Chapter 3: Crow's Nest

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May 15, 2019 10:02 pm
Verrian is able to make it to the roof of the designated building without much problem. As she moves through the building's main floor toward the stairs, she sees something that Froak had mentioned in passing: there is a large metal door behind a heavy stone counter. It looks as though someone's tried to break it open at least a few times -- there are dents and scratches on it, as though someone's attacked it with a heavy hammer. It has no immediately obvious mechanism for opening it.

The stairs lead to the second floor, and presumably the roof beyond.
May 15, 2019 10:10 pm
Verrian stops to look over the metal door. No door has no way of opening it, so clearly someone has rigged this one to seem inpenetrable. She peers at the door and the frame intently, looking for some tiny sign of the mechanism.


C'mon, how does it open? - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

May 15, 2019 10:18 pm
Krav paces the ground floor of the general store and strokes his beard absentmindedly. He doesn't voice any concerns, but its plainly obvious to Ephwrath, Viani, and anyone else in the room that he is worried. Shiloh means everything to him. If something happens to go wrong he will never forgive himself.
May 15, 2019 10:22 pm
"Hmm... You don’t think it’s that kind of magic, eh?" Ephwrath raises an eyebrow and gives her a wry grin.

He slowly reaches into the neck of his robes, and pulls out an extraordinarily ornate pendant attached to a fine mithril chain. Wrought from white gold with silver inlays and several small gems set throughout, it is a beautifully carved holy symbol of Ocassa.

"I’ve spent the last forty years studying and teaching divine magic, and I assure you that that power you hesitate to embrace is indeed from the gods." He slips the symbol back into his collar.

"Let me show you." He says as he closes the box. "Place your hand here."

He positions her hand on top of the box, and sets his hand gently on top of hers. "Now, just close your eyes, relax, and concentrate on your symbol. I’ll do the rest."

She begins to hear Ephwrath muttering the same incantation she observed earlier, and then realizes it’s actually a prayer. A prayer to Ocassa... Suddenly a warm tingling feeling begins to flow through her hand from his, and into the box.

The box begins to vibrate as a soft hissing sound begins, followed by a dull popping noise, at which point she feels the the box jump slightly under her hand. Then it is still and silent.

Ephwrath removes his hand and smiles at her. "Open it..." When she does, she sees that her letter is gone.

"That, young lady, is divine magic." He winks at her.
May 16, 2019 12:40 am
Moonbeam says:
Verrian stops to look over the metal door. No door has no way of opening it, so clearly someone has rigged this one to seem inpenetrable. She peers at the door and the frame intently, looking for some tiny sign of the mechanism.
Verrian looks the door up and down, left and right, and there’s no apparent sign of a mechanism. Which leaves two explanations (at least): either the door only opens from the other side somehow, or it’s a magical mechanism concealed from mundane sight.
May 16, 2019 1:14 am
Having determined that there's nothing more she can learn from the door, Verrian continues to the stairs and climbs up them to get to the roof.
May 16, 2019 6:27 am
"But have you read the 'Discussion on the Origin and Implications of Divine Magic in the Age of the Arcane' by Bartholomew Olric? He suggests that arcane and divine magic use the same power source just in different ways and that faith and belief is just the way to ask for effects of this mystical energy. His argumentation is very convincing but then again, he did not follow any deities so some argue his text is too biased." Viani's eyes light up as she is talking. She enjoys discussing the things she learned in college and showing off her knowledge. "Regardless of whether it comes from the gods or some other magical source, divine magic is gentler and less forceful. We ask instead of demanding."
After looking st the box for a moment and studying its design, Viani hands it back to Ephwrath. "Thank you for sending these letters for me. It means a lot."
May 16, 2019 7:13 am
lavtodd says:
Elora, I worked in a tavern. I've touched grosser things cleaning up at the end of the night.

She wipes her hand off on the side of the cabinet and sighs.

I was hoping it'd be a bit more interesting. Why do you think they ruined everything except this one cabinet?
"Hmm....Could be anything." Elora softly runs her hand over the cabinet. "Depends
on who ransacked the place, perhaps they simply didn't destroy it by chance?"
Could I try an appraise check on it? I took it as a background skill.
May 16, 2019 6:06 pm
You're welcome to roll it, somebox. In general, if you want to try something, please go ahead and roll it. I'm perfectly happy to ignore it or tell you why it didn't work, but it's generally smoother to just go ahead and roll just in case. :)
Verrian reaches the roof of the building and finds that it indeed gives a nice view of the citadel courtyard, though there are spots inside the front gates that can't be seen due to the wall. At a guess, there's a good 20 feet of ground at least that's not visible from here. Though it's certainly time for sunrise, the growing clouds make the early morning light dimmer than usual. Good for hiding, certainly. Not the best for being able to see clearly. The wind is picking up, and the air is unseasonably cool still.

The best place to take cover up here is next to the wall around the roof, about three feet high.

Perhaps since it's still early, there's little activity around the citadel. The courtyard is quiet; the massive double doors into the main building stand open, but no one seems to be walking around. There are two guards outside the front gates, which are closed. One of the guards is familiar -- the angry woman with Ildemu from a couple of days ago. She seems alert and aware, pacing like a caged animal back and forth in front of the gates, holding a heavy mace in one hand. The burly, unshaven man with her, though, is sitting on the ground, lounging against a pile of crates arranged not far from the gates. His sword is resting against one of the crates, at hand if necessary. He's watching the woman pace, lip curled in faint contempt. "Yer making me nervous, girl. Don't you ever sit down and relax?" he says, and spits on the ground. "Them rabble ain't gonna attack the bleedin' walls, y'know. They's all holed up, an' even if they's got the stones to pull somethin', what they gonna use? A fork and knife?" The man laughs, a donkey's bray, at his own joke.

For her part, the woman says nothing, just stares at him with undisguised hatred.
May 16, 2019 6:14 pm
Watching the woman guard, Verrian wonders what exactly fuels the rage she brandishes like a weapon. But the man's statements stake a bigger claim on Verrian's attention. Rabble? she thinks. Who are these 'rabble,' and where are they holed up? He can't be talking about her party, since they are obviously armed with more than eating utensils.

She ponders this as she continues to watch, still and quiet.
May 16, 2019 6:21 pm
Overhearing the discussion between Ephwrath and Viani regarding Divine vs Arcane magic, Krav decides to join in. Maybe it will take his mind off of Shiloh for a moment.

I have not read anything by this Olric fellow, but I like him already. Magic exists in nature, just like nearly everything else. It surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds us together, and it separates us from one another. We have just found various ways to harness it. Krav looks down at the floor while he finishes his thought. We are vain enough creatures to believe that we are, or someone else is, somehow responsible for what occurs naturally. We try to use our cleverness to devise craftier ways of making pegs fit where they don’t belong. We try to use our knowledge to understand why round pegs fit into round holes, but not square holes. This is our primary flaw. We try.

He suddenly clams up as though he just realized he was the one talking.
May 16, 2019 8:38 pm
Verrian and Froak

"Do you even have the brains of a worm?" the woman finally says in response. "I don't give a hairy rat's ass about those idiots cowering in the tunnels. They're scared of their own shadows." She turns then and pounds a broken cart nearby with her mace, a brutal two-handed blow that sends splinters of wood flying. "Ever since he gave me that... whatever was in that drink... I itch. Inside. All the time. I've searched this festering turd of a town three times over. We've found all the mages, but I'm still itching like ants are crawling through my veins. Thought maybe when we saw those fools down by the docks a couple days ago, but not a mage among them..."

She snorts, looking at her companion. "Why do I bother? It's like talking to a box of rocks." She stomps off, muttering to herself.

At this point, there's a flicker of movement at the edge of Verrian's vision. Turning that way, she can see Froak crouched down on the roof of the other building, waving a hand with a wide, froggy grin on his face. He's nodding happily. Must have been successful dropping Shiloh off.
May 16, 2019 8:46 pm
Verrian smiles and gives Froak just enough of a nod that he can know she sees him in position. She makes a mental note to ask him later if he knows about any tunnels.

She's puzzled that the woman believes their party has no mages, although it's surely a good thing for her and her friends. Perhaps magic users outside the wards are different now somehow, in a way that makes them easily detectable. She looks forward to discussing this with her magic users later.
May 16, 2019 9:02 pm
Rock and rolling. Incredible, I'm sure Elora is confident this cabinet could be sold for an indiscriminate about of money, granted they clean it up.
Last edited May 16, 2019 9:03 pm


Appraise - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

May 16, 2019 9:16 pm
Elora looks over the cabinet, which is nice enough, but more notable for its solid construction than any sort of unusual craftsmanship. Nothing else draws the eye at this moment.
These are some impressively bad rolls. :D
May 16, 2019 9:17 pm
Stealth and Perception rolls for Shiloh if needed


I think I smell a (stealthy) raaat, oh i think i smell a rat. - (1d20+18)

(16) + 18 = 34

Shiloh Perception - (1d20+5)

(19) + 5 = 24

May 17, 2019 12:21 am
Ember finishes her way up the stairs.

Come on, El. There’s nothing here. Maybe Epwrath has stuff about cabinets in that book of his.

She rejoins the group on the tail end of the magic conversation, and finds herself agreeing more than she expected with Krav. Not all the way, but the whole "forcing the unnatural" thing she can agree with.

So uh, there’s nothing interesting down there except a really well-built cabinet. It’s the only thing that wasn’t trashed.
May 17, 2019 6:01 am
Not wanting to be left in this dirty and disheveled room, Elora follows Ember back upstairs. She doesn't say anything in response to what Krav says, but she gives him a puzzled look, just now realizing how little she actually knows of him.
May 17, 2019 6:55 pm
A little less than an hour passes, and the citadel watchers see little more of particular interest. It is clear that the One-Eyed Crows and associated persons are not early risers: few people exit the main building, and none of them look particularly happy about having tasks to perform at this time of day, especially with the weather worsening. The wind has picked up, starting to swirl in off the lake, and the air has taken on the distinctive smell and tingle of an approaching thunderstorm.

A couple of the Crows go into one of the smaller outbuildings inside the courtyard. Listening carefully, Verrian and Froak can faintly hear the neigh of horses from inside. The guard at the gates hasn't changed, and the two Crows posted there seem uninterested in continuing their conversation from earlier. The woman at least has settled somewhat, stopping to lean against the wall while she chews on a strip of dried meat.

After about 45 minutes from when he entered the citadel on stealthy rat feet, Shiloh skitters out of the gates, pauses to sniff at the air and examine his surroundings. In order to make a quick line to the place where Froak watches, he has to sneak past the guardsman idly picking his nose with one grubby finger. But Shiloh is more than up to the task, able to dart between the fellow's feet without him even so much as noticing. He darts inside the building Froak is watching from, moving to the first-floor meeting place Shiloh, Krav and Froak had settled on and waiting for his two-legged companions.
May 17, 2019 7:12 pm
Verrian and Froak

Only a few moments after Shiloh passes, Verrian and Froak notice the angry woman at the gates suddenly stand up straight. She sniffs at the air, and she sets her jaw stiffly. "Orien's mangy beard... storm's coming," she growls between clenched teeth to the other guard. "Get inside. NOW."

She pounds on the gates with her mace. "Let us in, assface! Storm's coming! Get everyone inside!" she yells. The other guard's face goes pale, and he moves toward the gates as well, looking off to the northeast toward the lake.

Party HQ

Around this time, the members of the party with an affinity for magic (Krav, Ephwrath, Ember, Elora, Viani) start to feel uneasy, a tingling, roiling sort of sensation prickling over the skin and twisting the stomach. Those furthest from Elora feel it the most strongly, while Elora barely feels anything, just a vague chill that draws goosebumps to the skin.
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