Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Oct 6, 2015 1:31 am
Crolwell throws his axe over his shoulder and smiles at Aelar. "You know I heard a story about a hag once... This young man ran up to me, kicked me in me shin, and said that I was so ugly my mother was probably a hag. Now, see here, I would argue with the little feller, but he might just be right. I don't really remember me mother, I had one, but I just don't remember the way she looked. She did make me pie now and then. Honest to goodness pie. Yum Yum pie. It becomes difficult to remember things when you get to this age. It is truly a difficult thing, you'll see, you won't even remember your own songs. You will be farting out nonsense just like me and..."
Crolwell continues to be Crolwell.
Last edited October 6, 2015 1:31 am
Oct 6, 2015 2:04 am
After you manage to finish out the night you are awoken once again by a quite angry scream. The sunlight streams in through a few gaps in the boards above. It is early morning now. The voice becomes quite clear in a moment, "WHO PUT A GOUGE IN MY SHIP!!!". Torment is upstairs, fairly furious you would guess.
Oct 6, 2015 9:23 pm
Ütés awakes and will walk up to the deck to enjoy the early morning view.
Oct 6, 2015 9:25 pm
Aelar gets up and gets his stuff together, making sure he has all of his combat gear. Last night shook him up a bit. He then heads up to the deck and walks up to Torment, "What happened up here? You sounded pretty upset," he says to her.
Oct 8, 2015 2:35 am
"I had one rule elf. One rule. Don't mess with my ship. Now I come up to find a gigantic gouge in my ship. This was not here before last night", Torment says, her teeth clenched as she tries to keep any amount of control on her temper, "Now. Seeing as you are cargo from a very...important...client, I shall forgive this. Next time I can not be so sure it will so easily be forgiven.", her eyes flare up brighter red, and then fade back to their normal pale red.
Oct 8, 2015 2:42 am
"Perhaps she'd like the hag back?" Ütés thinks to herself as she overhears Torment talking to Aelar.
Oct 8, 2015 3:05 am
Crolwell gasps and clasps his hands over his mouth.
"Oh My Goodness! Aelar what did you do?!?!" He says in shock. "Horrible! This can't happen! No no no no no no! Aelar!" Crolwell begins backing away from the Half-Elf slowly, as if Aelar was brandishing a knife...


Preformance (Oh Aelar!) - (1d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Oct 8, 2015 4:22 am
Torment just views the scene with derision. She leaves the group and goes back to barking angry orders to her crew.

The next two days go uneventfully. The weather has held for the trip, and you count yourselves lucky for it. You finally spot a green swath of color on the horizon. From a distance all you can see is rising mountains that are covered in dense jungle until about half-way up. They are all crested by snow at their peaks.

Torment informs you she will be docking the ship in the port town on this island. It's a very small little town, and she tells you to find the Flaming Whelp tavern, there your contact should be waiting. Her ship will be in port for a few days before she will be forced to return. She can leave sooner if you are successful in your mission, but the longest she can stay without raising suspicion is 4 days.
Oct 8, 2015 5:24 pm
Crolwell nods and throws his arms around the shoulders of the nearest person beside him. "Yes I'll be glad to get a swig of something to drink, though it truly has been a lovely ride. I do not remember having such a lovely boat ride".
Oct 8, 2015 5:29 pm
"We truly appreciate your assistance, we will be back before the four days are up for a ride back," Aelar says to her, then looking to Utes, "We'll be back, whether or not we've rescued my friends."

He nods to her, I will keep my promise, no harm will come to the prince, he thinks to himself.
Oct 8, 2015 10:00 pm
"Our many thanks, Torment."

Securing her pack she looks towards Aelar, "We've come to rescue your friends. We'll leave once we've accomplished that, even if it means finding another ship to take us back."

"To the Flaming Whelp then!!" she yells before noticeably shuddering as she remembers how her last visit to a tavern turned out.
Oct 8, 2015 11:44 pm
Crolwell jumps from the person he has his arm wrapped around to Aelar and swings his arm over Aelar's shoulder. He points in the direction of the town.
"To the Flaming, Whelp!"
And then gets ready to follow behind Arc, waiting to see if Aelar notices his pause...
Oct 9, 2015 3:20 am
When you dock you find yourself in a small one road town attached to a small set of docks. Torment anchors the ship and starts having her crew unload the crates they were previously loading back in Neverwinter. You find yourself a small ways down this road , it's surprisingly busy for such a small town, but the inn and bar seem quite large and there are all manner of traveler here. The docks were full of other ships when you pulled in.

As you find your way to the Flaming Whelp the sound of music drones out from it. At this time of day, about noonish, the Tavern is quite quiet and surprisingly dimly lit despite the sun outside. There are only a few patrons playing cards at one table, and you also spot a man sitting in the back of the bar drinking ale.

As you walk in the bartender looks up from the glasses he is cleaning and greets you, "Aye, welcome to the Flaming Whelp, travelers. Can I get ya' anything?"
Oct 9, 2015 3:42 am
Crolwell nods to his allies and nods as if to say, this works every time.
Crolwell will slide up to the bartender and say, "I would like the thing that can drop me the fastest". Then he gives the bar tender a wink. "And... you know... Something that can sting like a dagger... if you can catch my clue". He then just stares at the barkeeper, a jester like grin plastered permanently on the old man's face.
Oct 9, 2015 4:00 am
The bartender, looking thoroughly confused manages to stammer out, "Uh. Well. Uh, we got dwarven ale. Or this here stout. I...", he looks to the rest of the party, unsure what to make of this man, "I'm not sure I entirely get your meaning."
Oct 9, 2015 4:02 am
"A water for me, kind sir!" I sit next to Crolwell. "Did you just ask him to stab you with a dagger? What a strange request."
Oct 9, 2015 4:09 am
Crolwell frowns as he distracted by Xadira.
"What? Oh! Yes! I'll take them both. But, could you top them both off with dag... ah... err... Chazlenut".
Crolwell tries to smile and then he realizes... What on earth is Chazlenut?
He spins around in his seat and scrutinizes the rest of the tavern.
Last edited October 9, 2015 4:24 am


Perception - (1d20+3)

(14) + 3 = 17

Oct 9, 2015 5:20 am
The bartender serves the drinks for Xadira and Crolwell. As Crolwell checks out the tavern he sees it's a fairly large tavern. Even being small a port town can probably get quite a few customers. The largest buildings you've seen in this town have been the inn and the tavern.

Aside from the 3 gentleman playing a, so far, orderly game of cards. The only other person in here besides the bartender was the person sitting in the darker corner of the bar. Looking a little closer you can see a small metalic pin on his otherwise stark black robes. As you glance around this person waves you to come join him at his table.
Oct 9, 2015 1:01 pm
Aelar will order a drink from the bartender before walking over to the man in the black robes and taking a seat, he will wait for the others to sit before he says, "I'm Aelar, you must be our contact here?" He says this while inconspicuously showing the man his Daggers' badge.
Oct 9, 2015 4:53 pm
Taking a seat at the bar Ütés orders herself an ale and keeps an eye on the discussion between Aelar and the robed man.


Perception [+4] - (1d20+4)

(20) + 4 = 24

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