The Severed Hand

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Oct 13, 2018 7:42 pm
"We're rested enough to continue, I think," Al says as she finishes heaping rubble in front of the door. She resists scratching a warning into the wall. It feels too much like the gibberish in the guardhouse, and who would read it, anyway? Instead she turns and rests what she hopes is a comforting hand on Erevain's shoulder.

"Maybe you should try talking to it again," Alalla says to Zenithral. "I have paper and styluses in my pack."
Oct 13, 2018 7:45 pm
Zenithral shrugs at Erevain. "I tried to ask it a question to glean more information, but it didn't seem very responsive. It recognizes the names of the people who lived here, so it's possible it has the mind of someone of the time...or several people...It seems to feel sorrow. Either it feels pain from the deaths and events that transpired, or it's trapped here. Or both. Either way, it appears quite intelligent, though I can't figure out what it wants." He purses his lips. "I can keep trying to communicate with it if you'd like, however."

He nods at Alalla. "I'm not sure if it's dextrous enough to wield a writing utensil. Might slip out of its fingers, but it's worth a try."

Taking the supplies, he writes in elvish.

I am Zenithral, grandson of Arannis. What is your name?

He places the stylus on the paper and slides it under the side of the doorway for the Collector to see.
Last edited October 13, 2018 7:48 pm
Oct 14, 2018 1:30 am
The companions can hear the crumple of paper from the other side of the collector's door. There is a long pause, and then a sharp *snick*. A squeal of metal follows, immediately after which the door nearly splinters as something heavy crashes against it.

This violent outburst leads to a sullen silence. A moment later, the paper is shoved back under the door, followed by a broken stylus. The paper is marked by a large tear, but folding it smooth the group can read a half-finished word.

Oct 14, 2018 2:28 am
"Awwww, guys she's 'lethargic'. I think she needs some cheering up."

With a minir Illusion, Fergy makes the image of a very cute bunny that keeps scaring itself with it's own rainbowed farts.
Last edited October 14, 2018 2:28 am
Oct 14, 2018 5:14 am
Zenithral picks up the paper and stares at it for a moment, then looks up sharply. "Lethias?!" He hits his forehead. "Of course! That's why he had the sword and tried to show it to me...then could simply be saying another name it knows..."

He casts message towards the Collector. "Are you Lethias, Arannis' brother? One tap for no. Two taps for yes. Three taps if it's more complicated."
Last edited October 14, 2018 5:15 am
Oct 15, 2018 2:55 am
After a short pause, one deliberate tap on the door sends another shower of dust down on the group. Just when the companions might sigh in relief, however, a second knock follows, more forceful. Much sooner after comes a third, crushing blow to the door, and it collapses with a groan of metal and wood.

The collector stands there in the doorway, helmet swiveling to look from one of the heroes to the next. It half-turns away, then reaches one arm around its back and starts removing bodies from the spikes on its back. About four corpses in it pulls free the body of an elven warrior. Despite the centuries that have doubtless passed since his death, this one is somehow still recognizable as Lethias. The corpse collector shakes the body as if in emphasis, then shoves it back onto the spikes. This done, it goes about returning the other bodies to their respective places.
Oct 15, 2018 5:09 pm
Alalla curses under her breath and grips Erevain's shoulder tightly. "We're looking for Larrel," she says, regaining composure. "Do you know where he is? Can you help us find him?"
Oct 15, 2018 11:57 pm
In response, the collector steps back from the door and away to one side, inviting the companions to leave the room. After a moment, it starts walking away, each movement accompanied by a rusty squeal of armor.

After a half a dozen paces, it stops and waits.
Oct 16, 2018 12:09 am
After checking quickly that her gear is in order, Alalla gestures for everyone to follow. "Lets go. Zenithral's relations can't all be terrible." She jokes, winking at the half-elf. She remembers too late that her eyelid is covered, and instead of lightening the mood all she manages to the party's view is a blank stare. Alalla mentally scrambles to come up with a way to remedy her joke's delivery, but the moment is passed. She scowls instead and turns to follow the collector.

Cant blame that one on this awful tower.
Last edited October 16, 2018 12:10 am
Oct 16, 2018 12:46 am
The companions follow the collector, and it continues forward noisily. Its bulk obscures most of the party's view beyond it, bodies sagging and swaying as the collector moves.

The halls are eerily silent, aside from the discomforting sounds made by the collector. The companions can't help but remember the way the seer had disappeared into the floor, and each of them thinks they feel twisted eyes on them as they keep walking the dark passageways.

Time is hard to judge in this place, but after perhaps a quarter hour of meandering, the collector brings them to an ascending staircase. The armored hulk halts, then puts a finger spike to use on one of the walls and etches a symbol onto its surface.

The collector stands completely motionless, though one of the bodies lets out dry moan. It doesn't show any sign of wanting to continue up the stairs.
Oct 16, 2018 1:38 am
Nessa Pat's the Collector on the back and says "Good Job fella!"

With a minor Illusion Fergy draws a copy of the symbol next to it, then below them a nose, and a big smile. It looks kinda funny, but Fergy tries not to cramp the Collector's style.

"Keep up the dream big guy, we'll make an artist out of you yet."
Oct 16, 2018 2:02 am
The party continues on upwards, leaving the cadaver collector behind at the door of the stairs. Darkness engulfs it as the companions move away, and after it is out of sight the companions hear a series of crunching smashes - likely another wall being taken down as the strange creature takes out its frustration on nearby objects.

As the heroes climb the stairs, they find themselves wondering what went wrong in this place... and what horrors yet await them.

At the top of this stairway they find a spacious room that Zenithral recognizes. This is where he and his father shared their last words, where Erestor ran his son through and then was struck dead by a spell of frightful power. There is no sign of Erestor's body.

The chamber is not empty, however. The presence is more felt than seen, but the companions do notice shining eyes peer at them from the shadows in the corners - but whenever the party draws close with a light source, the eyes instantly flit to another shadow in the room.

There are five more staircases leading up, one to each of the towers. One of them is blocked off by rubble, the tower above it destroyed on Zenithral's visit yesterday. Above this ruined staircase is an engraved symbol of a full moon. Each of the other staircases also have a sign above them: an arrow, a sunrise, a broken arrow over a tear, and a quarter moon.
Oct 16, 2018 4:48 am
Zenithral points to the sunrise. "That must be where the collector believes we should go. No, Fergy, I'm pretty sure it's not an eye..."
Oct 16, 2018 1:43 pm
"Lets not waste time, then." Alalla leads the way up the stairs.
Oct 16, 2018 5:06 pm
A voice croaks from the darkness. "If you go up to Labelas tower, you will die."

Any attempt to locate the speaker results in a violent, ripping hum as it moves from one shadow to another.

"Larrel has been driven mad, and will slay any who attempt to speak with him."

From one shadow, from all of them, eyes glare at the companions. One pair, or dozens of pairs... it is impossible to say.

"Why do you seek out the archwizard?"
Oct 16, 2018 5:20 pm
Ras steps forward nervously and addresses the shadows. "I am a fellow druid seeking wisdom. My research has brought me to this place, to meet Larrel. I suspect he is the only one who can share the information I need."

His eyes dart around and he hesitates for a moment. "It involves an artifact called the Heartstone Gem."
Oct 17, 2018 2:41 am
"The madness was a given at this point," Alalla mutters under her breath. She stands behind Ras and taps his shoulder gently to let him know she is backing him up.
Oct 17, 2018 3:01 am
"I know nothing of this Heartstone Gem. If any here would have known answers to your questions... but Larrel is broken. The casting of the mythal broke his mind." The voice rasps a dark chuckle. "And thus we learned, even as the Weave flayed body, mind, and spirit, that leaving the fate of our city to a spell was mistake."

For a moment there is only silence, and the companions wonder if their conversation with this voice is over. But then, suddenly, it speaks out again.

"I may have the means of providing Larrel with clarity... if you do something for me." The eyes stare, round orbs that reflect the party's light. "In Shevarash Tower dwell what remains of the Hand's defenders. They would have preferred to die in battle than remain as they are. Grant them a warrior's end, then I will help you speak with Larrel."
Oct 17, 2018 3:53 pm
"I agree that their souls should be freed to live new lives," Alalla says, trying not to look at the eyes too closely, "but why do you need us to do it?" Her eye narrows. "Why aren't you as mad as the rest?"
Oct 17, 2018 5:57 pm
"You will find that many of us here in the Hand are bound to the locations we were in when tragedy struck. I was here, stemming the tide of foes from reaching the wizards in Labelas Tower while they worked their High Magic. And now I cannot leave." The voice hisses like water on a hot forge. "Who can say why my own mind remains somewhat intact? It should not be, with all that has occurred..."

The voice dissolves into incoherent grumblings.
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