Chapter 3.a: Citadel Infiltration

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May 31, 2019 7:43 pm
"I'm so sorry," she says again. "I just have one more question. Where is Garand Disos?"
May 31, 2019 8:14 pm
From a more... whole human face, the wide-eyed look Squeaky gives Verrian would appear bewildered. With mismatched eyes and no facial expression to speak of, it's significantly hardly to interpret. "Who iss Garand Dissoss?"

His one hand clutches out toward whoever it might be able to reach. "Lee-ing ssoon. Ildeh-oo, the crows. Leht ee here to rrot. Lee-ing town." He reaches his hand toward a pouch at his belt, but with his mangled physiology, he can't manage to do more than rip it free and toss it at Viani's feet. "Take that. It ill o-en the restraints. In the cells."

His eyes flicker between the faces of those he recognizes. "He knows who you're here... to rescue. Ildeh-oo."

This speech seems to sap him of energy, and his frame goes limp. His breathing is shallow and labored.
May 31, 2019 8:25 pm
Verrian takes the pouch, puts a hand on his shoulder, and says a very soft thank you. Looking at Viani, she shares, Are you sure you want to be the one to do it? If Viani indicates in the affirmative, Verrian will stand and move out of the way.
May 31, 2019 8:59 pm
Viani doesn't respond. She's not looking forward to doing this. She has never killed a sentient being before - only chickens when it had been necessary. But she can't back down. If she wants to be a valuable part of this group, she will have to kill eventually. And this time, killing sounds even like a mercy. She definitely wouldn't want to live like this. It's the perfect opportunity to test herself.
She holds her ranseur in a firm grip and aims it at Squeaky's head. She closes her eyes and stabs down at the unfortunate creature, hopefully killing him without any unnecessary pain
May 31, 2019 9:09 pm
It was a mercy to him. It was a poor situation, well handled.

Willitan looks around and takes a deep breath.

Let's finish our mission with haste and this may he the only death today.
May 31, 2019 9:20 pm
Viani pulls her weapon back. She's trying not to think about the sound that her weapon made when it entered Squeaky's skull or about how it felt when her weapon broke through his flesh and bones. She forces herself to open her eyes to look at his dead body. She owes him that. It's not a pretty sight and Viani quickly turns her eyes away from him.
"Yes, we should continue. We have the keys now.", she says in a weak voice. "But we still have to be careful. He said they know we're here for Yelnar's mom so they will probably be guarding her."
May 31, 2019 9:20 pm
Verrian puts a hand on Viani's shoulder briefly, then opens the pouch that Squeaky had given them. "He said that whatever's in here would open the restraints within the cells."
May 31, 2019 9:36 pm
Inside the pouch are a few knick-knacks of significant interest only to Squeaky; a shiny red pebble, a small wooden hand-carved flute, a bit of cloth. The other item seems a bit more unusual: a piece of black metal shaped like a plus sign or X, small enough to fit in the palm. The metal isn't just black, it's so dark as to seem like it's drawing light toward itself, and curiously cold to the touch regardless of who touches it.
May 31, 2019 9:53 pm
Verrian peers at the strange metal object. "I don't know what this is, but it's strangely cold to the touch." Shrugging, she says, "All right, we'd better get started. We'll free Yelnar's mother first, and then the other prisoners as we have time."

She moves back into the corridor and finds the cell containing Yelnar's mother. She sets to work picking the lock, at least according to the information they've been given. Since the cell door is completely solid and imposing, she can't see inside without opening a small panel in the middle. She raises it slowly to look inside.
Last edited May 31, 2019 11:08 pm


Pickin' the lock - (1d20+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Jun 1, 2019 4:52 am
From the tiny viewing area the panel affords, Verrian can see a windowless room with a single light source hanging motionless above the center of the room: it's a light globe like they have back in Meriava, but unlike those you've seen around town, this one is still working. There are two chairs, both occupied. In one is a middle-aged woman, streaks of grey through her dark hair. She sits stiffly in the chair, blindfolded, and her wrists bound in front of her by what appears to be a white rope.

Draped idly in the other chair, one arm flung over the back, legs stretched out with feet crossed, is Ildemu. He's looking directly at the door, a lazy smile crooked on his face. As the panel opens, he says in that casual half-drawl, "You can stop fiddling with the lock, Red. It's open."
Jun 1, 2019 4:59 am
"I knew they would be expecting us!", Viani whispers in a slightly panicked voice. She grips her weapon firmly in both hands. "Should we all go in or should I stay outside to stand guard?"
Last edited June 1, 2019 5:00 am
Jun 1, 2019 5:00 am
Containing her surprise completely, Verrian immediately shares with her compatriots, Ildemu is in the cell with Renaya. He may not realize how many of us are here. I'll let you know when I need help. Be ready.

Aloud, she says, "I'm opening the door, Ildemu." Then she does so, slowly to indicate that she has no immediate violent intent.
Jun 1, 2019 5:28 am
"Oh dear..." Elora whispers to her companions, now thoroughly concerned for their general well being.
Jun 1, 2019 5:52 am
"Be my guest," Ildemu says with a smile. He sits up a little more in his chair, though he still manages to look as though he's been casually flung into his seat like one might toss a coat; loose-limbed and utterly unconcerned. He's dressed much as you saw him the last time you met, wearing a chain shirt over clean, neatly tailored clothing, black pants tucked into black leather boots. He wears an iron ring on his the ring finger of his left hand, which you only notice because he absently twists the ring with the neighboring fingers while he talks.

"It's taken you long enough. Moon and stars, did you go all the way out to the estate and back again? Long trip, for no benefit," he says with that lopsided smile. "She was right here the whole time."
Jun 1, 2019 5:56 am
Verrian folds her arms, looking relaxed, and leans against the door frame. "No trouble. We enjoyed the countryside views. So you knew we were looking for Renaya all along?"
Jun 1, 2019 6:01 am
Willitan retreats to the hallway. He keeps an arrow at the ready in case someone comes.
Jun 1, 2019 11:47 pm
"Countryside’s a lot more pleasant now that it’s been cleaned up a bit," Ildemu agrees, gesturing calmly at the bound woman next to him.

"But no, sadly, I didn’t know what you were after until you left town. Communication out here is sometimes... unreliable. Not like that soft life you all lead back in Meriava, where everything still works like it used to."
Jun 1, 2019 11:56 pm
Verrian smiles calmly. "So my friend and I are here for this lady," she says, gesturing toward Renaya. "Perhaps we can make some sort of deal."
Jun 2, 2019 5:48 am
Ildemu rises slowly from his chair, not making any sudden movements that might provoke a response. He stands behind Renaya, hands on the back of her chair. "A deal? For her?" He shrugs, evidently unconcerned. "She's all yours. We've taken care of her, so there's no more use for her."

He lifts one eyebrow, smile angled across his dark face. "Really, I just wanted to make you and your little gang one last offer before we ride off into the sunset. Figuratively speaking."

"This... thing you're doing," he says, waving sort of vaguely. "You don't have to follow them. They cower inside their wards, they cling to the dying embers of a fire that destroyed the world." His hands grip the back of the chair more tightly. "You haven't seen what's out there, Red. If you had... you'd be begging to join us, first in line to tear down that festering monstrosity that sits like a fat, bloated spider out there in the lake."

For once, his manner becomes intense, eyes hard and words clipped as he nearly bites them off coming out from his lips.
Jun 2, 2019 5:53 am
Viani steps into the cell, her weapon raised and aimed at Ildemu, letting him see the blood on the blades.
"What are you talking about?", she demands. "And sit back down!"
I'm preparing an attack in case he makes any sudden movements but I'm not expecting that to happen so I won't roll yet.
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