OOC Discussion

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Nov 19, 2015 8:36 pm
SMGs are probably good for Kessel as a backup weapon. It's basically spray-n-pray, and the onus is on the target to make the save.

Speaking of which, would we house-rule sawed-off shotguns with a similar area-effect? I equipped Breecha with a shotgun thinking that it would be good to soften up the enemies in the first round, then switch to shield and pistol to take out specific targets. Now that I've seen burst-fire in action, maybe a one-handed sawed-off shotgun is a good option.
Nov 19, 2015 8:38 pm
Well in Kessel's case maybe a burst or two would be enough in situations where his more focused nature of his combat spells aren't optimal.

Because burst fire doesn't rely on proficiency it's better than an automatic pistol. Of course, an SMG is terribly conspicuous! :-D
Nov 19, 2015 8:47 pm
So far no shotguns have a bust fire option, just a shorter range. Although if you hit they do quite a bit of damage.
Nov 20, 2015 4:12 am
New forum is up. Enjoy.
Nov 20, 2015 6:18 am
I was just thinking that a sawed-off shotgun is (supposedly) meant to spread the pellets into a shorter and wider blast. So while it's not exactly burst-fire, the concept is similar in that you're mostly pointing the gun in the direction of the enemy and saturating that zone with a single cloud of damage.
Nov 20, 2015 6:34 am
Let me play with the idea a bit. I just want to make sure it doesn't get to OP to have a shotgun that can also do an area effect damage. It may mean an extremely reduced range or something. Hmmm...
Nov 20, 2015 7:00 am
Indeed, most sawed-offs sacrifice range for close-quarters effectiveness (at least, that's what Hollywood says; I've never fired a sawed-off shotgun). Outdoors, it's probably the worst weapon. Inside confined spaces, potentially better. I might propose a range of 20/30 or 20/40 for a standard shotgun shell fired from a sawed-off, and any target hit by the pellets within the disadvantaged range actually take half-damage (resist for none) to represent the pellets spreading too far by that point.

Solid slugs, on the other hand, might have a range of 20/70, to represent the inaccuracy of the shortened barrel on the round, but it's still a solid bullet that can travel.
Nov 20, 2015 7:12 am
That actually sounds like a good compromise. Limited range for a blast effect. I'll probably add that to the weapons table soon.

Unrelated question. How do we feel if I have a thread going for your groups shared resources? Like what your safehouse has available to you. Then when you get paid for jobs and stuff it will just go into the groups shared account, if you get caches of ammo and stuff you store them at the warehouse, and just say how much you bring out to missions or if you are leaving the safehouse.
Nov 20, 2015 7:22 am
Having a dedicated inventory thread would be nice, actually.
Nov 20, 2015 7:26 am
I want to say in d20 Modern (on which the concepts of the Modern Magic articles were inspired by) there was an option for shotgun ammo to come in slug form or shot form. Slug form was standard one target big damage, but the shot used a Reflex Save, so basically it worked like the Burning Hands spell. The shot filled the area and damage was decided on whether the target's Saving Throw was successful. Rather than an All-or-Half, or an All-or-None result though, I would point out the rules in 13th Age. Perhaps for a spreading shot we could use Level (or Hit Dice) as the amount of damage on a failed save? So on spread attacks, something always grazes the target. Roll for damage every time, but if the target successfully dodges they take our level in damage (2 damage at the time of this posting) or the Hit Dice of the monster firing the shot. Armor with Ballistic DR would still apply though, I think.

I also have a question I need answered for my character. According to the printed rules a druid needs to have seen an animal before it can turn into it with Wild Shape. How should I interpret this in a game where we basically have access to the internet? Does a YouTube video count or do I need to take a trip to the Waterdeep Zoo? Specifically for battle reasons I have researched my two most useful battle forms. The Brown Bear and the Dire Wolf are both options for Preserver to change into because I am going with Circle of the Moon. I guess I'm asking if I have seen these animals before. I added the stats Preserver would have to the notes on my sheet. Here is a direct link.

My restrictions are CR 1 and no swim or fly speed. I figure the basic list of house cat, dog, rat, spider(or non flying insect), rodents like squirrels and rabbits are all good, but didn't know how much to assume. So what any suggestions on how to handle this class feature would be helpful.
Nov 20, 2015 7:37 am
I would say your character should have access to either bear or dire wolf forms. I would say there should be something in seeing the actual animals, but given the progression in this world there is no doubt a zoo somewhere in this metropolis. No doubt they have things like that, boars, birds, etc. That seems reasonable. Now something like a blink spider or something is going to be a much more rare creature not really around near the city just yet. Plus a zoo would have a hard time containing things within other planes of existance.

I think you would need line of sight because the ability to interact with things through technology as though you were there is actually an ability of the Technomancers later on I think? Or maybe Warlocks. One of them gets the ability to cast through visual or audio technology as though they were there.
Nov 20, 2015 7:53 am
I agree that making real world contact, at least visually. My theory on Preserver's soul/animating force is a nature spirit of some sort. So some of the "Druid stuff" has to have a hold on him, he isn't a technomancer. Another restriction I forgot about was that I am limited to 'beast' creatures, so phase spiders and stuff are not an option. Eventually as the Druid levels they can turn into plants and elementals, but 'monstrosity' type creatures are not on the list.
Nov 20, 2015 2:42 pm
Okay, cool, makes sense.
Nov 21, 2015 2:37 am
CancerMan says:
Breecha's red optics flicker as his processors compute Kessel's question. "Answer: Transport Malfunction. Answer: Sabotaged Cargo. Answer: Law Enforcement Raid. Answer..." Breecha continues listing scenarios that qualify as "wrong."
LOL! I love it!
Nov 21, 2015 2:44 pm
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
"Hey c'mon, man, Uncle G sent us." Kessel transmits 5 creds to the guard's electronic purse. "Be a pal. Daemon's expecting us. Let's not keep him waiting. Daemon's happy, everybody's happy, yeah?"
I hope that was from your personal funds, we need the 300 we made for this pick up. ;)
Nov 21, 2015 2:47 pm
Yes, from my personal funds LOL!
Nov 21, 2015 8:46 pm
Lol, that would be hilarious? You got my money? Well we have most of it. Your guard has the last 5.
Dec 8, 2015 7:46 pm
*bump* :-D
Dec 9, 2015 3:42 am
Nimbus said he was slammed IRL lately -- so I think he knows we're looming but, hopefully he's only on a brief hiatus!
Dec 9, 2015 6:42 am
Ah. Well no worries then! :-) I bet everyone's going a little crazy because of the holidays! :-D
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