Wow, I accidentally hit "edit" instead of "quote" and it let me edit rocksteady's post. Sorry about that! Should be reverted now.
rocksteady says:
If we hire a boat, Adan is almost certainly going to hear about it through the Beerpool grapevine. Is there an alternate destination we can give our pilot that doesn't sacrifice too much time, or expose us to too many prying eyes? Maybe we could buy a boat in Beerpool for 100GP and then sail downriver ourselves while getting rid of the tainted gold at the same time? Since you're still in the marshy headwaters that feed the Ophid, going by boat from here would be very slow going until you hit the river proper. Further, the only vessels you've seen here are little skiffs and rowboats made for pond fishing. As far as alternate destinations, there's any number of localities along the Ophid you could name, but none of them would really cover your tracks.
(Insight = success) It occurs to Mordred that if Zora thought of traveling via the Badgerways, Adan probably did too.
A small, sad smile twists the unscarred side of Patlen's face. "Jeb Tuell, Sunny Larch, the thirty-third day of summer. My brother carved that into any sneaky place he could in the days after Sunny agreed to marry him. As for finding an entrance to the Badgerways, I'm sorry. I have not traveled far outside Beerpool, I know no adventurers, and I would be at a loss to tell you how best to get there."