OOC thread

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Jan 26, 2020 9:25 am
Great Work everyone, this is shaping up nicely. I am off this coming WED?THU so I hope to have everything checked over and get a game thread started by then.
Jan 26, 2020 6:36 pm
OK, I'm going to submit my character.
Jan 26, 2020 7:30 pm
dominion451 says:
kbranden says:
Here's my character background. If you still need more, just let me know.

Ecek Thalgorn background
I really like the way you presented your background as a conversation between two people connected to Ecek rather than as exposition. Well done.
Well thank you!
Jan 26, 2020 7:39 pm
dominion451 says:
Here is a Google doc of the background in case you cant access my sheet until it is submitted...

Noctra Luna's background
Jan 26, 2020 8:00 pm
Thanks very much! A little emo I know, but she is a necromancer after all. Pretty much the most emo class of all ;)
Jan 27, 2020 2:20 am
A_True_Believer says:
[ +- ] Halfling Thief
Here are tables that list bonuses for race and armor to your thief skills...

Jan 27, 2020 3:34 am
Y’alls characters look awesome. I’m not very familiar with the planes of D&D, but if anyone has a good plane/area that a little Halfling Thief could be from... well, that could work! I do have the Tal’Dorei campaign setting
Jan 27, 2020 11:51 am
You can use whatever it is you wish, like Tal'Dorel. It will be used in the RP so there is no wrong answer.
Jan 27, 2020 3:49 pm
Ok cool! I'll work on that this evening and give you my background blurb. :)
Jan 27, 2020 4:08 pm
A_True_Believer says:
Y’alls characters look awesome. I’m not very familiar with the planes of D&D, but if anyone has a good plane/area that a little Halfling Thief could be from... well, that could work! I do have the Tal’Dorei campaign setting
Well our Dwarf is from the Forgotten Realms setting which is one of the largest and best developed settings in DnD, the Greyhawk setting is also very prominent being the first setting ever created back in the 70's.
Jan 27, 2020 11:00 pm
Kippy was part of the Lightfoot Clan now residing in the Mornset Countryside of Tal'Dorei. After the war of Zan Tal'Dorei's rebellion, he wanted to return home, but his home was destroyed. Already consumed by a bit of wanderlust, Kip became an accomplished little thief. Although, it never diminished his caring heart, and thus has often stolen to benefit those in great need. His family perished in the war, but he now sets to make a name for himself and establish his own family...of course when he has enough coin to live fat and happy! When walking to a nearby village Kippy entered into a great mist...
Last edited January 27, 2020 11:01 pm
Jan 28, 2020 1:01 pm
So how are we going with all the characters and start schedule?
Jan 28, 2020 7:19 pm
My character is good to go, a few gear tweaks aside. Cant wait to start this one! Ranked #1 best module of all time! And I've never played it so this should be good.
Jan 28, 2020 8:08 pm
Me neither. I'm 100% newb to this setting and such. And, although I've had BFRPG for a while...I've yet to play it.
Jan 29, 2020 6:48 pm
I had computer trouble this weekend. And by trouble I mean I dropped my laptop and the screen so nowis holding on by two wires. I just bought this new one, so I am back on track. Will have a starter thread hopefully tomorrow geting everyone into Barovia so we can do some RP.
Jan 29, 2020 7:16 pm
Jan 29, 2020 7:25 pm
Whoa! Welcome back. đź‘Ť
Jan 31, 2020 1:50 am
ok just a little background add ins and then items/money to give you all and we can start.
First off:

Fable Question how long have you been in the village of Barovia? I'm going to say... 3 weeks. So your character would know the following people Burgommaster Kolyan Indirovch and his son Ismark, and daughter Ireena, the town abbot Donavich and his son Doru, the town drunk Bogan Groza(whom you drank under the table one night), and Sergi, Zsolt, and Anton Martikov, three pious brothers who look to faith (any faith) to help get them through the day. They own a farm south of the village.

A letter from a Sister Lenora of the Abbey of Saint Markovia arrived by messenger, but was dated almost four months ago telling of the evils that have "infested" the abbey and its abbot. Her call for help has you leaving once more to reach the abbey - two days on foot your told.

EcekYour character has been currently harrying a group of orcs that came a raiding, and some timely fog has been most helpful. You have them on the run.

Kippy You set things up nicely I need to think on what you might have stolen and not given away to the needy. HaHa!

Noctra LunaYou have been on the run for a long time the elves never forgetting or forgiving your transgression. They have skilled trackers that have followed you from village to village and as you currently leave another "safe" haven you are relieved by the foggy valley ahead, thinking maybe you could double back.
Jan 31, 2020 3:53 am
OK, I don't think Fable would have waited around for 3 weeks to make his way to Krezk unless there was something else keeping him in Barovia. Perhaps it had something to do with fine stone architecture. Perhaps there was another dwarven stonemason in town. The only one of the characters you mentioned that Fable would not likely have had anything to do with would be the town drunk. He may have knocked back a tankard every once in awhile but he wouldn't drink anyone under the table. I assume you will be doing additional items/money in a separate post.
Jan 31, 2020 12:00 pm
yes lost my connection trying to do gear and gold Something keeping him in the village you can make that anything you wish it to be.
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