OOC chitchat

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Sep 6, 2017 1:40 pm
I think even with one game some people will likely only have time to post once or twice a week due to timing in truth. I'm fine with dropping Heyop I guess but in truth I figure regardless of what we do for consolidation the absences and slow posting is likely to continue or get longer apart.
Sep 6, 2017 3:57 pm
Indeed. Option #3, of course, is to dial the game down and let you guys spend your time else-game.

I suppose option #4 is to recruit new blood (again). But I feel like there's only so many people we can drag in as remote acquaintances or aligned interested before we start to strain even my ability to suspend disbelief. ;)
Sep 6, 2017 4:14 pm
What, everyone's got secret lovers and distant cousins that come out of the woodwork. Happens alllll the time!
Sep 6, 2017 4:46 pm
Between the two characters I do agree Heyop's at a good breaking point for story. I'm up for Green Mamba hijinx but I'm coming with the understanding we might be waiting a week or so for someone to post even with 5-6 people.
Sep 7, 2017 1:27 am
yah. i'm okay not waiting for a week for someone to post and either gently seguing them away or finding a way for them to sit in the background. I get that KJ's limitations cut him down to a couple times a week, and I think we can work with that. I'll poke Csillag OOB (since she left the FAD game to tidy up her forae) and will poke Abel on the forums over yonder.

Ultimately it depends on whether y'all would like to have more merc-related hilarity or more jedi-related hilarity. Given the cast of characters, I'm guessing either path winds up being a little lighter weight in terms of dramatic flair. :)
Sep 21, 2017 4:16 am
Hey team -- I'm going to put this one on ice indefinitely. I don't have the time to keep as many games going as I should -- and since we've lost several people and some of the momentum, it makes sense for me to idle this one until I have more time. Right now I've got a couple Middle Earth campaigns running. When one or both of those wind up if people don't want to proceed I'll look to bring back a Star Wars campaign.

Of course, if I find myself with more time, I'll get something fired up again (and reach out to y'all) but for now, I think the best thing is to close up shop for a bit. I'll change the # of players down to 0 and boot our idles and let y'all close out when you're ready.
Sep 24, 2017 4:28 am
Thanks for running, falryx! Let me know if you're ready to bring this game back (or something similar) and I'll join back up.
Sep 25, 2017 8:15 pm
Ok thanks also. I was taking a quick peak to see where we are at.

I did enjoy this allot.

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