Against the Cult: Party at the Mill (1.1)

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Nov 22, 2015 12:33 am
I move over to the archer who had surrendered and kneel beside him, "Do you know of another way into the attic? An exterior window, a hole in the roof, another trap door? That girls life depends on us getting up there before your boss does something stupid."
Nov 22, 2015 1:06 am
Durren hears Quest's voice and gives a renewed heave on the trap door. He is glad to have another in the fray whose sole purpose is not to destroy, and is glad of the man's presence. He yells to him in elvish "If I cannot get this door open, would you use your powers to remove the man above?"

OOC: I'm still getting a hang of how initiative and turns works, but I think I can do this out of turn, correct? This isn't an action or a conversation, but only RPing, right? If not, this is irrelevant. *NOTE* The 'renewed heave on the door' isn't meant to be an action other than the strength check done earlier.
Nov 22, 2015 5:36 am
Quest moves to the stranger (Durren) who spoke in the elvish tongue. Once he can see him, Quest transmits his thoughts telepathically.

If I can see him I can hurt him, but it won't be gentle and it may not incapacitate him immediately. I would rather talk him down. We may continue to communicate this way, and remain unheard."

In elvish Quest says allowed, "It is good to meet you." Just in case one of the bad guys knows elvish.
Nov 22, 2015 8:37 pm
"As would I," Durren responds, "yet there is the life of a lady at stake and if the one above must die in order to save her, that is a trade I am willing to make "
Nov 23, 2015 3:54 am
I take a deep breath, waving my arms outwards in front of me for a moment as I steel my resolve to help my friends. If I don't show my face, there's a good chance they'll keep all the reward money for themselves, and I won't have any of that!

As I walk towards the group at the entrance of the attic, I make note of the new guy. "Who the hell are you?"

Moofsalot sent a note to spaceseeker19
OOC: Casting "blade ward"- You extend your hand and trace a sigil of warding in the air. Until the end of your next turn, you have resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by weapon attacks.
Nov 23, 2015 8:32 am
Xana and Quest have come up the stairs, interacting with Durren at the top of the ladder, still struggling to push the trapdoor in the ceiling open. Meanwhile, Sara has moved to hurriedly whisper with the injured thug/archer in the next room.

spaceseeker19 sent a note to Candi

(Edited to provide necessary detail about the trap door!)
Nov 23, 2015 8:42 am

- Aanbo
- Thacogygax
- in the attic
- Xana
- Ogbar
- Klak
- Durren
- Quest
- Sara
- Morgren

Just to give the people on the first floor a sense of where they are, too:
Nov 23, 2015 3:23 pm
With the thugs on the basement stairs subdued and being handled ably by Ogbar and Klak, Thacogygax withdraws. He throws an uneasy glance down the stairs and shudders. Something horrible had been down there briefly, and then was gone. Someone or something had opened a tear in the fabric of reality, come through and then left. Thacogygax had felt it in his bones. Had none of the others perceived it? None had shown any outward reaction while it had taken all his will not to scream. Xana had come from down there. He would have to ask her about it. Something else had shaken Thacogygax to the core today: the half-elf Quest had crushed a man's life with the power of his mind. Thacogygax had seen such things before - minds shackled and crushed, and rifts opening between worlds. He had witnessed such things as a slave when his overlords had waged their endless war.
Nov 23, 2015 3:58 pm
Aanbo takes a brief glance to assess the situation on the first floor. "Keb is there, and he's hurt," says Aanbo, pointing to the man by the door he just re-entered from. "He says that Shalla is upstairs and is a hostage."

Satisfied that he has relayed the important information, Aanbo beckons Morgran to assist him in Keb's care. He trusts the others to handle the situation above and besides, there are matters to take care of down here.
Nov 23, 2015 4:17 pm
Ogbar, not seeing anyone still willing to fight him lets go of his rage. He can feel all of the wounds he took fully now, and feels pain with every movement as he plucks the arrows out. He turns and growls at Uncle and the others, just to keep them in check.


Con Based Intimidation - (1d20+4)

(11) + 4 = 15

Nov 23, 2015 4:38 pm
CouchLord0510 says:
Durren heaves on the trap door...
The person in the attic is actively trying to keep the trap door shut, and Durren is still trying to figure out how to get sufficient leverage from atop the ladder. But there may be only one person up there with a hostage, and forcing him to keep occupied with the door is probably keeping him from doing anything to her.

(Note: I apologize for not fleshing this out before. There was an opposed skill check. Durren rolled a STR check, and I asked for a second and treated them as one roll with disadvantage (from your position pushing upward from a ladder); the thug's roll beat Durren's second, lower roll.)
Nov 23, 2015 5:26 pm
Durren can feel the man pushing on the door, keeping it shut. He turns the those below, his arms still pushing on the door. Speaking in elvish, he addresses Quest and Sara "From on this ladder, I cannot get it open. I need more leverage. I think he may by lying on the door in order to keep it closed; if I let it close quickly he may be stunned, and I may be able to drive my sword through the trap and kill him that way - or, Ranger, you could shoot him through it. What do you say? If we don't, then I'm afraid the lady above may not live long enough for us to save her."

OOC: Can I wait to do my turn until Sara and Quest go, since my action depends on their response?
Nov 23, 2015 5:41 pm
"Keep him occupied. Ideally, we do not have to kill him." I turn, climb atop the desk and look out the eastern window. After judging the motion of the water wheel, I climb out, swing around to the front and ride it onto the roof.

I was rolling well when I wanted to kill things, and when I want to do something cool... the dice fail me.
Last edited November 23, 2015 5:41 pm


Athletics/Acrobatics (same bonus) - (1d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Nov 23, 2015 5:45 pm
"Stumped by a door? Seriously, people? Move." I motion with my left hand for Durren to lean to the right while using my right hand to summon an energy blast to slam our way into that room and hopefully knock that guy behind the door flat on his ass.

OOC: Casting "Eldritch Blast" towards the man behind the door, although if I happen to destroy the door that would be fine with me. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.


Cantrip: Eldritch Blast - (1d20+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Nov 23, 2015 6:13 pm
"I would indeed like to keep him alive, but if that is not an option then we must do what must be done." Durren leans to the side as the blast hurtles past him. "Glad to make your acquaintance, gnome, and thank you for the assistance. Magic is always a welcome sight - assuming it is on your side..." he says through gritted teeth as he pushes on the door, "I am Durren Elderblade, Former Sentry Captain. What may your name and occupation be?"
Nov 24, 2015 1:14 am
CouchLord0510 says:
OOC: Can I wait to do my turn until Sara and Quest go, since my action depends on their response?
Sure, you just move down the initiative list to when you do take your action.
Nov 24, 2015 2:45 am

Aanbo calls out about the hostage, Shalla, and beckons to the carnivorous cleric, Morgran to come tend to Keb, the injured assistant to the miller.

Thacogygax pensively ascends the stairway to the ground floor again, and all the men cowering on the stairs relax a little.

The person in the attic calls out right above Durren, but apparently in response to Quest: "Amicably? What about my friends? Would you say you've treated them amicably? Everyone back out of the mill now, or the girl gets it! And what's more..."

Just then, the rest of what he's yelling through the floor is drowned out, as a searing jet of flame cast by Xana screams through the air...and scorches a hole in the boards next to Durren's head and the trap door. There is a girlish scream, though whether it comes from the man or from Shalla, no one knows.

Ogbar grins horribly with a mouthful of bloody teeth at the thoroughly cowed men on the stairs, who quail even further. One of them faints and is caught by his friend.

Sara, meanwhile, has dragged the table over to the eastern wall as quietly as she could and is climbing out of the window. Funny, the water wheel always looks so peaceful and gentle, when viewed from a distance...
(Sara is in the process of climbing out; I will resolve the rest of the action later this turn in initiative order)

- Aanbo (tending Keb)
- Thacogygax (horrors of war)
- in the attic (yelling imprecations/screaming)
- Xana (shot the ceiling)
- Ogbar (scared some peasants)
- Klak
- Durren (deferring action)
- Quest
- Sara (climbing out the window)
- Morgren
Nov 24, 2015 5:44 pm
Klak isn't built for negotiating so he says, "You stay there. Quest will come talk to you once we have cleared this mill of trouble.". Klak has a sneaking suspicion he's taken out an innocent peasant, but the guy was whacking him about the head and shoulders with a staff and really shouldn't do that to a sturdy dwarf wielding an axe.
Nov 25, 2015 1:42 am
Morgran will ascend to the attic if possible, and cast Guidance on Durren.

"The Gods assist you with even such small tasks. Kord blesses even the stubbornest acts of strength, and his channel is on your side!

Morgran will assist with opening the hatch, or if impossible,will draw his warhammer and move into position for an attack (readied) by the hatch ( or any door) in case a hostile-looking person jumps out.
Nov 25, 2015 2:19 am

Klak frowns at the surrendered men of low character on the stairs, who seem likely to have been local thugs recruited into this gang, and tells them to stay put. They strain to stand as still as possible.

Quest continues to chat in elvish while communicating his ability to melt minds to Durren and the others upstairs.

Out the window, Sara steps lightly on the ponderously rolling water wheel...and the mass of the giant machine launches her upward more violently than she'd expected, flying up onto the roof.
Sara, roll another acrobatics check to turn the fall onto the roof into a controlled roll.

Aanbo watches Morgran until he disappears upstairs. The dwarven cleric steps past Xana as she casts her eldritch blast and casts Guidance on Durren.

Durren is up, as well as Quest.
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