Octagon - Another Purpose - Game Thread.

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Jun 18, 2015 6:49 pm
In his terror at the physical danger presented by the canals and the avatrols, Mandoric had quite forgotten about the belief about looking through the hole in an avatrol's skull. He moves over to the three skulls, and takes a careful look through each. Will this mission make him rich, and bring riches to his glorious city of Lhauric, or is it a wild drakka chase?


Seeing the future through the skull hole - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Jun 18, 2015 7:02 pm
3 skulls are taken by Ronna, Lucas and Mandoric, there no skulls on the ground.
Jax and Nyom turns requiered for advance the turn
Jun 18, 2015 8:39 pm
Jax catches the bag with the bloody Avatrol skins and affixes it with the rest of his gear before assessing himself. He's a little winded from the running and battle but hes been worse before. He takes this small period of time to catch his breath a little before starting to move again.

"I hope you pick the right way to go. I don't think we want to be fighting Avatrols all day long" says a slightly refreshed Jax as he begins to make his way up the hill.


Recovery (Action) - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jun 19, 2015 2:53 pm
Nyom, who was resting on the ground, stands up and gathers her belongings. Falling in next to Jax, she jokes, "Agreed, one fight a day against these things is enough..."
Jun 19, 2015 4:22 pm
Jax and Nyom started to move with Zinobia.

Jax needs to add more 1 point to his recovery, because the formula is 1d6+1, not 1d6. Please add one point if you added only 1 point from 1d6 roll.

For skulls i use gradual sucess system and note feature of the forum, so anyone who looking through avatrol skull recieving personal experience

Lucas should substract 1 from his might pool due his armor and him not being skilled with armor (anouther hour+ passed)

Ronna, Lucas and Mandoric are looking through the avatrol skulls before moving with Zinobia, Jax and Nyom.

The party goes forward, and another march through wild plains begins, guided by determined Zinobia.

I making few hours pause before i progess with transition. This is not action This is optional action that i may end at any time... If you got here before the transition, and want to post you can post something about your character actions at start of the movement session.
The next post will be transition.
Jun 19, 2015 4:27 pm
Mandoric looks through the skull of avatrol in his hands
BlackStork sent a note to harlandski
Jun 19, 2015 4:28 pm
Ronna looks through the skull of avatrol in his hands
BlackStork sent a note to Gargoyle
Jun 19, 2015 4:28 pm
Lucas looks through the skull of avatrol in his hands
BlackStork sent a note to themightykobold
Jun 19, 2015 4:56 pm
themightykobold sent a note to BlackStork
Lucas cuts a small bit of rop off, no more than a foot, and ties the skull to his belt through the hole. It will serve as a reminder of the journey ahead. He catches up to the others and silently contemplates what he thinks he saw.
Last edited June 19, 2015 4:57 pm
Jun 19, 2015 5:44 pm
Mandoric lets the skull drop to the ground. His seskii playfully grabs it with its teeth and goes off to worry it behind a rock. Mandoric does not even notice. As the group moves on, the merchant walks along with them in a kind of reverie.
Last edited June 19, 2015 5:44 pm
Jun 19, 2015 7:27 pm
The party moved forward. With determined pace Zinobia was moving in front of the group showing the way. He said once again that he is going through seemingly safe area, but he did not explained any more.

The party moved three hours (Lucas - please substract another -3 from your might pool) , when the party finally arrived to the hilly valley, covered by the certain, single type of plant. The plant had pointy leaves, and dandelion-like blossom. The time was close to the evening, and red light flown from the west, where descending down sun was set to end the light day very soon.

This is soundtrack music - it is optional and is here in order to add more immersion to the scenery.

There was a road. Old and forgotten. The plant did not grew there, but all the hills around were covered by it, and the fields stretched towards west and north-west, for long distance. There, on the horizon was chain of bigger hills with larger vegetation.

Zinobia moved forward, stepping on the road, waving with his hands to follow him.


After ten minutes of road travel suddenly all the plants exploded with motion, and started to release dandelion-like umbrellas. The swarm, thousands, perhaps millions of tiny umbrellas suddenly started to move upwards, released by the plants. They flown up, into the sky, without entering the space above road.
The massive exodus of dandelion-like umbrellas and the sun light which was broken, filtered by clouds of ubrella particles, created certain blur and the vision of surrounding valley became more dim, more blurred.
The scence, the landscape was beautiful and mesmerizing at same time.

Zinobia stopped for a moment, turned to party, and said : "Let's keep moving. This is Traavix. Vona Seers say that it is harmless, as long as you do not touch it. It stings, it's painful and could paralyze.. Stings with ponent charge. They say those plants are not from our world. And that they are leaving for other world from time to time. And then they are coming back. They travel. No one knows where and why. We are lucky to see this. It is beautiful sight, but it also protects us. They also say that Traavix fakes reality. And that looking through Traavix flower could return the true reality to your eyes.
I suggest we should just follow the road towards those hills on the horison. And do not touch thesee."
- he turned and started to walk again, following the road.

The Traavix bloom particles were everywhere. Clouds of them filled the air above the valley, leaving slim corridor of the road and the space above it. The air became filled with colorful lights, as light beams coming from sun were refracted in the clouds of raising umbrellas.
The scene was breathtaking. Beautiful. The fresh evening air filled the lungs of the travellers, and they needed to follow Zinobia which was moving forward at quite fast pace.

After fifteen minutes of the fast walk he stopped, and said:
"Hmmmmm...... i think i saw this turn..... and this stone on the road. And those hills..... they are not any closer..... Something tricky here... something.... wrong. I feel it with my guts.
I am leading you into running circles. I'ts Traavix. We may need to wait till this thing ends."
and he makes waving with his hand pointing towards valley and air above it, filled with countless dandelion-like umbrellas.

BlackStork sent a note to themightykobold
New turn starts. All party mambers should do their turns
Jun 20, 2015 12:59 am
Lucas goes over to Zinobia and Jax. "Could I trouble you briefly? I need some of the avatrol skin. A small square should suffice. I would like to collect at least one of these spores."
Jun 20, 2015 2:57 am
Nyom, never having seen anything quite like this before, isn't quite sure what to make of the situation. Hearing Lucas ask Jax for some help collecting the spores she asks, "Do you have some thoughts on what's happening here?". She reaches into her pack and grabs an extra set of pants she had been carrying. "You're welcome to use these as long as you don't damage them."
Jun 20, 2015 3:00 am
"The skin has reflective properties that would make it ideal though I do appreciate the offer."
Jun 20, 2015 6:51 am
Zinobia pulls his skinning knife and turns towards Jax : "Hmmm, great idea. Genious. Yes, it should reflect..... Jax, could you please give me the skins? We'll cut a small piece. Vona Seers say that... looking through the bloom returns reality back...... Magnificent."
Then he turns towards the valley, thinks alittle, eyes the skull tied to the Lucas waistband, and smiles in revelation. Then he turns back to Jax and says "Yea, small piece, if you please..."
Jun 20, 2015 5:45 pm
Mandoric watches Lucas and Zinobia thoughtfully. They seem to have the solution to the current problem.
Jun 21, 2015 3:27 pm
Jax happily tosses the bag back over to Zinobia. At the very least we can use the spores to our advantage he thinks in his head.

"Could we possibly use these spores on our darts and arrows? How much have you worked with this plant Zinobia?
Last edited June 21, 2015 3:27 pm
Jun 22, 2015 1:37 pm
Game waits for Ronna's turn
Jun 22, 2015 1:56 pm
When the group stops, Ronna places her back bag to the ground, rummages through it for something to eat, and starts munching on a snack. As the others start to work on the spores, she steps back and watches the process quietly, occasionally glancing around, driven by her nervous, naturally suspicious instincts.

OOC: Sorry, I was away for the weekend.
Jun 22, 2015 2:05 pm
Zinobia takes and cuts the small piece of the avatrols skin and gives it to Lucas, and then returns the skin backpack to Jax back.
He nods to Lucas, smiles and then switches his attention on the Traavix umbrellas rising up to the sky.

Party may do their turns.
This turn will be extended turn. What that means? Each player can do 2 posts/actions before turn ends. I may end turn at any moment after each player made at least one action/post.
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