The Severed Hand

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Oct 10, 2018 3:00 am
"Better than the alternatives." Alalla turns and follows the Collector.
Oct 10, 2018 7:17 pm
Fergy follows the group, but near the rear. Checking out his well-gotten goods, he tries pulls one weapon out of his cloak at a time and tries to keep his murmurs of approval and gasps to a minimum.
Oct 10, 2018 10:28 pm
The collector leads the party away from the sounds of the Hungry. A few minutes' journey through the halls brings the group to a tall door, which their guide pushes open to reveal what must have been at one time some sort of common room. The remains of tables and counters now make dim piles of debris, a thick layer of dust over everything.

When all the party has entered, the creature moves back outside and shuts the door from without, just as the cries of the Hungry grow louder. The next sounds that travel through the door are unpleasant, but in short order the collector returns, dark blood staining its gauntlets.

It peers at the group, helmet tracking each one for a moment, then steps back outside and shuts the door once more. A squeal indicates that the strange creature has moved to a sitting position just outside the door.
Oct 10, 2018 10:38 pm
"I guess it- she?- has brought us here to let us rest." Alalla sheaths her fire sword and leans on her glaive. She scratches beneath the edge of her eyepatch briefly- the salt was starting to itch- but shies away from the feeling of the ribbed scar tissue. "Do you recognize this place, Zenithral?"

HP: 125/125
Hit dice: 8/12
Last edited October 10, 2018 11:10 pm


Hit dice x3 - (3d10+12)

(1086) + 12 = 36

Last one - (1d10+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Oct 10, 2018 10:46 pm
Zenithral furrows his eyebrow, turning about to get a good look at the room and build a mental map of the building. "I'm trying to remember..."

Out of hit dice
2 spell slots left after using Arcane Recovery

HP 73/86
Last edited October 10, 2018 10:50 pm


Investigation - (1d20+6)

(12) + 6 = 18

Hit Dice - (5d10+5)

(34871) + 5 = 28

Last 2 - (2d10+2)

(74) + 2 = 13

Oct 10, 2018 10:53 pm
Short rest!
This is not a room that Zenithral visited during his first trip through the Hand. It makes sense that the place would have had some sort of inn to entertain visitors. Looking about, he can see a pile of debris against one wall - perhaps covering a door to some rooms?
Oct 10, 2018 11:23 pm

Casting Major Image, Fergy says, "Cure Wounds!"

A prismatic glow surrounds Fergy and his wounds look a little better.

"Psssst! Hey guys, I totally got some good weapons off that creep. Check them out."

Fergy opens his cloak to show off the belt and weapons. As the party leans in closer to take a look, Fergy's cloak bulges unnaturally along the sides and back. Looking uncomfortable, Fergy tries to adjust his cloak to make it look like it's just him moving around when a zombie head just like what was on the Collector briefly pokes out before Fergy can shove it back inside.

"Ugh, nevermind that, I'm sure it was nothing."

Another head pops out the other side. "Ack, c'mon guys we had a deal, you said you would stay in there!"

Shoving the second one back in the cloak, Fergy continues, "Anyway, ignore them, they're nothing. So! Who wants to help me figure out these really cool weapons and belt? I'm pretty sure these new friends of mine are here because I licked one, not because the weapons or belt are cursed or anything. Pretty sure..."

A detached hand slowly gropes its way up Fergy's neck, beard, face, and then stops at the top of Fergy's head. Perched and triumphant, taking in the group.
Last edited October 11, 2018 12:07 am


Hit dice x5 - (5d6+15)

(15656) + 15 = 38

Hit dice x2 - (2d6+6)

(12) + 6 = 9

Oct 11, 2018 12:09 am
Zenithral looks exhausted. The mental damage from the Seer will likely take quite some time to heal.

He starts when the head pops out, he reaches for his bow, but then he stops and squints, then rolls his eyes, but makes no comment. "Alllllright. Which one's first? We won't have time to get them all right now, but I suppose one or two wouldn't hurt. Alalla; let us know when it's time to move on."
Zenithral casts Identify as a ritual on an item that looks like the party might want to wield.
Last edited October 11, 2018 12:14 am


Investigation vs Major Image - (1d20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

Oct 11, 2018 12:12 am
Alalla raises her visible eyebrow. "You robbed someone who helped us and licked a corpse?" She shakes her head wearily. "Sounds like you deserve it, if it isn't another one of your pranks."

Al leaves her glaive leaning against one wall and directs her next words to Zenithral. "We'll start with an hour. I don't want to stay overnight in this place, or be gone from your siblings for too long." She goes to move the debris that is, hopefully, blocking another door.
Last edited October 11, 2018 12:18 am
Oct 11, 2018 12:57 am
Ras stays clear of the Collector and sinks down to the floor after it leaves. He's almost died so many times. A rest is quite welcome. He barely even notices Fergy's display, and even then is unsurprised that Fergy might be cursed. He's actually more surprised that it doesn't happen more often.


Hit dice - (2d8+4)

(77) + 4 = 18

Lil bit more - (2d8+4)

(41) + 4 = 9

Last one - (1d8+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Oct 11, 2018 2:48 am
Assuming everyone just grabs an item to look at during the short rest. I'll add these to the Identify thread sometime.
While resting, the party looks over the weapons acquired by Fergy, as well as the sword that presumably belonged to Lethias. That Bladesinger sword is unmistakably of elvish design and craftsmanship, as much a symbol of elvish culture itself as it is a weapon.
[ +- ] Faerwind
The other items have a more intriguing background. They bear the sturdiness and strength of dwarvish work, but still show signs of subtle elvish touch.
[ +- ] Sword and both handaxes
The flail obviously had even more care in its making. Geometric runes cover the weapon, and between these lines are intricate engravings of elven calligraphy. The weapon seems grossly oversized, as though it was meant to be wielded by someone of awesome strength. Only a master smith could have forged this flail, and yet it bears the names of two makers, one in Dwarvish and one in Elvish:

Norlinor Stoneshield
[ +- ] Grognard
The belt is wide and thick, and the golden boar's head buckle is both evocative and functional. Written in Dwarvish on the inside of the band is a tale of two companions, an elf and a dwarf, who together slew a hill giant. According to the inscription, this belt was made from the giant's flesh to commemorate the deed. The last line reads:

May this girdle grant ye the strength to defend both our homes!"
[ +- ] Belt of Hill Giant Strength
Oct 13, 2018 4:20 am
The party finds some reprieve in this common room. Every so often the screech of metal outside reassures them that the collector is still keeping guard.

After the group is looking over the magical weapons, Alalla clears away some debris and discovers a door set into the wall. A sturdy lock thwarts her first attempt to open it, however.
Pick it? Break it? Leave it alone?
Erevain steps up beside her, along with anyone else who takes notice. "This is odd. Do you think someone might have covered the door on purpose?
Oct 13, 2018 2:57 pm
Alalla grunts. "In this hellscape?" She moves to return the debris to its original place.
Oct 13, 2018 3:33 pm
"Hold on," Ras says, looking carefully at the door. Quick as a blink, he shrinks down into a spider and scuttles under the door.
Oct 13, 2018 3:35 pm
"Ras!" Alalla hisses. She quickly grabs her glaive and prepares to use the end cap to break the lock if she hears Ras in trouble.
Oct 13, 2018 3:51 pm
Ras finds a short hallway with several doors, each one cracked slightly open. Peering into each one, he finds small bedrooms. This was likely where guests would stay while visiting the Hand. Moving to the last room, he finds a naked, armless elf standing in one corner, back to the middle of the room. Though it makes no sound, its skin seems to crawl as it shivers.
Oct 13, 2018 4:24 pm
Fergy calls after Ras, "Bring me back a souvenir!"
Oct 13, 2018 4:34 pm
Ras hurries away from the creepy naked elf and scrambles back under the door. Changing back into his gnome self, he tells the group everything he saw.
Oct 13, 2018 4:58 pm
"I hate this place," Alalla growls, shoving a table in front of the door.
Oct 13, 2018 7:26 pm
Erevain's expressionless face speaks wonders to those who know him. "We must find this Larrel quickly, and then leave this place." His eyes flick to the surrounding rubble, then to the door that leads back to the rest of the Hand. "Are we ready to continue on? It stands to reason that the archwizard would be in one of the towers." He turns to Zenithral. "Do you think that spiked monstrosity will help us?"
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