Chapter 2: Hope


Feb 22, 2021 5:08 am
You march your forlorn bandit prisoners north, toward Hope. After an hour, the forest gives way to farmland. Several of the farms lie fallow and some of the homesteads are abandoned. A few are even burned to the ground. However others stand defiant with vibrant homes and sprawling crops.
[ +- ] Lands Surrounding Hope
Eventually you round a hill and the town itself comes into view. An old keep overlooks this village that looks like it was once home to 500 people or more. Banners are conspicuously missing from its battlements.

After the keep, a great hand carved of black stone is Hope's second-most-visible landmark, rising up at the center of the village with its thumb and five fingers splayed out. The area around the hand is a great dig, where someone has appeared to have tried and failed to excavate whatever is underneath.

An open-air stone temple, a two-story inn built atop steaming hot springs, and an outfitters’ shop stand among two dozen other buildings that make up the heart of the village, while farmhouses dot the neighboring hillsides, surrounded by broad fields of crops.
[ +- ] The Town of Hope
The sun is high in the sky and lunch hour fast approaches. A bell rings somewhere in the town as you approach. A pair emerges from behind the inn, hastily donning jackets and doing up sword belts, which you quickly realize are old Arkasian military issue. Eight bowmen emerge from other buildings and start taking up positions along a low, crumbling wall, although none draw arrows yet. The two dressed in Arkasian uniforms stride up the road toward you.

"Good day, strangers. Looks like you ran into some of our wayward citizens along the road. Many thanks for brining them in alive, I doubt they deserved. I'm Ruth Willowmane, the sheriff 'round these parts. This is my brother, Matthew, and them back there with their bows are just being cautious, don't be offended. Mind telling us who you are and stating your business?"

The Sheriff's tone is friendly but assertive. Matthew is silent and studies each of you carefully.
[ +- ] Ruth and Matthew Willowmane
Feb 22, 2021 5:35 pm
"Well this is a bit smaller than I imagined. Nice hand tho!" Kaa muses as they enter the settlement.

When Ruth comes out and introduces himself he grunts as greeting.

"I'm Kaa, from a village called Mossgrove. Yes, a bugbear family lives there, and we only eat the bad children. So well it was my turn to weed the gardens but a messenger came with something about warriors and wizards burning candles and this seemed more interesting." he says with a silly smile.

He glances at the four bandits, and at the number of guards present.
"Getting outnumbered by the bandits?"
Feb 22, 2021 5:38 pm
I was typing this as Pitrio was doing his post. Slow typist I guess :)
"Greetings, sheriff," responds Hilmar to Ruth Willowmane and nods to her brother. "My name is Hilmar Tomenius. These are my fellow travellers, Naeris, Euphoria, Alfrey Whiteheath and Kaa," gesuring to each in turn. "We were travelling to your town. I have heard reports that the guardians of Hope have sent out messengers - as Kaa was just referring to - searching for warriors and mages who might be able to assist. About an hour away, South of here, in the Howling Wood, the road was blocked by a huge tree, which had been cut down. We scouted round it and saw these four lying in wait. We were concerned that they were intending to attack travellers on the road. Unfortunately, they heard one of us and fired their crossbows at us. We managed to subdue and disarm them," he says, showing the Willowmanes the scimitar and crossbow he is holding. "They told us they are Artur, Raishe, Aegar, and Rose. They told us that they were part of the Night Blades and planning to ambush a waggon from a mining camp bound for Hope. They told us that they did not intend to harm any of the people with the waggon but were planning to take all of its gear and hand this over to Ralavaz, who would give them each enough money to see them through the winter. They also told us that there would be a higher reward for bringing them in alive, not that we were thinking of killing them, of course, if that could be avoided.

On our way to the town they also told us a bit more. Artur said Ralvaz was wearing some kind of golden mask, which seemed to make him very persuasive. They said he caused trouble for the town ten years ago when he was in league with his brother. They said the authorities of Hope were stronger then and managed to round them up in a barn, which was set on fire. Only Ralavaz made it out, with Gardren and the rest of the trapped Night Blades dying in the fire. They said that the edge of Ralavaz's face by the mask is scarred from burning. Artur also offered to show where his hideout is if this would mitigate any punishment from you.

The girl Rose said she was offered some money and went to a meeting with Ralavaz. If I remember correctly she said Ralavaz did something to them that she suspects was magical. She said: 'We went from curious to fanatical.' She says she doesn't even remember them putting on the uniforms and thought that our capturing them and so on cleared their heads."

He looks round at the prisoners and his companions to see if he has missed anything. "That's what they said. I am sure they are capable of speaking up for themselves."

Then he remembers something the sheriff said and adds, "You mentioned your 'wayward citizens' - do you recognise any of them?"
Last edited February 23, 2021 6:26 am


Feb 23, 2021 7:30 am
"Well, that's quite the story! My thanks to you all." the sheriff calls out. She waves her hand behind her and the bowmen disperse back into their respective buildings.

"Yeah I recognize these louts. Not the smartest residents, but good people all of them. They're lucky you didn't put holes in their hides. Matthew, take 'em up to station and take their stories in their words. Maybe get them a stiff drink."

If the party consents to Matthew taking their prisoners, the former bandits all give sheepish thanks to the party.

Ruth also responds to Kaa's comments: "We are indeed feeling a bit outnumbered. Any chance you brought that big ol' axe all this way to help even the numbers out?"
Feb 23, 2021 4:58 pm
No offence, Sheriff, but we still do expect to be paid,- cursed woman's voice sounded friendly, but one could clearly tell she meant it.
Last edited February 23, 2021 4:59 pm
Feb 25, 2021 2:51 am
Looking towards the others Hilmar remarks,"I don't know about you, but I'd quite like to sell these weapons and armour we took from the bandits," indicating to the crossbow and scimitar he is holding, and looking at the gear Kaa is carrying."We can split all the proceeds between us. That way, we'll at least have a bit of coin to pay for food and drink and a stay at the inn. We might even be ble to buy more items." Then speaking more quietly, "It's possible we might end up helping the sheriff against these bandits. So it might be an idea to keep the 'uniforms' - the cloaks and masks - you never know if they'll come in useful."
I take it that the bandits had some ammunition for their crossbows? Also - is the leather armour an integral part of the 'uniforms' or is this just ordinary leather armour and the uniforms consisted of the masks and cloaks?
Last edited February 25, 2021 2:52 am


Feb 25, 2021 5:15 am
To Euphoria, the sheriff nods

"I understand. We are a little cash-strapped at the moment, truth be told. That part Artur told you about the reward was nonsense, probably just wanted to make sure you didn't kill the four of them. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful - saved me the trouble and danger. I can offer a purse of 60 gold for you to share between yourselves. Or, if you prefer, the town has plenty of property. There's a nIce farmhouse just on the hill up there, been vacant a while. I'll sign the deed over right now. Feel free to look it over before you decide."

"And hey, if you feel inclined to help us solve this bandit problem for good, we'll show our gratitude by sharing some of our old magic treasures from the Imperial days. Weapons, armor, a spell book."


Feb 25, 2021 5:50 am
To Hilmar, the Sheriff says "Yep, might be able to get some good coin for those, look like good quality. Wonder where Ralavaz is finding good steel like that? Not like he's got a forge holed up in that Lonely Tower of his. You should drop by Grayhorn Outfitters. He pays a fair price for used quality goods."
Feb 25, 2021 7:13 am
When the Sheriff mentions not putting holes into them, he grins at the one he put the javelin through and pats his shoulders roughly.

Kaa nods and hmpfs along with Euphoria at the mention of not working free.

"And I heard you have a very nice hot spring? Not giving away that one?" he smirks and counts on his fingers a bit for their share.

When Hilmar mentions selling the gear he is again nodding. "Yes yes, we have no use for them, into coin they go."

"I have always wanted a magic weapon, so that sounds good to me." he responds to the Sheriff's proposal for ridding them of bandits. Then turns to the others. "But for today I want to rest." in his head he is already getting soft in a hot steamy bath.
Feb 25, 2021 8:53 am
Naeris is glad to let the others speak for her. She's keen to offload the gear if a decent price is offered - or even if it isn't. She never really felt it belonged to the party. She's pleased to hear talk of resting but isn't keen about having a bath.


Feb 25, 2021 9:13 pm
Sheriff Willowmane responds to Kaa's interest in rest:

"The Summerspring Inn is a good place to rest. See that irregular-shaped two-story building at the center of town, see the one with the steam coming out of the pipes on the side there? Run by Amanda Jess. It looks a little ramshackle but there's nothing more relaxing than a dip in the natural hot springs bellow."
Feb 25, 2021 9:21 pm
Shall we sell this gear and then have lunch? Naeris prompts. She's sick of action and negotiations.
Feb 26, 2021 1:08 am
"We'll take your advice and head to Grayhorn Outfitters with this gear. Thank you for the offer of the farmhouse. Before agreeing to this option I'm sure we would all like to view it first. I would also like to know if it comes with any liabilities - having to pay local taxes and such. This might not put us off of course, but we would like to know what these are. Once we've discussed this we will get back to you about this and the bandit problem," responds Hilmar to the sheriff. He also asks where they may find her (the sheriff) and at what times.
[ +- ] Astroloma says
"Excellent idea, let's sell this gear and then have lunch. Then maybe we could look at this farmhouse this afternoon. I would also like to make use of that hot spring." After the long journey to Hope Hilmar finds the prospect of a soak in a hot spring really inviting.
Last edited February 26, 2021 1:27 am
Feb 26, 2021 4:26 am
That settles it then. To the Outfitters and then we take a rest!,- Euphoria smiled and got moving. Let's get going and let Hilmar deal with all the boring stuff, he seems to be enjoying it,- she chuckled, and then, addressing the wizard, said: we're gonna sell our trophies first, you'll probably catch up with us at the Outfitters when you're done with the sheriff.
I'm wondering what do they have in stock...,- the sorcerer could hear tiefling's words fading out as she and everyone following her were going away.
Trying to get us moving forward while Hilmar waits for his questions to be answered. Anyone who doesn't want to follow is free to do whatever they please of course. :p
Last edited February 26, 2021 5:37 am


Feb 26, 2021 6:09 am
The party arrives at Greyhorn Outfitters. A pair of huge black horns protrudes out from above the heavy wooden door of this large shop. A horseshoe, a bundle of rope, and a pickaxe are carved into the sign that hangs overhead. One side of the building features a stable with twelve stalls, presently holding four well-worked draft horses and a beautiful white stallion.

Grayhorn Outfitters is a cluttered mess holding all forms of tack and equipment, including both adventuring and exploration gear. In the back you can see arms and armor of all sizes. Inside you meet Gavun and Arianne Greyhorn, the sturdy but elderly couple that runs the shop.

"Hey, some new folks in town, welcome! That's some good steel there. I'll be sure to give you a fair price."
The party makes the agreed-upon sale of bandit loot, gaining 21 gold pieces per character. If you'd like to continue chatting or shopping here, feel free!

Some of the party move on to the Summerspring Inn in search of a hot bath. They arrive at the large, two-story building which seems to sit slightly askew, supported at its corners by heavy beams that keep it from collapsing completely. Whenever the wind blows, the whole building makes a deep creaking sound, like someone trying to get comfortable in a tilting chair.

Inside you meet Amanda Jess, owner and proprietor. She doesn't look quite as old as the Greyhorns, but maybe she has just aged better, it's hard to say. She gets anyone who asks a hefty lunch started: baked hare with garlic and crowberry tart with a Glass of apple cider. While she's cooking, Amanda asks some pointed questions:

"Word has it that you brought back Artur and them without a scratch! How'd you manage a trick like that? I say I haven't seen such a fearsome company come through here in quite some time, at least not one on our side. What brings you to Hope?"
Feb 26, 2021 7:10 am
The infernal greets the owners and goes into the stable. She stops next to a stallion, pets his mane, and asks: Does this horse have a name?
Last edited February 26, 2021 7:10 am
Feb 26, 2021 9:57 am
Naeris doesn't like the look of the giant hand and hole-in-the-ground and keeps as far from them as possible.

In the shop, she's never seen so much gear before. The place arouses much curiosity but most of the items don't seem very practical. Despite this, she'll be looking for an excuse to visit again, just to see what's here.

She still has most of her rope but buys a length of rope for 1gp. You can never have too much rope.

She sticks with the party for now and moves on to the Inn with them.
Last edited February 26, 2021 10:05 am
Feb 26, 2021 10:39 am
He waves to the sheriff as they move on.

"Sell, lunch, bath, perfect~~"

Kaa happily whistles along while he unloads the gear he was carrying at the shop. He takes a few of the weapons in his hands to take a feel of what it might be like to use them: greatsword, axe and shield, pike, warpick, halberd ... and while thinking of fighting various more bandits he does buys a pike and a shield with warpick for 20 gold (if available). He will spend some time during the day to fiddle around with a reasonable way to carry them. He easily gets grumpy when its not so simple.
Wow according to handbook a pike is 18 lb, while a maul is only 10, and a halberd only 6 😅
At the inn he is happy to ask for lunch indeed, quickly spending the coins he just recieved. At the fearsome comment he shows his bicepses and makes a mean grumpy face "Which of us is the fearsomest?" but its hard to take him seriously. When they get the food: he is a surprisingly slow eater, but they already experienced that on the road.

To the company he says "So, about the reward, what's the point of a house?"
I won't go more forward in the events in case the conversations go on more.
Feb 26, 2021 6:20 pm
Alfrey joins his companions at Greyhorn Outfitters. He too purchases a length of rope, remembering the rush to restrain the downed bandits earlier that day. He considered a pair manacles as well, but decides that the rope would be a more versatile way of achieving the same goal.

At the inn, he is happy to partake in the hearty meal. At Amanda’s mention of their encounter with Artur’s group he looks sidelong at Hilmar, curious as to whether the wizard will reveal that it was primarily his magic that allowed the group to resolve that conflict so swiftly.

As the conversation later turns to the topic of the farmhouse as a possible reward, Alfrey offers a few words as to its advantages. "We would have all the usual benefits of a house — that is free lodging, free storage, privacy, and so on. Then there is the possibility of making some extra coin off the place. Homes aren’t always easy to find, and a good one is likely to be worth more than 60 gold pieces in the long run."
Feb 26, 2021 10:53 pm
Pitrio says:
"Which of us is the fearsomest?" but its hard to take him seriously.
He's quite ferocious! I'm glad he's with us.
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