Against the Cult: Party at the Mill (1.1)

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Nov 7, 2015 12:12 am
"Well now, I'm a lot later to the party than I expected! Great reconnaissance work! Soo, subdue them, eh? I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Dunno 'bout you but I think we can handle a bunch of wannabe tough guys easy enough!"
Nov 7, 2015 9:19 am
I keep my focus on the task at hand, following the tracks and reaching the mill, but I lift my head and shout back when I hear the familiar voice, "Xana! Still fulla' old tricks!"
Nov 8, 2015 2:28 am
Sara, Ogbar and Quest easily follow the tracks of memories and blood to the mill to the southeast, leading the group on a wending path through various alleys and avenues of the new city outside Hochoch's walls. Then there is a town green, some open fields, and the mill on the other side, its wheel slowly turning in the current of the Realstream. It appears to be a single large building with two entrances visible on the side facing you across the open space.
Nov 8, 2015 3:15 am
"Do you think they are inside?" Klak asks no one, in particular.
Nov 8, 2015 3:46 am
"If the cowards haven't run off yet."

Quest peers at the building looking for signs of movement in the windows.


Perception - (1d20+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

Nov 8, 2015 4:45 am
Klak readies his battleaxe and his shield, ensuring he's prepared if anyone comes rushing out.
Nov 8, 2015 6:31 am
Ogbar, preferring the direct approach, walks up to the front door and opens it.
Nov 8, 2015 7:44 am
Aanbo nods to the newcomer, Xana, as they walk to the mill. "Hello, and welcome," he says, and introduces himself. He greets the gnome with folded hands, clasped in front, and bows.

When the group reaches the mill, the monk waits patiently as Ogbar and Klak settle in front. Similar to Quest, Aanbo looks around, but focuses his attention on the property itself, studying any noteworthy areas of interest and seeking to glean some insight as to the nature of this... conflict.


Perception, Insight - (1d20+3, 1d20+5)

1d20+3 : (8) + 3 = 11

1d20+5 : (4) + 5 = 9

Nov 8, 2015 8:04 am
I ready my bow and wait to see what Ogbar discovers by opening the door.
Nov 8, 2015 8:18 pm
Thacogygax looks for a good vantage point for a barrage. Preferably high ground.
Last edited November 8, 2015 8:19 pm
Nov 9, 2015 5:15 pm
I follow Ogbar up until he approaches the door, standing about 30 feet behind him so I can jump in at a moment's notice if it turns out no one's home.
Last edited November 9, 2015 5:15 pm
Nov 9, 2015 10:35 pm
The mill building is a few stories tall, and the edge of the mill wheel can be seen past the left/north side of the building, turning counter-clockwise with the flow of the Realmstream. (map posted to thread)

Ogbar and Xana pass a hitching post as they cross the open area in front of the building where carts come deliver their grain to the mill. As they approach, they are presented with two sets of double-doors, with a large window with open shutters just to the right of the doors on the left. Peering in, they can see dim vertical shapes, as of pipes or shafts, and can hear the groaning of the large wheel being turned by the river on the other side of the building. Going back in time a moment to allow you to choose (having more information), you are both about 30' from the doors. Which set of doors do you choose to fling open?

Quest sees that, on this western side of the building, there are several shuttered windows: one on the ground floor (already mentioned: open), three on the second floor (one on the left is open, the other two are closed), and two up under the eaves of the peaked roof (both closed). None of the windows have glass; they are openings with shutters that can be swung open or closed. He gets a sense of movement from the open windows, but never quite catches sight of anyone at a window. Aanbo notes that there are no carts or horses in evidence, so no one is dropping off grain or visiting the mill, except on foot. The fact that the doors are closed is odd for a business during the day.

Klak and Sara have arrows nocked, ready to draw and fire, from a short distance back behind Ogbar and Xana (about 50' from the building). Thacogygax figures that there would be plenty of rocks to hurl from either atop the knoll (which peak is about 100' from the mill) or from the rocky shore (which starts about 50' downstream of the mill). He can't help calculating how many hits it would take to collapse and destroy the building.
Nov 10, 2015 2:45 am
Aanbo looks around at the group. He sees that they are ready for conflict, and thus does not feel the need to point out the lack of business for this time of day. Given the immediate situation, it would likely just become a distraction.

The monk catches the attention of anyone nearby, and motions that he will proceed around to the northern side of the mill. He takes a wide berth, mindful of the windows and possibility of a ranged attack. Aanbo reasons that if someone inside were to flee, they would head away from the town and towards the forest to the north.
Nov 10, 2015 5:08 am
Quest calls out in a loud clear voice as he slowly advances on the building, his spear out in front ready to engage, "Keb, my name is Quest Damoran! We found Hale. We know the crime you have committed. We offer you and your cohorts the opportunity to surrender now, or we will be forced to come in after you. You will stand trial for your crime. There is no where you can run. Make this easy on your selves. Any person who exits now before we enter will be taken prisoner and remain unharmed. If you do not surrender we cannot make the same promise. Make your choice now!"
Nov 10, 2015 5:18 am
Aanbo begins to mahe his furtive way around to the north.

spaceseeker19 sent a note to CancerMan
He sees that there is another set of double-doors on the ground level (also closed) and a window (shutters open).

Quest calls out his warning; Ogbar and Xana, make perception checks.
Nov 10, 2015 5:35 am
Thacogygax heads south, towards the rocky shore. He figures it would do well to cover possible escape via the river. With gestures, he makes his intentions known to Klak and Sara.
Nov 10, 2015 5:43 am
Aanbo continues his arc north. At Quest's call, the monk chances a glance at the mill to see if there is any reaction.

DM note: I apologize; I wanted to put a roll in here to give a hint that it was opposing your roll, but I forgot the bug/undesirable feature that my edits lose your character attribution.


Stealth - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

DM roll - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Nov 10, 2015 5:47 am
I wait, watching the mill for any signs of movement. I wonder if they'll actually give themselves up. I guess we'll find out soon enough!


Perception - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Nov 10, 2015 6:37 am
Xana hears hasty muttering from inside, but can't make out the words or even from which window(s) the sounds are coming; even so, it's pretty clear that the people inside are surprised and trying to figure out what to do.

Thacogygax lumbers over to the south, unconsciously exactly mirroring Aanbo's movements to the north. As he steps onto the river rocks - plenty of ammunition here, I could hold this for a day or more - he sees that there's a wide window in the mill facing south, with the shutters hanging partway open. There's also a pier or dock jutting out into the water from the east side of the mill, though there are no boats at the dock at the moment.

Aanbo, are you heading for the doors, the knoll, or somewhere in between?

Long seconds pass, with no apparent response to Quest's challenge.


DM roll - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Nov 10, 2015 1:18 pm
"Alright, let's head inside. Thacogygax, Aanbo, cover the exits and watch for runners. The rest of us will go in and mop up the scum. Remember, these men need to answer for their crime, but we gave them the chance to go quietly."

Quest makes his way toward the door.


Initiative (if needed) - (1d20+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

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