What have you been playing lately?

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Feb 26, 2025 1:34 am
Please how is Civ 7? I read from the reviews that it's full of bug and not a bake game, in particular the UI is bad and when changing era it's quite rough to change country?

What are your thoughts?

Feb 26, 2025 3:58 am
I haven't encountered any bugs, myself. The UI definitely takes some getting used to. It is not as intuitive as previous Civ games have been. Changing eras gives you an opportunity to switch cultures, but you are limited in choice by your previous accomplishments. I found this particularly frustrating.
Feb 26, 2025 4:30 am
Still resisting to don't buy it... With work and RL have so much to do, if i install it, might have to resign from work and break up with boyfriends haha
Feb 26, 2025 7:10 am
I've heard it's best to wait a year for games like Civ for bug fixes, adding missing features, and performance improvements. I almost never buy games full priced since I have such a huge library of games still waiting to be played there is no rush lol. I have been playing Cyberpunk 2077 and it's so good. Which like Civ, was much worse when it came out I heard so I bought it and the DLC for really cheap years after it came out and has so many new features and runs really well.
Feb 26, 2025 8:06 am
I noticed indeed that video games price are so expensive these days.
Feb 26, 2025 1:22 pm
Haven't experienced any bugs myself either. But as mentioned the UI is lackluster, and the civiliopedia isn't much help. It requires a bit testing to see why things are the way they are (or watching youtube tutorials in the background). A lot of very basic game elements aren't well explained. But yeah, might be good to wait. Have been playing the Civ series since the beginning and I've bought every game since IV on release.

I'm on my second playthrough and now that I know how stuff interacts I'm having a great time. I'm not that bothered by the change of eras mechanic as some. I've played Humankind and they had a similar mechanic, and while I can't put my finger on why, I find it better implemented in Civ 7.
Feb 27, 2025 5:08 am
I've been grinding through Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance in the little free time I have for video games these days. I miss the social parts from the Persona series, but SMT is still fun for the fights and demon fusions. Being able to save anywhere is nice too.
Mar 22, 2025 12:19 am
Split Fiction is my wife and my current obsession. Great couch co-op and nice little story as well.

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