CHAPTER 1: The Tainted Village of Hommlet

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Sep 15, 2019 5:30 am
The door to the Inn opens and in walks three important looking men. The first man is wearing plate mail with a mace at his side. He wears the clear symbol of the Church of St. Cuthbert. The second man wears chain mail and has a battle-ax strapped to his back. He wears a simple tunic with a broach of Hommlet. The third man wears blue satin robes with a wand tied within easy reach to his robe belt.

The robed man looks around and says, "Right! This is Canon Terjon of the Church of St. Cuthbert. Calmer is his junior and I thought it prudent that his senior should look into this. He is here to read the deceased his last rites and make any necessary arrangements for the deceased, contacting his family, etc.", pointing to the man wearing the symbol of St. Cuthbert.

"This is Rufus, Commander of the Village Troops and MIlitia. I have brought him along to conduct our safe passage and as our security." pointing to the man wearing the Village of Hommlet broach. Upon his introduction, Rufus then moves towards the stairs and blocks passage to any and all.

"I am Burne, 'His Most Worshipful Mage of Hommlet' and I am here to conduct the investigation into the alleged crime committed here. It has come to our attention that you may well know what has happened to the deceased and his demise. So please introduce yourselves and tell us where you all were when this happened and what you know of the deceased."
Sep 15, 2019 8:38 am
Brock steps forward to address Burne. "My name is Brocken Mountainsword. My companions and I were the first to discover the deceased's body this morning. We will gladly help with your investigation."

Pausing briefly, he continues "We arrived in Hommlet late yesterday. Cootufy here" gesturing at the halfling "spoke with the deceased yesterday evening. This morning when we arose we observed that deceased's breakfast remained untouched outside of his room. We decided to check upon him and entered the room. We found him slouched in his chair, a needle dart in his hand, beneath a hole in the roof. At that moment two other gentlemen, previously unknown to us, arrived in the room. They gave their names as Taniko and Roq. They said they had played cards with the deceased yesterday evening and that the hole in the roof was not present yesterday evening. They said they would inform Ostler here" he gestures at the innkeeper.

"Ostler requested that we await your arrival. And so we have"
Sep 15, 2019 8:44 am
Cootufy watching Brock step forward thought better of talking and just waved enthusiastically as his name was mentioned, his eyes wide with excitement.
Sep 15, 2019 9:27 am
Burne turns to Cootufy and says, "How is it that you know this gentleman and how do you know the deceased?"
Sep 15, 2019 10:24 am
First up you are very impressive, I bet you have seen many adventures, Cootufy beamed, I am Cootufy and Brock is my friend . . . Companion? Friend, yes friend. Anyway we travel together and are seeking our fortune through adventure. Well we just started and having made our fortune yet, but I suppose I inferred that by saying ‘are seeking our fortune’, and I am sure that an intelligent man as you seem to be would have got that so yes that is the answer. So your question again was?
Last edited September 15, 2019 10:25 am
Sep 15, 2019 4:46 pm
Cordon continues to make himself a bump on a log. Not wishing to get involved in the mess. He is more than glad to let Cootufy handle it all, he knows that they will ask of him soon just the same or of Gwylithim who stands nearby.
Sep 16, 2019 4:59 am
Gwylihim sat silently, hoping to avoid questions. As a outsider to the lands of men, he wished to raise as little suspicion as possible. Burne drew his attention when he saw the robes and wand, but he kept his face impassive.
Sep 16, 2019 9:08 am
Burne asks Cootufy again in a more calmer voice, "How is it that you know this gentleman and how do you know the deceased?"
Sep 16, 2019 9:22 am
oh yes the kind old Guy upstairs. We, I was sitting down here enjoying a meal with my companions here in this nice Inn after we just arrived in town when the old guy, I think he might have been a mage, walked out of the room over there. Points to the room he come out of yesterday, He indicated that I should follow him which I did and spoke with him in his room. He asked us to help him out with a delivery and which I agreed to and then I left the room joined my friends and went to bed. big breath.

When we got up in the morning we noticed the breakfast at the door and as Brock said here we are.
Last edited September 16, 2019 9:23 am
Sep 16, 2019 10:00 pm
Cordon is quick to add, That is how I see it as well.
Sep 17, 2019 6:03 am
Brock coughs loudly as Cootufy talks of the errand imparted by the old man. Perhaps his last swing of ale went down the wrong way.
Sep 18, 2019 8:39 am
"I see!" says, Burne. "Well, I think that we are unable to find fault with your stories, however, so that you prove yourselves to the inhabitants of this village, you will undertake a small investigative visit on behalf of the village. I warn you that it may be foolish on your part to turn down this passage to prove your true innocence."
Sep 18, 2019 2:51 pm
"You speak truthfully and fairly sir, and we will answer that by fulfilling such task as you set us."

Brock looks to his friends, watching for gestures of agreement, and hoping that he has not spoken out of turn.
Sep 18, 2019 4:12 pm
Rolf nods in firm agreement with Brock. "Just so, a great idea! And if ye'll have me aloong, Ah'd be happy t' assist," Rolf says to the group.
Sep 18, 2019 10:20 pm
Hmmm What is being asked of us? Seems he is interested.
Sep 19, 2019 12:03 am
Cootufy smiles at Brock, I’m with him
Sep 19, 2019 8:37 am
"Very good," Burne says. The Innkeeper and the 'security' guard head upstairs along with the Canon, while a cursory nod in the direction of the serving girl prompts her to bring forward a full breakfast for all.

"We have some concerns about a place not too far from the Village. We know this place was once the outpost of the Temple of Elemental Evil, its watchtower and an advance base for raids, looting. and destruction. From this area, servants of the Temple were to bring the Village of Hommlet and all the lands around it into subjection. The conquered folk were then to be used as slaves to construct yet another fortress further west, spreading the evil power of the Temple in ever-growing rings to encompass all of the lands around its base.

Unfortunately, this outpost was ignored during the destruction of the Temple, for the army of good which came against the wicked hordes was so strong as to be totally immune to any pinpricking from the garrison of the moathouse. Only after the end of the battle which destroyed the main armies of the Temple of Elemental Evil was attention turned to this place. A detachment of horse and foot with a small siege train then came to the marshlands, to lay the castle low. The common folk from miles around came to help. and the moathouse was surrounded, cut off, and battered into extinction. The place is now shunned by the people of Hommiet, who hate its former evil and the memory of the terror brought to them by the black lord of the fortress-a vile cleric of damnation and his evil men and humanoid troops. Just recently, we have received reports of humanoid activity in the general vicinity of the moathouse. You will investigate validity of these reports further."
Sep 19, 2019 9:06 am
Cordon smiles, Sounds simple enough of a task. Gladly look into the matter. Cordon seems to like the terms.
Sep 19, 2019 9:14 pm
Adventure! Cootufy says with great joy, I knew this place would be fun.
Sep 19, 2019 9:32 pm
"Sounds like a good exchange to me," Rolf says, "Hope you don't mind if I come along. How far is it to these ruins, Mr. Burne?"
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