Chapter 7: To Gravenhollow

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Jul 31, 2018 4:19 pm
"Or, time means nothing to the divine, nor to the daemonic," says Hunter. She looks around, then calls for Huorm to lead them to the appropriate section of the library.
Aug 3, 2018 8:07 pm
Hourm is more than happy to lead you to the Archives of the Present. When you arrive, you see a carving on the archway above the door: The present is like sand, ever flowing and escaping one's grasp without mercy or respite

This series of rooms is filled with a ton of books, tables, and other strange devices that must be used in some way for storing knowledge. You are, once again, alone.
Aug 3, 2018 8:44 pm
"What do we wish to know?" Hunter asks, though whether or not it was rhetorical is unclear, as she does not seem to direct the question at anyone. "Maybe what the drow are doing now, after releasing the demons and their spawn?"

Her own question answered, Hunter focuses upon the crystal in her hand as she considers the drow and their plans.
Aug 9, 2018 1:56 am
As Hunter feels herself being pulled into the gem, she begins to see a vision....

A drow in fine robes wanders the halls of some ancient library, accompanied by a large, slimy, black monster. Massive claws adorn the hands at the end of its long arms and rows of vicious looking teeth fill its mouth. The drow looks lost in thought as he enters another room, which contains a number of odd figures, all of whom look familiar...

The rest of the party sees a drow in fine robes with a monstrous bodyguard enter the room. He stops suddenly, "Ah... I didn't realize that I wasn't alone in here..."
[ +- ] Monster
Aug 9, 2018 3:14 am
Hunter seems to stir as the drow enters the room, but remains focused on the crystal and apparently oblivious to those in attendance. Her hand gestures idly, though whether she is casting a spell or signing a language is unclear.
CancerMan sent a note to Naatkinson
Aug 9, 2018 8:55 am
Mai'ngor fingers his sword hilt instinctively, though he does not draw the weapon. Instead, he bows formally to the drow. "We are travelers and seekers of knowledge, much as yourself. I am Mai'ngor, chieftain of the tikbalang. And you are?"
Aug 10, 2018 4:02 pm
The drow looks surprised by Mai'ngor's title, but it passes quickly. "I am Vizeran Devir of Menzoberranzan, and this is Kleve," he says, motioning to the monster by his side, "He is quite harmless... unless you seek to do me harm, of course."

Sarith stands up straighter at the mention of the drow's name and then drops into a low bow, "Greetings, Master Devir, my name is Sarith. I was once a soldier in the armies of House Devir before their unfortunate fall."

Vizeran gives a slight nod of acknowledgement, but doesn't respond to Sarith's introduction, looking once more at Mai'ngor, "It's not often that I see those of the surface races here in the Underdark. What brings you here of all places?"
Aug 10, 2018 5:11 pm
Hunter shakes herself from her focus on the crystal, muttering something about asynchronous audio with visual. "Answers," she says, squinting her eyes shut to realign her thoughts. She looks at Vizeran studiously, then turns to Melpomene. "Is he the one? The one you saw?"
Aug 10, 2018 5:36 pm
CancerMan says:
Hunter shakes herself from her focus on the crystal, muttering something about asynchronous audio with visual. "Answers," she says, squinting her eyes shut to realign her thoughts. She looks at Vizeran studiously, then turns to Melpomene. "Is he the one? The one you saw?"
He is not the same one :)
Aug 10, 2018 5:58 pm
Hunter nods. "Answers," she says again, "to the question of What in the Abyss were you folk thinking?!"
Aug 10, 2018 10:46 pm
Melpomene shakes her head, quite certain this is a different drow.
Aug 12, 2018 2:33 pm
"I wasn't involved in creating the mess down here," the drow says, narrowing his eyes dangerously, "I am, however, here to figure out how to fix it."

Sarith places a hand on Hunter's shoulder and, when she looks at him, he looks scared and shakes his head imperceptibly.
Aug 13, 2018 2:23 am
"Then our goals are aligned," says Hunter. "You do appear to have a measure of experience, unlike the one who started this mess. I apologize for casting you in such a light.

"I am Hunter. We are also here to figure out what is happening and discover some means of stopping it. We have danced too close and too often with the demon lords for my liking."

She takes Sarith's hand and gives it a squeeze. "I am afraid we do not know much save visions of the event that started it all, and a few glimpses of the demon lords in their purview."
Aug 13, 2018 7:09 am
Ma'ngor registers Sarith's discomfiture. The tikbalang has never fully trusted the drow warrior. But seeing a reaction like that Mai'ngor is even less inclined to trust this Vizeran Devir.

"What do you know of this 'mess' and what, exactly, do you mean when you say you mean to 'fix' it?"
Aug 17, 2018 11:46 pm
"I know that Gromph Baenre started the whole damned thing," Vizeran says, "Stupid fool... And I think I'm on the verge of figuring out how to reverse it. Perhaps once I've figured it out, I can find a way that you can assist in this. For beings of the lesser races, you seem competent enough." He says this last part without even flinching, as if he doesn't realize that it could be an insult (or just doesn't care).
Aug 18, 2018 1:32 am
Hunter appears as though trying to judo-throw Sarith over her shoulder towards Vizeran. Lacking the strength, she smooths her robes and looks for a seat. "This would seem the perfect learning opportunity," she says. "We would be honored to hear your theories, and we shall do our best to keep up."
Aug 20, 2018 7:27 pm
Vizeran raises an eyebrow, "Keep up?" he asks skeptically, "I should think that would be far outside of your meager talents. I think that I shall do my own research. Once I have the solution in mind, I will let you know if I think you can help."
Aug 20, 2018 7:35 pm
"But of course," Hunter says with a tinge of ice. She hands the crystal to Melpomene to give the tiefling an opportunity to focus upon it. Hunter sits and takes out an old piece of the Pudding King's throne and taps lightly upon it with a small hammer, turning the stone ever so slightly at each beat.
Aug 21, 2018 4:25 am
"Why are we here again? Seems like if they can find the solution themselves then they probably could take care of it themselves too."
Aug 21, 2018 8:35 am
Mai'ngor laughs heartily. Either the drow slights them on purpose, or his arrogance is so great that insult is offered unthinkingly. Either way, the proud tikbalang chieftains of old killed over far, far less. But after everything he's been through, to sully Sinag's blade with such a senseless death is distasteful to Mai'ngor. The tikbalang wipes a tear of mirth from his eye. This Devir is dirt. Mai'ngor's already dim view of the drow has not improved this day.
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