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Nov 29, 2017 6:20 pm


Wisdom saving thriw - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Nov 29, 2017 6:39 pm
Ug stands there holding the lower half of the wolf up by the tail, staring at his best friend in the world (besides, perhaps, his own mother). Pomab sighs, tucks the wand into his vest, and then asks Ug to clean up the mess he made. He walks back to his desk and sits there smugly, hands behind his head, and this is what Maverick sees when he enters the Emporium.
Ug, you are under a charm effect. Until it ends, you regard Pomab as a friendly acquaintance and are inclined (though not required) to do as he says. You cannot attack him or target him with harmful abilities or magical effects, and he has advantage on any ability checks to interact with you socially.
Nov 29, 2017 6:44 pm
Ug realizes Pomab is actually a delightful person and Ugs own mother would have taken him in as a second son. So he begins apologizing for his rudeness abd starts cleaning up his mess as the gnome walks in.
Last edited November 29, 2017 7:53 pm
Nov 29, 2017 6:57 pm
After Zenithral deems his cleaning work sufficient (when he gets bored of repeatedly casting prestidigitation), he goes to Hrothgar's and knocks on the door. When he answers, Zenithral greets him.

"Hrothgar, my good man! Pardon the interruption. I know you've had many visitors already today, but do you happen to know what this footprint belongs to? Zenithral waves his hand, casting prestidigitation. An illusory image of snow with the strange footprint from the lakeside appears in his hand. "I found a trail of these leading from and returning to the lake, almost certainly fresh last night, barefoot mind you. The last footprint before it turned around was deep, almost as if it stayed in place for a while...watching perhaps? I could just be a paranoid half-elf, but I believe something odd is occurring in this village beyond cat-killing beetles and scrimshaw-loving winter wolves."
Last edited November 29, 2017 6:57 pm
Nov 29, 2017 7:05 pm
"I suppose there's that missing caravan too..." Zenithral adds. "Has Easthaven ever been cursed?"
Nov 29, 2017 8:58 pm
Hrothgar looks at Zenithral soberly for a moment, and then says, "Son, I know you haven't been in Icewind Dale long, regardless of your time in the militia. This ice-blasted tundra is home to more monsters than man or beast combined." He lets out a breath. "Easthaven is no more cursed than the rest of Ten Towns. But for all the cold and danger, this land has come to be our home, too, when we had no other." Looking at Zenithral with a piercing gaze he asks, "Can you honestly say that you fit in wherever it was you came from? I'm guessing not, or you would never have made it here." He looks at the illusory image of prints. "I don't know anything about these, but I know who might. Old Jed has been here longer than anybody, so he might know something about it. Or Everard, the head priest over in the Temple, is wise and may be able to tell you something more useful than I."
Nov 29, 2017 10:03 pm
Zenithral is startled by Hrothgar's piercing gaze and deep question. He is visibly uncomfortable, but doesn't reply.

Once Hrothgar tells Zenithral to speak with Everard, he nods. "Understood...sir. Er, have a good afternoon." He turns and leaves. Once the door is shut, he shakes his head in frustration. 'Has Easthaven ever been cursed?' Honestly...the things that come out of this mouth!

He begins to head to the temple but hesitates. His clumsiness and blundering of the past hour left him not wanting to talk to anyone. He decides to head back to Winter's Cradle, eat lunch, and spend the day there. With any luck, he wouldn't be bothered the rest of the day. Bothered? You were the one looking for trouble. he tells himself. Not anymore, he retorts. Now I'm looking for food.
Nov 29, 2017 11:44 pm
"And when you're done cleaning, go tell Hrothgar about why you made it in the first place, alright? I'm sure he'd appreciate knowing." Pomab smiles sweetly, though to anyone besides Ug it looks like a pained grimace.
Nov 29, 2017 11:59 pm
Ug happily cleans for the man he now calls his brother, how could ever have not liked this merchant. Sure he said some nasty things about mothers, but Ug could forgive that. He could even ignore the guys ugliness. Ug hummed softly to himself until the job was complete. He then lumbered over to the Pomab and slapped him on the back "thank you good brother! Do not look so down! I leave kitty fur as gift! You give good helmet to dwarf friend, I give you good gift! Next time ug drink to you and to mama! " he says with a jovial laugh. "all hail nancy and ugly friends!" he then heads out the door to find hrothgar.
Last edited November 30, 2017 12:07 am
Nov 30, 2017 12:14 am
As he passes the stunned maverick he hoists the small Gnome onto his shoulders and heads off in his way, humming cheerfully to the maternal drinking tune
"though his face is like goblin backend,
all hail, all hail
To ug's ugly friend!
Last edited November 30, 2017 12:22 am
Nov 30, 2017 12:24 am
Erevain has another fit of coughing, and only notices Father Tulfgyr when he comes out of it. "Pardon me, dwarf, what was it you said? I am afraid I missed it." Then he notices Al's sudden coolness and straightens up - as much as he can. "If you are busy, Alalla, we can continue this at another time. But please, take some of this meal with you. I would not want you to go hungry today after I promised breakfast." He offers her a wrapped parcel.
Nov 30, 2017 12:38 am
Hrothgar hears Ug's humming long before the heavy knocking on the door. "I must be popular today," he mutters. He opens the door and lets Ug (and Maverick) in. They see the same things everyone sees when they enter Hrothgar's home. The knickknacks, the grisly trophies, and the heavy air of nostalgia. "You lot are becoming quite the heroes, friends! Feasts, holidays, deeds kind and noble. We are certainly glad to have you here in our Easthaven. What can I do for you this afternoon?"
Nov 30, 2017 12:51 am
In the Winter's Cradle, Zenithral is greeted by Grisella and Father Fuzzy. The squirrel is perched happily on the barkeep's shoulder, chittering enthusiastically in between nibbles on an acorn tucked between his paws. Grisella herself has a warm smile on her face. "Welcome again, Master Zan!" she calls, and gives him another serving of - sadly - the same meal he had for breakfast. Her smile slips a bit and she says, "I'm afraid we don't have much variety these days. We're waiting for a caravan of fresh goods, you see, and we used up a lot in the feast last night."
Nov 30, 2017 1:15 am
"We happy to help nice village, but true hero is Pomab!" Ug says with a cheer, "that merchant worthy of two mothers! Made ug happy to clean his carpets and leave special gift!"
Last edited November 30, 2017 1:15 am
Nov 30, 2017 1:29 am
Hrothgar does a double-take, eyes widening slightly and then narrowing. "Pomab has never done a heroic thing in his life. Hmm... how mad did you make him before he 'made you happy?'"
Nov 30, 2017 1:39 am
Ug shrugs with a smile, ""He no like trade for bloody wolf fuzz, made him very quiet and shaky, so ug leave as gift instead." Ug starts bouncing on the balks if his feet his massive feet,"but Ug and Ponab now brothers of other mothers and family! all is forgiven! "
Last edited November 30, 2017 2:47 am
Nov 30, 2017 1:53 am
"I see... well, if your feelings about that ever change, come see me first. So what else brings you here today?"
Nov 30, 2017 4:17 am
Maverick sees Ug's colossal hand and braces for the impact just before he gets swept off his feet. 'I suppose I better get used to being man-handled like this' the gnome sulks to himself as gets placed on the goliaths shoulder. 'although the veiw from up here is pretty nice... maybe it won't be so awful' he thinks to himself as he settles quite comfortably on Ug's shoulder along for the ride to wherever the goliath was heading.
Nov 30, 2017 5:01 am
"oh of course Alalla just one question first" says while he begins first aid on the elf "Do you believe in the divines?" directing the question at the elf while looking at Al
Nov 30, 2017 5:06 am
Erevain seems surprised at the religious question, but then nods and says, "Yes. I believe in the Seldarine, and pay homage to Corellon Larethian - the Protector - most of all."
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