Chapter 1: The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh

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Jun 28, 2019 1:44 pm
The small wooden box holds twelve candles, flint and steel, and a piece of parchment that details a method of communicating with a ship.
[ +- ] Signaling
Jun 28, 2019 7:41 pm
Hm....This might be useful. Chulainn hands the paper off to Margot to show the rest of the group. He continues rummaging through containers, next being the wardrobe.
Jun 28, 2019 7:48 pm
A fancy floor-length oilskin coat hangs in the wardrobe. Its sleeves contain numerous pockets (empty), and it is trimmed in iridescent green silk.

The books on the shelf are: A volume of erotic poetry (fully illustrated), a naval almanac listing tide times for the area of coast around Saltmarsh (a total of one hundred miles of coastline is covered), and a treatise concerning the demigod Iuz and its minions.

Jun 28, 2019 8:11 pm
He'll search the footlocker too.
Just to get it over with. Also, Chulainn doesn't know any other Lucan than homicidally insane one he just met. I'll leave it to the other characters to talk him out of it for the time being.
Jun 28, 2019 8:16 pm
Valkeelis says:
"What did you call me!?...." Eshe raises her greataxe menacingly. "Hahaha." She throws her head back and laughs, then continues to search the room - the wooden locker at the foot of the bed, the box under the table, then the wooden wardrobe. She looks back at the others and states coldly. "I'll let you all decide what to do with him....we need to get Terry out of here. I don't like this place."
Just by the way
Jun 28, 2019 8:17 pm
Oh no, that's unfortunate.
Jun 28, 2019 8:22 pm
I'm sorry I missed that. We will assume that Eshe found the stuff and Chulainn is giving it a second look.
This is what you found in your search:
-- Shelf: Has three books, listed above
-- Wardrobe: Oilskin coat
-- Wooden Box: Twelve candles, flint and steel, and a piece of parchment that details a method of communicating with a ship
Jun 28, 2019 8:24 pm
Doesn't really matter in the end. Just pointing out because.....
Jun 28, 2019 10:13 pm
Nat: What of the footlocker?

Val: Are you going to post IC while you're here?
Jun 28, 2019 10:18 pm
Endermun says:
Nat: What of the footlocker?

Val: Are you going to post IC while you're here?
The footlocker's contents are not detailed in the module, oddly...
The footlocker contains two spare sets of robes and a pair of boots
Jun 28, 2019 11:11 pm
Eshe turns to Lucan, Pong, Sobek and Margot, and agrees. "We should honor the dead then carry on?" She turns to Chulainn and speaks. "Interesting findings. Let's look into them when we get back if you don't mind."
Jun 29, 2019 12:16 am
Again, how long is that going to take? If Sanbalet and his mates feel like their life is in danger, they're going to cut and run and we're going return to an empty house. Can't be more than a few hours before he finds out about his minions out there, if he doesn't know already. Chulainn points out into the hallway.
Jun 29, 2019 6:07 am
Fine.... lets burn this place with the pirats in it and then get Terry out of here. There is a detachment in his voice

Lucan looks at Chulainn. You know this place. Where are they, how do they get in and out? Can we lock them in and burn them?

The 5 stages of grief
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
Jun 30, 2019 4:26 pm
Chulainn takes a step back. What? No! We're not goin' to burn anything. Does anybody else have a problem with what he's spewing? He's insane. He quietly puts his hand on a dagger, fearing retaliation from the pyromaniac. I don't know much more about this place than you do. All I know is that we have pirates to deal with properly and securely. Burning this place down is madness.
Jul 1, 2019 12:07 am
"Forgive him. He has lost his we all have. Perhaps we can hide his body here and return for him once we are leaving." Eshe looks to the others for some kind of consensus.
Last edited July 1, 2019 3:32 pm
Jul 1, 2019 3:13 pm
Terry was Lucan's brother, so it's a bit more personal for him :(
Jul 1, 2019 7:25 pm
Lucan wraps Terry's body in a cloak and cleans his face. Silently he speaks to Terry
I am so, so sorry, brother mine. I swear to you and Trithereon that I will end those pirates and bring you home to mom. You were annoying sometimes, but I still love you. I don't want you to be dead
Jul 2, 2019 11:56 pm
Where to next? You haven't really finished searching the room where Terry died, and there's a door to the east.
Jul 3, 2019 12:09 am
Chulainn stops holding his breath when Lucan exits the room. That works for me. He says to Eshe. What about you guys? He looks at Pong, Margot, and Sobek.
Jul 3, 2019 10:56 pm
Eshe, more somber and moody that usual, moves on to inspect the room to the east. "Stay alert." She cautions, trying to muster all the stoicism she can.
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