OOC Chat

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Mar 22, 2019 10:40 pm
By looks will the ship slowed still be in my area of effect or will it still travel out of it slowed?
Mar 22, 2019 11:17 pm
If slowed, it will still be in there for 2 rounds. If not slowed, this will be the last round it will be in your area of effect.
Mar 22, 2019 11:54 pm
Pegasus divebomb from 70ft up! Does Shine stay there after attacking Blackfin, or do you use the remaining 20ft of movement? Would provoke opportunity attack of course.

And where is Domare during this?
Mar 23, 2019 12:05 am
Since it is a charge. Shine can't use the remaining movement. Send Domare to do high altitude (70') viewing of the ship and such.
Mar 28, 2019 4:54 pm
Guys, remember our house rule on encumbrance?
Encumbrance: I normally wouldn't bother with encumbrance. But because this is a sea-faring adventure, I want the ocean to matter. The moment you get in the water, how heavy a load you are carrying matters. You know I'm pretty loosey-goosey with the rules, but we will do this particular aspect by the book (PHB, page 176). So on your sheets, please make separate lists for normal loadout, and swimming loadout (and I will trust you will ensure your swimming loadout keeps you well within the unencumbered range).

We will only apply encumbrance penalties while in the water. You needn't worry about it on land.
Now that more people are getting in the water, I need you to do this please. You can RP dropping your extraneous gear before jumping in, or we can say you were already outfitted for swimming before this encounter started. If you want to keep all your gear, swim checks will be at disadvantage.
The_Librarian says:
I know it's not my turn, but is the chain on the turtle breakable?
The chains are breakable, but it will be difficult. Imagine those big-ass chains like you'd see on modern battleships.
LegionChimera7 says:
...takes ahold of a javelin as he runs and jumps off the side of the ship ...And if he can, he'd like to cannonball and try to spear an enemy from above as he crashes down beneath the waves.
Grog: You're jumping off the stern, not the side. :-) Go ahead and add attack rolls to your post. Your first attack comes from above water, and will have disadvantage. The second (and third if you Frenzy) will not be similarly hampered.
Nela: I sill need your decision on movement for your last turn. See here.
Handy link to Underwater Combat rules.
Apr 2, 2019 5:00 pm
Everybody welcome our new player, Silent! Ahoy!
Apr 2, 2019 10:00 pm
Apr 5, 2019 5:06 am
In my experience, coming to a group decision takes forever in PbP, and has the potential to really kill game momentum. So I'll do my best to help this process along.

To review, the choices are:
1. Magda's Village. (silversmiths!)
2. Floating Market. (maps! information!)
3. Dragon Turtle Mom. (possibly gain a powerful ally!)
4. None of the above.

And the votes so far:
Grog: 1
Ian: 3
Zale: 3
Nela: 3
Jack: 3
Phillip: 4
Khiiral: ?

Feel free to vote in character or OOC.
Apr 5, 2019 12:13 pm
GeneCortess says:
Apr 5, 2019 12:51 pm
Dramasailor says:
Apr 5, 2019 5:57 pm
Home? XD
Phillip has to go and mourn somemore
Apr 5, 2019 6:00 pm
Okay, for Phillip, I've added a 4th choice: None of the above.

If you only knew where the heck you were so you could sail home!
Apr 5, 2019 7:06 pm
:D if only XDD Stupid travel guide...
Apr 19, 2019 9:15 am
Participation in this game has dropped sharply. I'm only seeing several people posting, and not all of them even seem particularly engaged. This is not a complaint nor reprimand. I want to know how I can make this better / more fun / more interesting.

Some example responses:
1. I want more combat! None of this social interaction crap!
2. I know this is a nautical game, but no more underwater combat! It's lame!
3. I want treasure! Where be them dubloons?!
4. I want treasure! Where be them sweet magic items?!
5. I want to be captain!

Something else? Anything else! Seriously, I'm all ears. Tell me how I can do better! :-)
Apr 19, 2019 11:43 am
wasn't a fan of underwater combat,
I prefer social in pbp as combat can lag.
Are there be treasures? Did Cap'n lie t us?
Apr 19, 2019 1:05 pm
Obviously I enjoyed underwater combat. But that's because Zale is built for it.

I enjoy social interaction just as much as combat.

I think a good treasure hunt would be fun!

Are we still lost?
Apr 19, 2019 3:54 pm
I've enjoyed it so far. My participation has dropped some mainly from real life being a bastard and partially because Jack is still a bit awestruck (not the right word here, but he is baffled by the size of the turtle) and really is happy being a heads down crewman for the most part. He is obviously willing to step up when the situation warrants, but he's not the "let's jump into the deep where there be sharks" type of sailor. I loved reading the underwater combat parts though! They were fascinating and pretty well executed. I'm mainly enjoying having a game where I get to be somewhat of a pedestrian getting to react to a world of wonderous things.
Apr 19, 2019 5:16 pm
im all in, i'm not so much paying attention cause 994949 posts to read personally but then phillip is on vaca so he's kindof obvilious. But i'm likeing it. I do feel that this has slown though :/

I dont think were so much so lost anymore cause of dragoturtle gave some instructions and helpfull npc says oh... thats that way!..

I'm a healthy mix of whatever the dm wants. Phillip is along for the ride ;) however let it be known... phillip when we get to a town will go a shopping for mundane supplies until he gets to his dest. per the travel agent. (up to dm im game for whatever.) but Phillip is kinda depressed cause of monkey actions that ripped up some emotionally connected personal affects
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