Character creation

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May 13, 2024 10:12 pm
I'll stick with Joseph. @spaceseeker19 I can update him to level two and post as soon as tomorrow.
May 13, 2024 10:19 pm
Here and flipping some dice. BE KIND O MIGHTY DICE LORD.

Interesting: 15, 15, 14, 14, 13, & 12. No low dice. WOW. Have to think more now. Suggestions are great. I'm thinking Human male barbarian. And likely was city watch.

GM: With thoughts of languages and such: Where would my character 'Reptile' be from. I have Common and 3 extra to pick up.

Languages: When you are determining languages, consider that there are three human languages that might be useful in the region: Keolish (primary language in Hochoch and the rest of the kingdom), Marchian (primary language of the various March countries), and Imperial (the language of the ancient conquerors, still understood by most people). If there is a common language throughout the world, it's Imperial. But for the starting town of Hochoch, they'll speak Keolish as their primary language, Imperial and non-human race languages secondary, and will understand Marchian and speak it in heavy accents.

GM: Is Reptile starting at level 1? Maximum HP? Normal Starting items: Background, Class, & a Trinket? The Character is applied to the game.
[ +- ] Reptiles Picture
Last edited May 14, 2024 3:00 am


4d6 stat system - (4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3)

4d6h3 : (5632) = 14

4d6h3 : (5163) = 14

4d6h3 : (3266) = 15

4d6h3 : (6116) = 13

4d6h3 : (3626) = 15

4d6h3 : (6422) = 12

May 14, 2024 2:22 am
I'm too scared to roll for HP. I got a crit this morning... no good rolls for a while now. Taking the (safe) average.
May 14, 2024 3:09 am
GeneCortess says:
With thoughts of languages and such: Where would my character 'Reptile' be from. I have Common and 3 extra to pick up.
Well, that's an interesting consideration, and it depends on your idea of how Reptile's class - barbarian - ties in with his background - City Watch. Is Reptile an archetypal, Slaine-type savage who traveled from the wild and found his way into a job in a city as a guard? Or is Reptile a more urbane, "civilized" person who has, for any of a variety of reasons, developed some really serious anger issues?

I think it would be good for Reptile to know Keolish and/or Imperial, just to be able to communicate with the locals in the area where you are working (as well as the other PCs!): they're basically the local "Common" and the larger region's "Common." A third language could be your native language, which you can choose to be from a known Greyhawk land, or make something up of your own. We've already established that there is a vast frozen wasteland to the "far north," where the barbarian Tribe of the Frozen Blood (Ogbar's home) eked out a living. Reptile could be from the same region or even the same tribe...or a rival one. Or he could be from Niole Dra, the capitol city of Keoland, or Hookhill, the capitol city of the Gran Marches. We have a little detail of the world's locations sketched out in the World Book thread.

Since the conceit of the game is that all the PCs are coworkers in the Dungeon Busters organization, it could be that Reptile has worked in the organization for some time. If so, he could easily have picked up Elvish from working with Cecily Raptor, the elven adventurer and founder of Dungeon Busters.
GeneCortess says:
Is Reptile starting at level 1?
May 14, 2024 3:19 am
Hmm. I see. Reptile knows Keolish & Imperial. Also picks up Marchian & Elven. That would be his 4 languages. There is no common language in this game.

was the savage type and reformed. Barbarian Tribe of the Frozen Blood works. Even joined the City Watch. With the purpose of this game, I'm assuming he isn't in the city watch anymore and is Ex-City Watchman. Would that be a city watch from this city or a distant city?

GM: Max HP? And what about items?
Last edited May 14, 2024 3:23 am
May 14, 2024 5:43 am
GeneCortess says:
Reptile knows Keolish & Imperial, Marchian & Elven.
GeneCortess says:
Reptile was the savage type and reformed. Barbarian Tribe of the Frozen Blood works. Even joined the City Watch. With the purpose of this game, I'm assuming he isn't in the city watch anymore and is Ex-City Watchman. Would that be a city watch from this city or a distant city?
That all sounds good: Frozen Blood barbarian, traveled from the northern wastes to Keoland, one thing led to another, and Reptile eventually landed a gig as a Watchman in a big city.

Here's an idea that you can use or modify: For whatever reason (perhaps he hit an unruly drunk a little too hard), Reptile had to leave the Watch and joined Dungeon Busters. He worked there for a while, but eventually Cecily realized that doing clerical work tracking the requisitions and payments for a mercenary organization was not the best use of Reptile's unique talents, so she sent him out to join the effort to establish a new field office in Hochoch.
GeneCortess says:
Max HP? And what about items?
Yes, max HP at first level (you got it right with 15!).
It's your choice to either:
- take the suggested starting items for a barbarian
- roll the starting money for a barbarian (2d4x10) and then buy what you want/can afford.

Note 1: Whether you roll for class money or just take the suggested items, you always get the items and money from your Background in addition.
Note 2: If you take the suggested starting items, you can sell them (for half price) and/or buy other items using the starting money from your background (10 gold for City Watch) plus the proceeds from whatever you sell.
May 14, 2024 9:08 am
Class Cash for 60gp. Reptile is nearly completed.
[ +- ] Riptile's Background
GM: Probably should dash some religion in there. What is a fine deity for a barbarian from the frozen lands?
Last edited May 14, 2024 12:50 pm


Class Cash - (2d4)

(24) = 6

May 15, 2024 8:53 pm
Appearance: Reptile is normally seen in common clothing with a battleaxe & handaxe combo hanging off his belt. Throw a backpack with rope, bedroll & a shield on it and he is ready to travel.

Description: Reptile looks to be a well fit man with a bit extra muscle. Appears to be in his late twenties. He has shoulder length shaggy black hair and translucent blue eyes to match. His skin is well tanned appears that he isn't a lounge lizard. His upper body, shoulders and arms are covered in tattoo's. The appears to be mostly of the northern frozen clans area. He stands just over six feet tall and is semi attractive.

GM: I'm unsure how to incorporate motivations into my character. And needs thoughts on religion as well.

Motivations: In addition to the character's background, trait, ideal, bond, and flaw, your character has a relationship with an NPC that provides a motivation to be adventuring. Choose one or roll a d6 to determine your motivation from this list.

1 – Love
2 – Revenge
3 – Ambition
4 – Greed
5 – Fear
6 – Compulsion

Having determined motivation, it's up to you to name the NPC and provide further details about your relationship and how it provides that motivation for your character. For instance, here's two examples of Fear motivations:

Example A: Your family has a history of a rare and ultimately fatal congenital disease called Dianthronitis; one of your parents died of the disease, while the other parent was journeying to find a cure. That parent has never returned, and now you have started to exhibit signs of the disease. Your local cleric, Henrad Polivate, has conducted research for years, trying to find a cure. He's consulted ancient tomes and contacted various other experts in healing, and finally found lore that suggests a possible rare series of rituals, prayers, and ceremonies which will ultimately create a potion to cure the Dianthronitis. But the ingredients of the potion are exceedingly rare; you must quest to find the ingredients and/or earn the excessive amount of money to purchase them.

Example B: The local crime boss, Amberan Daruli, has identified you as a threat to his control of the community. To eliminate you, he has abducted your child and holds it hostage, forcing you to leave the town and never come back, while sending back regular payments of money to keep your child alive.
Last edited May 15, 2024 9:01 pm
May 16, 2024 5:36 am
GeneCortess says:
I'm unsure how to incorporate motivations into my character.

1 – Love
2 – Revenge
3 – Ambition
4 – Greed
5 – Fear
6 – Compulsion
Have you chosen one of these, or do you want ideas on each of them?
Anyone else have ideas they want to share?

Here's a few of mine. You can insert an NPC into any one of these: a relative, a rival, a lover, a friend, a landlord, a villain:
Love: Reptile has an older brother who was destined to become an adventurer as part of his journey into manhood, but a cruel twist of fate -- a terrible accident - broke his body and left him unable to go on adventures. Reptile has decided to be his brother's hands and feet to salvage his honor.
Revenge: Reptile's family was driven off of their land, and they took shelter with a neighboring tribe. But the chieftain of that tribe claimed that they'd incurred a debt, and indentured the family to pay off that debt. But the host tribe charges his family for food, shelter, and water, and they continue to deepen in debt. Reptile has run away to make his fortune, return to pay off his family's debts, and gets strong enough to then defeat the chieftain in single combat.
Ambition: Reptile wants to improve his lot in the world, so that no one ever looks down on him as a primitive any more. He recognizes that the path to this power is paved with wealth.
Greed: Reptile grew up in a tribe that was constantly scrabbling to just get enough to not starve to death. He wants to amass enough wealth that he will always be able to have another meal, and never want for anything again.
Fear: Reptile was a disappointment to his family, or he lives in fear of dishonoring his family, and he must attain enough prowess and acclaim that no ever can ever doubt his worth.
Compulsion: Reptile discovered early on that he likes to help people, and he gets all of his self-worth from the gratitude of people that he's rescued in some way.
GeneCortess says:
And needs thoughts on religion as well.
So you can have Reptile have a particular god that he's devoted to (you can choose an aspect - War, Wild, Work, Wanderers, etc), or a pantheon he follows (you can name it and then we can fill it in as needed: "Reptile says a quick prayer to Talguk, the God of Daring, to grant him success in this"), or you could even say that he worships his ancestors or natural spirits ("Reptile bows his head, taking a moment to dedicate this fight to his ancestors"). You're not limited to particular, pre-existing gods of Oerth.
May 16, 2024 6:49 pm
All cool Reptile is totally completed. Matters of motivation & religion are done. (greed & Azor'alq)


He is just waiting for an intro.
Last edited May 16, 2024 7:26 pm
May 16, 2024 6:59 pm
So Myrtha is done. It took me a while to figure her out. I'm not sure the compulsion element has coalesced into something usable yet (there's addiction in the mix, but also survivor's guilt, and much more). Perhaps its all too abstract. Still thinking about it.
[ +- ] Myrtha's background
Last edited May 16, 2024 7:49 pm
May 16, 2024 8:26 pm
Joseph will take the 5 HP rather than roll.
May 22, 2024 5:07 am
For record keeping here, Aanbo took the average HP increase, which combined with his CON modifier and Dwarven Toughness bumps his HP to 19. He also gains Unarmored Movement, the use of Ki, and the accompanying Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense, and Step of the Wind.

I know we had discussed the inclusion of Tasha's Guide as source material, but I don't recall what came of it. Are we going to use it? I know monks have the optional DM-must-approve rule of "Dedicated Weapon", but what I'm really interested in is the Way of Mercy at 3rd level.
[ +- ] Dedicated Weapon
May 22, 2024 6:42 am
CancerMan says:

I know we had discussed the inclusion of Tasha's Guide as source material, but I don't recall what came of it. Are we going to use it? I know monks have the optional DM-must-approve rule of "Dedicated Weapon", but what I'm really interested in is the Way of Mercy at 3rd level.
Previously, we'd discussed the Dedicated Weapon, but not the Way of Mercy. However, both of them are fine with me.
May 23, 2024 7:35 pm
GeneralET says:

OK, so I'm looking over Karliel. As a half-elf, Karliel's CHR increases by 2: good. You also get to increase two other scores +1, but it looks like two 7s and the 10 got increased by 1. Do you want to just increase STR and INT to 8 and leave CON at 10, or do you want to pick just one of the 7s to increase and keep the 11?
May 24, 2024 5:29 pm
Corrected the mistake.
Probably hesitated between 2 options and forgot to properly remove one.
May 24, 2024 10:19 pm
GeneralET says:
Corrected the mistake.
Probably hesitated between 2 options and forgot to properly remove one.
Great; approved. I'll insert Karliel into the next post. Note that the default 5e character sheet doesn't have a separate space for personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws, so you probably want to add those in the "Notes" section.
May 25, 2024 5:52 am
Xana is taking average HP and picking up Agonizing Blast and Repelling Blast.
Jun 21, 2024 10:20 pm
Here we go, shakem up good
I am going with a human ranger named Chase Brandstone the once leader of the boundary wardens.

motivation- love
Last edited June 21, 2024 11:00 pm


4d6 stat system - (4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3, 4d6h3)

4d6h3 : (1454) = 13

4d6h3 : (1555) = 15

4d6h3 : (4261) = 12

4d6h3 : (3254) = 12

4d6h3 : (5264) = 15

4d6h3 : (2335) = 11

motivation - (1d6)

(1) = 1

trinket - (1d100)

(84) = 84

Jun 22, 2024 12:06 am
@GM I need help with geography of this area. Chase is from a far flung area and was the leader of the elite ranger unit the Boundary Wardens. We fended off the minions of our enemy the mad King George at our borders before they could do harm. Also my motivation is love and instead of an NPC could I do a love of country thing. I uncovered a plot of our ruler Joseph working to merge with King George which our people were against because of all the atrocities performed by him toward our people. I was run off before I could stop them.
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