Campaign Discussion

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Feb 7, 2019 8:50 pm
So I believe that my character will do for the time being ... do let me know if that doesn't work.
Feb 7, 2019 9:38 pm
If you decide to go with a decent size ship I favor the YT-2000.
Feb 9, 2019 11:32 pm
Right, I’ve approved all of the characters pending. I’m pretty happy for you all to play whatever you want and I’ll fit things in around the group makeup. As no one has raised any objections to the timeline I proposed I’m going to prep the game accordingly and will be leaning towards a F+D / Edge themed game primarily. I’ll flesh things out more in the next few days but I’ll have a few questions I could do with you all answering to give us a better idea of where we’ll be kicking things off.
Feb 10, 2019 1:46 am
OK. Let's make sure we all know each others basic character. Dagit is a Smuggler/Pilot. He would be looking for someone to operate the weapons' systems while he practices evasive maneuvers.
Feb 10, 2019 2:59 am
Sounds good... Garth Corliss is a human training to become a Jedi, he doesn't have a lightsaber but has an ancient blade that allows him to be prepared for the time when he gets a real lightsaber. He is an Ataru Striker and knows how to pilot as well and has some knowledge in weapon systems.
Feb 10, 2019 5:16 am
Dagit is rank 3 in piloting and rank 2 in starship gunnery
Feb 10, 2019 7:05 am
Daos is a Togruta that studied arts of the Force alone with ancient Jedi relics he found. He is a Guardian Warleader, focused on support and ranged combat.
Feb 10, 2019 3:35 pm
Aldrusian says:
Dagit is rank 3 in piloting and rank 2 in starship gunnery
I know that wasn't meant for me, but you can't start the game with any Skill over Rank 2.

My PC is a Twi'lek Seer. Very much "Face" skill-oriented. Sense and Influence Powers, presently. Probably go into Misdirect and maybe even Move in the future...
Feb 10, 2019 5:30 pm
That must be something new then. I played this character before with a piloting rank of 3. If the GM says 2, I will change it to 2
Feb 10, 2019 5:39 pm
Aldrusian says:
That must be something new then.
Heh, I have the Edge of the Empire beta book, and that's been the rule since the first books first beta. But, yea, was just trying to help you out actually. Spending a bunch of XP on skills at character creation is generally not thought of as optimal in this system.
Feb 11, 2019 10:28 am
Aldrusian says:
That must be something new then. I played this character before with a piloting rank of 3. If the GM says 2, I will change it to 2
No that's the limit in all the core books, the only time you can go over a starting Skill rank of 2 at character creation is if you have a species ability that allows it (the only one that comes to mind is the Human Corellian variant which allows for a starting characters Pilot (Space) to be at 3 IIRC).
Feb 11, 2019 9:23 pm
OK, I've had the EotE core rulebook for some time so I went back and reviewed everything and have made the adjustments necessary. The question that does arise, though, is regarding a possible ship. As I see it there are two possible paths regarding the ship. It can belong to Dagit for which he owes a debt for repayment of the loan taken out to purchase the ship or it can be owned by the team and repayment can be made out of profits made off each job completed. The method of repayment would have to be worked out; both with the GM and with the other members of the team. The other option is for the ship to be on loan and only be used for jobs as specified by the entity loaning out the ship, i.e., the GM. Since Dagit loves to make improvements to the ship he would prefer the first option.
Last edited February 15, 2019 4:37 pm
Feb 15, 2019 10:08 am
Hi all, I've not forgotten about this, just had a manic few days IRL.

So the two questions I think I really need to know are the following (other questions may follow up after):

Are you an established group? If so what are your group's aims if any?
Is your group mobile (having ownership of a hyper drive enabled ship) or are you based at a set location?
Feb 15, 2019 4:29 pm
mcneils5 says:

Are you an established group? If so what are your group's aims if any?
I vote, yes. As for aims, since we're mostly FUs, avoiding the Empire would probably be tops on that list? Aside from that, trying to make a living on the fringes of the Galaxy?
mcneils5 says:
Is your group mobile (having ownership of a hyper drive enabled ship) or are you based at a set location?
I say, let's be mobile.
Feb 15, 2019 4:39 pm
Count me in league with emsquared
Feb 19, 2019 11:40 am
Excellent, so seems like the last thing we need to sort out is the type of ship you guys have access to then. I'm going with a merge of the starting resources from EotE and FaD so the options are as follows:

Wayfarer Medium Transport (EotE pg 263)
YT-1300 Light Freighter (EotE pg 264)
Firespray system Patrol Craft (EotE pg 255)
G-9 Rigger Light Freighter(FaD pg 262)
None of the above and pick a ship that costs 70000 credits or less

Also what are your thoughts on Obligation and Morality? Given that we're playing with a mixed group I was planning for everyone to use Obligation for their starting benefits (take a 10 point Obligation as standard, can take up to an additional 10 points of Obligation for extra XP, credits, or both) and have all the force users start with a Morality of 50. Does that sound like a workable plan for everyone or does that not sit well?
Feb 19, 2019 7:48 pm
I personally prefer any of the Corellian ships. In this case the YT-1300 is the most customizable and has 6 hard points. I would look for a couple of holds that could hold some hidey-holes, a longer range sensor array. A few more weapons and a better shield.

I could do with some extra XP. Perhaps an obligation could have something to do with the ship.
Feb 19, 2019 8:34 pm
I'll defer to the pilot 100% on the ship.

RE: obligation and morality, I would prefer to be subject mechanically to only one or the other (where if it's obligation, morality could be handled in a "we know the Darkside when we see it" sort of way), but it's not the end of the world to me if it's both.
Feb 19, 2019 9:47 pm
I think that both obligation and morality is nice, I experimented it in some games and it went ok.
As long as the rules for XP bonus are clear from the beginning for everyon (like here : bonus for obligation but not for morality)
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