fearghas.mackenna says:
Apologies, folks! RealLife(tm) got more complicated during/after the holidays than I'd anticipated.
Here's where things stand:
- campaign on Beyond is set up
- Discord server for keeping easy track of house rules/character creation guidelines/NPC info/initiative tracking/downtime RP/etc. is done
- house rules & chargen info is pretty much settled
What's left before I'd feel comfortable starting the game:
- finalize key NPC stats (mostly done)
- finish GamersPlane game info text (about half-done)
- finish intro GM post (nearly complete)
- write the outline of at least the first full mission - I have a slate of ~70 mission hooks that I've been picking away at, in between RealLife(tm) things
I'm aiming to have all of this done by the end of this coming weekend, if not sooner.
I've also been considering, given the interest so far, of possibly -
possibly - starting a second game with a second team. I'd like to see how this concept actually works before committing to that.
Will check in soon!
Thanks for the thorough update. Godspeed with the RL complications, and it sounds like great setup (70+ radiant quests is impressive).