A Time to Harvest - Chapter Four

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May 7, 2019 10:04 am


Machete(60) - (1d100)

(30) = 30

May 7, 2019 2:03 pm
As soon as he sees Mathis run in, Doc will focus the cone on the creature that Mathis isn't charging towards.
May 7, 2019 4:05 pm
Doc draws the beam across to the left as Mathis takes the creature leaping to the right. The young man's machete slices through the air, cutting through chitin and bone like butter, much to Mathis surprise.
1d8 damage please Mathis.
Another 2d10 from you too Doc
May 7, 2019 4:35 pm

EDIT:Or not I guess.
Last edited May 7, 2019 4:35 pm


Damage - (2D10)

(21) = 3

May 7, 2019 7:25 pm
The left hand Enemy and the stationary one remain in the cone, taking more damage.
May 8, 2019 5:37 pm
Knifesedgegames says:
Ok so what now? Does Doc direct the cone left or right? What are Taffy and Mathis doing?
Taffy will take aim with his colt revolver at the left-most creature.
...but is apparently the shittiest soldier alive.
Last edited May 8, 2019 5:38 pm


Handgun (65%) Attack Roll - (1d100)

(89) = 89

Damage roll (if applicable) - (1d8)

(1) = 1

May 11, 2019 3:05 am


Damage - (1d8)

(3) = 3

May 11, 2019 3:37 pm
Mathis' machete doesn't quite kill the thing and weaponless, the creature snaps at Mathis with it's claws but Mathis is too quick.

Taffy's gunshot rings through the air, the shot hitting the wall opposite.


Attack - (1d100)

(49) = 49

May 14, 2019 7:06 am
Sam moves to assist Mathis with his trench knife, avoiding the icy mist.

He stabs the thing in the back of the head and instantly it drops, collapsing into a puddle of liquid that splashes both him and Mathis


Knife - (1d100)

(55) = 55

Damage - (1d8+1, 1d4)

1d8+1 : (7) + 1 = 8

1d4 : (3) = 3

May 14, 2019 7:10 am
Doc, still holding the stream notices the red charge marker tick down to 17. The second creature is trapped against the wall, in the stream and turning white, as is the stationary one.
May 19, 2019 12:58 pm
Sorry, did NOT realize that’s what you were implying! 2D10? Including the roll for ease, if it’s wrong I’ll reroll
Last edited May 19, 2019 12:59 pm


Damage - (2d10)

(38) = 11

May 20, 2019 10:41 pm
The frost still hasn’t killed the second creature and the large one is now covered in a coating of ice particles.
May 20, 2019 10:51 pm
Mathis looks to the entrance of the room and sees some newcomers, including Eugene and Clive. It seems they found you!
May 21, 2019 6:38 pm
Solomon notices one of the men turn to look at them and sees a flicker of recognition of his face. Obviously it wasn't for him so it must have been for one or both of them men who he and the others had freed from the tables. He calls out to the assembled group, "There are more coming behind us." Solomon moves to the left side of the chamber to make room for the others behind him.
May 25, 2019 11:49 pm
Another damage roll please Doc
Anyone else acting?
May 25, 2019 11:51 pm
"By God! Gibson! How did you end up here? And Wolfe, we've been looking for you. We need to get out of here. You say more are coming behind you?"
Antony recognises his commanding officer from the camp, Sam Morrison.
May 28, 2019 7:42 pm
Doc hears shouting and commotion around him, but doesn't notice the arrival as he grits his teeth and keeps the emission from the strange device he's holding locked on the monstrosity in front of him.


Damage - (2d10)

(610) = 16

May 29, 2019 10:08 pm
The cloud of frost seems to grow in intensity. The bipedal creature is frozen into a solid statue of ice. The huge one starts to frantically jerk on its wires.

Knifesedgegames sent a note to Santouche
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