Metagamers Anonymous

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May 14, 2015 3:47 pm
Hey cool, we have a GP map now! Does that work already? But I really liked kalajel's work. :-)
May 14, 2015 3:55 pm
I don't think so. I hope I can put some more time in rewriting the map feature. I took that task from keleth but I didn't have much time last week. I hope can do that on the weekend.
May 14, 2015 6:29 pm
Here we go! Stome Golem! YEAAAAAHHHHHH!
May 14, 2015 6:33 pm
I guess Farandor is still scratching his chin looking at the painting. Sorry team. My Spears probably wouldn't help much anyway.
May 14, 2015 6:35 pm
Warning We are all dead.
May 14, 2015 6:46 pm
This is what happens if you activate a wizard's anti burglar systems :-D
@Dextolen: This is even more what happens if you peek into the monster manual...
May 14, 2015 6:54 pm
I think we should flee to the outdoors where the scout can levitate (with the potion) to a safe height and attack from above (+1), attack a larger opponent (+2) and aim 5 rounds (+10) to raise his RAT +13. Meanwhile the fighters can keep the golem busy while I pepper from behind and Barekeln heals the warriors.
May 14, 2015 7:00 pm
What did I say about metagaming to hard? I don't really think your character knows how tough or weak this opponent is...
May 14, 2015 7:46 pm
Now would be a good time for you guys to tell us who has that orange potion and who took the remaining levitation potions...
May 14, 2015 7:55 pm
All this metagaming! Grapthor is no tactician. He's gonna smash, yo! But if everyone bugs out he'll cover the retreat before bugging out himself. This is why I love the fact I'm new to this system. I feel like I'm 12 again & just discovered RPG for the first time! :-D
May 14, 2015 7:57 pm
Sorry for the double post here, but I now just read the main game thread. Chocokiko, it is not too late to replace the stone golem with a clay one instead. While I did not metagame and checked it's stat, keep in mind I did an errata recently and corrected a lot of monsters stats, and thus vaguely remembers it. We are going up against a creature with an FF of 20-something, which means we'd need another 3 or 4 levels each to stand a chance against this thing. As it stands now, we're all going to die... I know the original adventure was written with a stone golem in it, but in 3rd edition, stone golems were much milder (heck, there are a few more 1st level adventures in 3rd edition with stone golems in them), not so much in 4th edition. The only solution I can think of for us to get out of this mess is metagaming and involves abusing the ever loving heck out of that orange potion... XD
May 14, 2015 8:34 pm
Are called shots possible in DS? I mean, if I wanted to target a specific part of the anatomy, like break this thing's leg (you could incapacitate with less damage than you'd have to deal to kill it) is that something I can try in this system? Would that be a regular melee attack or should I attempt a Feat of Strength?
May 14, 2015 8:35 pm
He did warn us these things would happen :)
May 14, 2015 8:42 pm
Yeah, I'm for fighting this thing and if we die, then we die. Or we can flee if we realize this foe is beyond us. We'll live to fight another day. In either case, it'll be a good story. Grapthor doesn't know this thing is too much for him so no way he's backing down. After the group takes an ass-kicking then maybe he'll think about running.

So, about those called shots. Possible in DS?

And I just noticed Farandor isn't in the initiative count.
Last edited May 14, 2015 8:45 pm
May 14, 2015 9:03 pm
There are not called shots in DS as written. Some of the later talents take that into account somewhat. Increasing your attack value or lowering opponent's defense.
May 14, 2015 9:22 pm
Dextolen says:
There are not called shots in DS as written. Some of the later talents take that into account somewhat. Increasing your attack value or lowering opponent's defense.
Yep, pretty much. Talents are your "called shots" in DS4...

I still highly encourage chocokiko to make the clay golem swap. Seriously guy, you have no idea what we're up against... Well, I guess we could slowly whittle it down over the course of several days with hit and run raids where we would hide in and camp in the forest? :P
Last edited May 14, 2015 9:22 pm
May 14, 2015 9:39 pm
Seriously, we don't have to win every battle to tell a good story and for it to be a fun adventure :-) Fleeing to town, finding our employer and giving him an ass-kicking sounds like fun!

Anyways, looks like chocokiko has gone offline for the day. I'll be heading off too. Catch you guys tomorrow! :-)
Last edited May 14, 2015 9:42 pm
May 14, 2015 9:59 pm
I like the forest! We could build a tree fort!
May 15, 2015 4:25 am
Okay, maybe I'm not making myself understood here. I'm not complaining because the encounter is too hard, I'm merely letting chocokiko know he made a conversion error which resulted in an unwinnable encounter. It would be like in a D&D module, replacing the Cornugon which is supposed to guard the room with a Pit Fiend. I checked to make sure, and even in the introductory scenario Lord of the Rats in the book, they changed the stone golem there from 3rd edition to a clay one in 4th; even the people who made the game know not to put a stone golem against a 1st level party...

Listen, if chocokiko wants to give us a super hard encounter which will kill half the party to stay old school, I don't mind, he can simply change the stone golem with a crystal one and accomplish just that; half of us will die and the rest of the party will carry on, and you will hear not a peep from me or Dex. However, with a stone golem, this party will die, and then the next party we roll up to replace this one will die as well, on probably the next one after that as well; the stone golem in 4th edition has simply been beefed up too much.

Listen, chocokiko, maybe you don't know what FFs are or how they work, but I urge you to read up on the Foe Factor and hopefully you'll understand why leaving a stone golem here is a wrong idea before we're stuck all rerolling our 6th character... Yes, dying can be fun, but when the encounter is designed to tpk your players by mistake, this can get frustrating quick. I hope this clarifies a few things.
May 15, 2015 12:12 pm
Hello, what kajael says makes sense. I didn't know that. I'll go for the clay golem then. I don't consider making me aware of a flaw in the game metageming. But just posting tactics based on out of game knowledge to my mind is not the right way.

Sorry for not posting earlier. I was busy this morning and you always have to consider that we have about 5 hours of time difference.
That means all the people on the american continent have 5 hours difference and Jabes has 5 hours difference in the other direction.
At the time o his post it is 2pm for me :-)
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