blinked for a second, and then the party noticed two strangers in the room - a young girl with slim body, silver hair and visible implant port module attached to the back side of her head, and a young male who looked like a jack adventurer from Northern Steadfast.

Then the light dimmed out and soft but loud "pfffff" sound emerged from below, and then the room started to move slowly downwards. The movement outside of the room intencified.

The room slowly, but steadily descends.

New Turn.
Players (all 5) can and should do their moves now
Wellcome to new 2 players (OOLIN and T'Jekyll).
Oct 28, 2015 5:46 am
Ronna - a sweet, although somewhat reserved young woman who moves with precision and care and has a bewildered look on her eyes - steps forward towards the two newcomers.

"Um-- hello?" she says uncertainly. "Who are you? And--" she looks around. "--where are we?"
Last edited October 28, 2015 7:55 am
Oct 28, 2015 7:33 am
T'Jekyll glances around, uncertain but reassured that Oolin is nearby. He squeezes her shoulder and waits to see her eyes to verify that she's still active and present. Then he turns and responds to Ronna. "We're here. But I don't know where here is." He grins, enjoying the explanation, and retrieves his spear. "Oolin and I - T'jekyll - were not here a moment ago."

T'Jekyll peers at Ronna and the others. "Are any of you Aeon Priests?"
Oct 28, 2015 11:14 am

OOLIN opens her eyes, confused. Where was she? Her fears are allayed somewhat by T'Jekyll's comforting presence. She sits up. "H-hello..." she responds timidly to Ronna. T'Jekyll has already introduced them so OOLIN doesn't repeat her name. Her right boot seems to have come off - T'jekyll hands it to her and she takes it gratefully and starts putting it on. The more sharp-eyed among the party glimpse her name, OOLIN, etched onto the sole of her foot - or wait, could it be N1700, some sort of serial number? No matter, the girl has her boot back on and is getting up. That's when the others notice how strange this one is. Though cybernetic implants are certainly not uncommon in the Ninth World, few sport such conspicuous ones as this girl. Mechanical protrusions from her body abound and are in constant, silent motion, like the feathers of some bird ruffled by some non-existent breeze. It would be easy to mistake her for an android were it not for the eyes staring out intensely from underneath her flowing silver hair. Those eyes are far too human even though those too are equipped with implants. OOLIN looks up sharply when her companion asks about Aeon Priests. Obviously T'Jekyll's question is of great importance to this pair.
Last edited October 28, 2015 12:14 pm
Oct 28, 2015 11:07 pm
"Hmmm.... Interesting..... We do not look like Aeon Priests, at very least.... And i guess, nope.... At least i am not the one. I think same with my friends here .... " - then he made grimace, which remotely was similar to smile, and added : "But who knows, they should probably confirm or deny that by themselves"

I am Zinobia. Zinobia Da-Zaan. Chief to almost extinct Da-Zaan tribe of Jagged Wastes." - he finalized his speech with bit of sadness and pain in his voice, bowed, and turned his attention towards the room walls.

His hooded, dirty gray coat of rags, his beard and intense gaze were not so soothing or wellcoming, but his grim, lone wolf persona was radiating with determination, strength of will and pragmaticism. He was hardly surprised by the situation he found himself in.

Then he added, without turning his head, his eyes were examining room's walls:
"I agree. We are here. And we need to adapt... adapt here and now to this "here".

BlackStork sent a note to harlandski
Waiting for Nyom and Mandoric to do their posts/actions in order to advance
Oct 28, 2015 11:43 pm
Not expecting to see the strangers Nyom tightened the grip on her spear only to quickly relax as T'Jekyll introduced the pair. Having had enough to deal with on this adventure so far she simply observes the pair without saying a word.
Oct 29, 2015 10:06 am
Mandoric seems briefly lost in thought, but then beams up at the newcomers. "Ah, well met indeed. And an auspicious meeting, foretold by the avatrol augury, and no doubt with the blessing of the challifani and the ... foreign gods. I am no priest, though I am dedicated to the million gods of Lhauric. Maybe one day I will ride with them." At this he starts to drift off again into his cogitations, but retains a friendly countenance towards the newcomers.
Oct 29, 2015 10:31 am
The room continued to descend. The view around the room's walls cleared abit, and it became apparent that the room moving through glass tube downwards, towards the ground. The fog dissolved abit and the party saw huge clouds, which fought each other and were running with incredible speeds across the space around and below them, hiding and covering the ground. The distance between the party and the ground was decreasing with each second. The land was covered with fog. There were clouds eveywhere - above, around and below.

Then the walls revealed themselves. They were very high, and covered by thick fog. They were visible from the above, thick gray lines, coming from point which was exactly below the party, and going like beams outwards. Eight beams, at perfect angles, were running towards horison at eight directions. Huge walls, separating precisely all the space below to eight even sectors.

The room, the lift which was moving inside of octagon-shaped glass tube, was closing the distance with the ground.

Zinobia scratched his head and said calmly "Well, adapting is good, i hope we will survive all this...." and continued to stare on the approaching ground in order to catch more details and extract some more information from the thick fog, which evenly covered all the land around their landing point.

Then he pulled his octagon-shaped compass out and suprised "Oh" emerged from his throat.

He turned the compass screen towards the party, showing it.
There were colorfull signs running. It's surface turned into colorfull screen with colorful writings running by it's perimeter. Right in it's center it had stylized image which resembled prism with light going through it, and the big sentence which was blinking and changing colors. All the texts were in unknown language.

New Round.
Oct 29, 2015 12:32 pm
"May I take a look?" OOLIN says softly. With Zinobia's consent she studies the compass. She does not take it from him but she touches it lightly with a finger and looks at it intently. Upon contact with the compass, circuitry along her hand and arm begin to glow and blink. Her eye implants blink with soft light, in time with the patterns on the face of the compass.

I don't know if this should be an "understand numenera" roll or a "read language" roll of some sort. I hope the former is applicable. OOLIN is Specialized with numenera.


Understand the compass [applying 1 effort] - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Oct 29, 2015 9:26 pm
Advancing further because the situation probably is "better to wait and see what happens" for majority of characters/players especially that seemingly initiative have been taken By Oolin and seems that it going to have some fruits. Yes, there is reason to advance further abit, to the results.
Huge note >> Oolin

BlackStork sent a note to Jabes.plays.RPG
The room continued to descend, and invietably was closing the distance with covered by dense fog landcape and eight walls going towards the horison.
Party watched OOLIN interacting with Zinobia's compass in silence. There was something going on. It was clear that she got something with her attempt to "contact" with this "thing".

New Round. Actions are anticipated and wellcomed but not required in order to advance the round. I will advance 24-36h after this post - eventually.
Oct 30, 2015 7:24 am
T'Jekyll knows that OOLIN will communicate when she's ready. He takes stock of the ground, tries to get a sense of the walls' height, and says:
"Maybe we should try to see what details we can see in each 'Octant,' so we know which route to take. What can you see?"
T'Jekyll will be looking down at one section/octant, which we'll arbitrarily call Octant 1 (T'Jekyll is Trained in Searching).
Last edited October 30, 2015 7:29 am
Oct 30, 2015 3:40 pm
While the others gather up to look at the octagon compass, Ronna wanders off towards the edge of the room, instinctively choosing the most shadowy or otherwise covered part of the room. She walks as close to the glass as she dares, taking in the strange cloud landscape and its constant movements.

She stands there for a moment, watching everything and then turns towards the others. Suddenly Nyom hears Ronna's voice in her head and senses her feeling of awe and delight. "Come! Come and see! This is incredible!"

Then Ronna's eyes spread open wide and she raises her hand to her mouth. "Sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" she exclaims out loud. "I mean-- I didn't know I could--" she raises her hand to her temple and looks around puzzled. "I've-- never had this kind of touch with the world before. I--I-- I think I may have tried too hard to see into your head before, Nyom."

Ronna falls silent again and remains standing there, her eyes wide and her expression stunned.

OOC: Spent the 4XP to learn Mental Link esotery. It allows Ronna to open a pathway to another creature and transmit thoughts and images between them, regardless of distance or whether we are able to see each other.

Sorry, Ronna is still going to be almost useless in combat. But getting Onslaught just didn't make sense story-wise.
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