Against the Cult: Party at the Mill (1.1)

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Dec 4, 2015 7:01 pm
Everyone who needs it receives a healer's kit application from Tuan Vo (remember that healing with hit dice requires a healer's kit application).

Every PC receives 89 XP.

The adventurers can retrieve half of their expended arrows, and there are 22 additional arrows that can be claimed. Cormac will negotiate with Tuan Vo for the possession of the remaining weapons after the party has picked through them, and Tuan Vo will take custody of the man, Tap, who was driven insane by his brush with Xana's patron. The monks note that a tunnel has been dug from the basement to the side of the wooded hill to the north of the mill. Durren will recall that this where he left the kobold.

Black is a local bandit, who has been active in the area for some while. The captives, after some dunking by Ogbar, claim that Black's body is not among the corpses, and that he was "going to meet them there." Cormac shares that Black has been a thorn in their side but that no one has ever found him and descriptions of his appearance are few (because few people who've seen him have survived long enough to be captured) and varied. Stu reports that Black is "tall and dark," while another contests this, saying that Black is short and stout, with a sandy beard. Keb describes the man who met him in the Cube as a weather-worn traveler with a brown mustache and a scar on his right cheek, though he doesn't know if the man was Black or not. Quest believes that none of them is lying.

Arriving some minutes later with Diana, Hale pleads leniency for his son-in-law, Keb, both because he doesn't see what other choice Keb could have made and because Hale needs Keb's help to get the mill clean and griding grist again. Cormac "recruits" the boatmen to assist in mopping up the mill before marching them off to judgment in Hochoch.

(Let me know if there's anything further that you want to do in the mill; otherwise, I'll wrap up this section and start the next sequence with everyone rested up back in town at the Inn of Eternal Rest.)
Dec 4, 2015 7:46 pm
Aanbo inquires as to the location the monastery from Tuan Vo, and requests the opportunity to visit when time permits.
Dec 5, 2015 3:50 am
Durren bows and speaks to Cormac. "I am glad to put my training to use for a good cause," he says courteously, "I would indeed enjoy that! I am glad to learn whatever I can, though the way of a rogue has always both intrigued and eluded me. What would you charge for training in a new class?"

OOC: I'm assuming Cormac is one of the class patrons you spoke of that lives in Hochoch?
Dec 5, 2015 4:37 am
"It would seem this Black, whoever he is, fancies himself a mastermind. Using doubles and disguises to sew his plans, no one can be sure who or what they are dealing with. This begs further investigation."
Dec 5, 2015 9:06 am
I collect the arrows, and listen quietly to the negotiations while caring for my bow. When the group decides its time to return to town, I follow along. With the adrenaline of battle subsiding, I've again become my timid, mousy and socially cautious self.
Dec 5, 2015 10:02 am
Thacogygax becomes aware of Sara joining him in the basement and then creeping back upstairs. He is alone again with his thoughts. The danger appears to be over so he remains where he is on the dock, enjoying the gurgling of the water and the creaking of tge water-wheel. Faintly he hears new voices approaching. He turns, hesitates, then decides to enjoy the peace and quiet just a few moments longer...
Dec 5, 2015 1:04 pm
Morgan stands up to go outside, and starts stomping and clapping rhythmically. This gets louder after a time.

"Kord's spear, Kord's shield. Ugh Do RA Kay. Find Black, slay him!"

He thinks to himself that this is probably not the best approach, and ceases chanting, quietly rejoining the group so that they can journey back to the Inn.
Dec 5, 2015 1:58 pm
As Durren scans the room full of people, the presence of the great blue dragon is notably lacking. Durren momentarily wonders where the creature has gotten to - he was interested to get to know the dragonborn better. But that would have to wait. The party seemed to be moving out soon.
Dec 5, 2015 4:58 pm
Note that Cormac, Diana, and Tuan Vo are all class trainers (fighter, cleric, and monk, respectively)
Dec 5, 2015 10:43 pm
Klak, having successfully stared down some bad guys and handed them off to people who seem to know what they're about mills about uncertainly. His stomach growls and he considers whether or not it'd be appropriate to return to the second lunch that got interrupted.

"Are we done? I'm thinking some of that stew and ale..."

Klak sort of quietly stops talking.. line a mine cart that's run its momentum (not that Klak could spell such a thing) out.
Dec 5, 2015 11:10 pm
OOC: SS19, how does one go about learning from a trainer? Do we get a level in their class of expertise automatically if we train with them? (i.e. can I train with Cormac, though I'm a fighter, and get a level in that class?)
Dec 7, 2015 6:17 am
Aanbo will return with the group to the Inn, for rest and nourishment.
Dec 8, 2015 7:56 am
Tuan Vo and his monks bind the arms of the surrendered boatmen and lead them in a line back to town as well, where they will await the judgment of the council and the justice of the town reeve. Tuan himself escorts Keb and Shalla back to town, and though he does not bind them, he remains close to the couple and the threat is clear: if Keb tries to run, Tuan will stop him.

The remaining group of villagers, delighted that the party had taken care of the ruffians, escorts them back to Hochoch lauding their praises. Between Devane and Cormac, the story of the party's exploits grows with each retelling, until the story that most people hear is that an army was fording the Realstream and the party defended the city, bravely repulsing the invasion with only a few brave warriors dying in the battle.

Devane holds a great revel at the Inn, and there is much feasting, drinking, and celebrating. Hale, conscious once more, is reunited with his daughter, and tearfully embraces his son-in-law. The party clearly has done good here, and brand recognition for Dungeon Busters is improved as a result.
Dec 8, 2015 9:38 am
Morgran walks alongside the captives, his short stature a good match for their hung heads and drooping shoulders, he thinks. He gives them godly advice about how to fight with vigour like a warrior, to train like a soldier, and to find the might of Kord in any situation. At the first whiff of meat or wine, he quickly abandons them.
Dec 8, 2015 1:52 pm
"Did someone say stew?"


Hit Point recover - (1d8)

(4) = 4

Dec 8, 2015 3:17 pm
Ogbar spends the night drinking heavily to dull the pain of his wounds. He gladly accepts the praises of his fighting prowess and shows off the wounds he received in the battle.
Dec 8, 2015 3:19 pm
I drink slowly, preferring to drink heavier ales, and eat liberally. I'm careful not to become inebriated over the course of the night, and avoid as much attention as possible. When the conversation turns towards me, I am quick to blush and redirect attention towards Ogbar or one of the others who are keen to tell their tales and display their battle scars as if they were achievements.
Dec 8, 2015 3:51 pm
Quest sits and eats and drinks well, but not to excess. He swaps stories and listens to tales of the villagers. His mind however is on the next task, identifying, locating and capturing this mysterious Black. Then of course there are the other rumors of trouble that brought them to this area to set up shop. He hopes that he is up to the task of saving these people.


Spending a Hit Die in case of trouble - (1d8+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Dec 8, 2015 4:00 pm
Despite himself Thacogygax makes an appearance at the revels, but doesn't stay long. He considers speaking with Quest about his psionic abilities but decides aganist it for the moment, as the dragonman would hate to spoil the other man's celebratory mood. Instead he finds a quiet spot outdoors to spend the night and mull over the events of the day.

Soundtrack: "People Are Strange"
Last edited December 8, 2015 4:40 pm
Dec 8, 2015 4:22 pm
Aanbo hangs back from the group, allowing the others to receive the accolades. At the inn, he sits at a table away from the crowd and prefers to eat a sparse meal of stew and tea. He is quiet and prefers to remain in the background, but he will listen.
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