Chapter 2: Out of the Frying Pan

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May 1, 2019 3:02 pm
"Uhmmm.... Froak tries his hardest to think, stroking a beard that is not actually there, before proceeding to word vomit.

You mean Tall-rock D house? Its got a big red D on the gates, and sometimes theres jug lovers outside, and they sit, and drink jugs, sometimes theyre asleep, thats usuall when i like to get close.

Sometimes some other guys come and sit where the jug lovers were sitting, and then the original guys go inside. They like to keep the gate closed though... I know real good sneaky peekin' spots if you wanna see inside! We dont even have to be too close!
May 1, 2019 3:14 pm
Ephwrath looks up at Yelnar and then at the door. "Oh! I see... Fascinating!"
I cast detect magic and utilize my knowledge arcana if appropriate.


Knowledge Arcana - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

May 1, 2019 3:52 pm
78RPMLife sent a note to AugustAsh
May 1, 2019 9:07 pm
RobbOgden93 says:
"Uhmmm.... Froak tries his hardest to think, stroking a beard that is not actually there, before proceeding to word vomit.

You mean Tall-rock D house? Its got a big red D on the gates, and sometimes theres jug lovers outside, and they sit, and drink jugs, sometimes theyre asleep, thats usuall when i like to get close.

Sometimes some other guys come and sit where the jug lovers were sitting, and then the original guys go inside. They like to keep the gate closed though... I know real good sneaky peekin' spots if you wanna see inside! We dont even have to be too close!
Verrian raises her eyebrows. "Yes, I definitely want to know about your peekin' spots. I'd like to gather some information without getting close enough for them to see."
May 1, 2019 9:52 pm
Ember's impressed at the skill Froak seems to have.

How can I help? I'm not very sneaky. And Viani's right, after all. I should not take that route.

She smirks.

I suppose if you need an alibi and some bait, though, I can do that for you.
May 1, 2019 9:59 pm
Krav seems stumped. "I don't think the living ice is a natural phenomenon. Must be some sort of magic."

As if he was preoccupied by another thought, Krav suddenly switches topics. "There's something else though, could be related possibly. If it has only been a couple of weeks since the Crows apparently took over the keep and kidnapped your mother, Yelnar, then either no one's been taking careful care of the grounds for a lot longer than that or the plants here on the grounds have grown unusually fast since then. Also, the fruit trees in the corner of the keep are much farther along than I would expect from the season. Certainly farther along than the deciduous trees outside the keep. Plus, the weeds are everywhere.

I guess nothing should surprise me outside Meriava, but the way these unnatural occurrences seems to be focused on the grounds of the keep has me nervous."

Krav looks down at his bare feet. "If we're going in this room, I supposed I should put my boots back on. Ephwrath, is it safe?"
Last edited May 1, 2019 9:59 pm
May 1, 2019 10:04 pm
Verrian grins. "Yes, I'd say stealth is not your forte. I wonder if I could convince Ildemu that I'd defected from the party. If he got a glimpse of me trying to referee for the two of you, he'd probably buy it." She snickers and gives Viani a playful tap on the shoulder.

Leaning toward Froak, she says, "Do you think you could draw us a map of Tall-Rock D House and the surrounding area? With your peeking spots noted on it? That would be a huge help to us, Froak."
May 1, 2019 10:55 pm
"I could come with you", Viani offers. "I'm not a mage and Ember and I have been fighting a lot. It would be reasonable to assume I could have defected away from her."
She seems to not quite get the joke Verrian made about having to mediate between the two girls.
Last edited May 1, 2019 10:55 pm
May 1, 2019 11:20 pm
"Well, I was actually joking about the fighting convincing Ildemu," Verrian says. "And while I know you choose not to use your magical abilities, you still have them. For all we know, they have a way of determining whether someone is a magic user without the person's cooperation."
May 1, 2019 11:35 pm
Ephwrath frowns and looks up at Krav. "Interesting... This ice appears to be alive, but I don't think it actually is. It seems to be drawn to heat, but retreats from physical interaction."

He scratches his nose as he concentrates. "There appears to be more than one magical aura here... and one is stronger than the other. The weaker aura emanates from the ice itself, but the stronger one is coming from the other side of that door. The ice aura appears to be an enchantment effect, but I can't quite figure out what the other is. It has hints of a transmutation effect, but I'd need to see it to be sure. Can you open this door?"
Last edited May 1, 2019 11:48 pm
May 1, 2019 11:39 pm
Before anyone asks, the door into the storage room is ajar, and could be opened further with enough pushing and shoving. It's iced over pretty heavily, but it looks like it could still swing open. :)
May 2, 2019 2:38 am
Yelnar sets himself and pushes the door open.
Strength Check if required?


Strength Check - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

May 2, 2019 5:00 am
Given enough time and help, you’re able to push the door open. Where you touch the door with any exposed skin, there’s a moment of intense cold, but as you push against it, the ice recedes. The room beyond is not large, wide enough for two of you to walk side by side between floor-to-ceiling shelves on the sides. The wall at the back, where Ephwrath sensed the more powerful magical aura, is blank. The entire room is covered in a thin layer of frost.

As you stand in the doorway, the frost starts to move slowly toward you.
May 2, 2019 5:15 am
Ephwrath studies the back wall.
I continue casting detect magic now that I have LoS on the back wall.
May 2, 2019 5:22 am
The aura Ephwrath senses forms a rectangular shape on the back wall, shaped like a floor-to-ceiling door, about 8 feet tall and about 4 feet wide. Now that you look at it more closely, you’re fairly certain the wall is an illusion, as you can just sense a weaker aura that had been masked by the stronger while you were outside the room.
May 2, 2019 4:44 pm
Moonbeam says:
Verrian grins. "Yes, I'd say stealth is not your forte. I wonder if I could convince Ildemu that I'd defected from the party. If he got a glimpse of me trying to referee for the two of you, he'd probably buy it." She snickers and gives Viani a playful tap on the shoulder.

Leaning toward Froak, she says, "Do you think you could draw us a map of Tall-Rock D House and the surrounding area? With your peeking spots noted on it? That would be a huge help to us, Froak."
" Yup yup. Easy peasy!" Froak chirps, grabbing his harpoon and beginning to scratch shapes and locations into the dirt.
May 2, 2019 5:15 pm
Ephwrath, after explaining what he’s sensed to the others, steps outside and finds a small stone on the ground. He gently tosses the rock at the wall, and steps back waiting to see the effect.
May 2, 2019 5:21 pm
The rock sails through the illusory wall, and lands with a soft thump, as if it's landed on grass rather than the flagstones that make up the floor of the storage room. The illusion remains active, so you can't see where the rock landed.

You do remember that the back wall of storage room is likely the back wall of the outbuilding itself... but why would someone make the effort to transmute the wall with such strong magic and hide it with an illusion if it was just a portal to the outside?
May 2, 2019 6:41 pm
I'm going to assume Ephwrath shared that with the group.
"Hmm, let me go check it out." Krav keeps his shield strapped to his back, but draws his scimitar and enters the room. He moves as quickly as he can without being reckless (half speed?), and attempts to move through the wall like he's accessing Platform 9 3/4.


I'm assuming I'm going to roll Acrobatics for this? - (1d20-1)

(16) - 1 = 15

And maybe a will save to resist illusion? - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

May 2, 2019 7:09 pm
For Yelnar, Elora and Ephwrath

Krav nimbly moves across the frosty floor. As his feet touch the floor, the frost flinches back from the pressure of footfalls, leaving the floor bare and making it relatively easy to walk. But as he passes, the frost on walls and shelves and floor is almost... pulled along in his wake, as if the warmth of his body exerts a magnetic pull. There's a moment of tension as he approaches the expected illusion and then he disappears through the wall.

78RPMLife sent a note to kona
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