Above the groans of the injured archer,
Durren and
Sara distinctly hear footsteps above them in what must be an attic.
spaceseeker19 sent a note to CouchLord0510
The dusty miller nods and coughs.
"Yes, I'm Keb...who...who are you? Where's Shalla?" He looks around, panicked.
Aanbo firmly leads him to the door.
"No! What have you done? He'll kill her!"
Thacogygax ducks through the door, taking cover behind the wall, only his long reptile-like blue snout sticking into the mill room, looking down the stairs. He is the first to see a group of rough-looking characters hustling up the stairs. Calling upon the might of a polar storm once again, the alien blasts the first of them with frost.
The man seems alarmed, but bulls through the frost, pounding up the stairs. He crashes into
Klak, several men behind him. They are armed with staves. The first man attempts to shove Klak backwards so the rest of them can finish coming upstairs.
Klak should make an Athletics or Acrobatics check.
Upstairs, thug 12, with the arrow in his shoulder, drops his bow and screams
"I give up! Don't kill me, please!" Ogbar's intimidation has worked (and if it hadn't, Sara and Durren probably would have). Durren seems to want to interrogate the thug; Ogbar's turn.
Searching for the best hiding place,
Xana has ducked behind the stairs leading up in the mill room (where Thug 6 had hidden before).
spaceseeker19 sent a note to Moofsalot
Aanbo (moving Keb)
Thacogygax (cast Frostbite as readied action)
- Everyone in the basement (coming upstairs: in progress)
the wounded archer upstairs (thug 12: surrendered)
Xana (seeking cover)
- Ogbar (upstairs)
- Klak (at the head of the stairs, in melee)
- Durren (upstairs, turn submitted)
- Quest (turn submitted: gathering his will to perform another brain-melting mind thrust)
- Sara