Feb 22, 2021 5:08 am
You march your forlorn bandit prisoners north, toward Hope. After an hour, the forest gives way to farmland. Several of the farms lie fallow and some of the homesteads are abandoned. A few are even burned to the ground. However others stand defiant with vibrant homes and sprawling crops.
Eventually you round a hill and the town itself comes into view. An old keep overlooks this village that looks like it was once home to 500 people or more. Banners are conspicuously missing from its battlements.
After the keep, a great hand carved of black stone is Hope's second-most-visible landmark, rising up at the center of the village with its thumb and five fingers splayed out. The area around the hand is a great dig, where someone has appeared to have tried and failed to excavate whatever is underneath.
An open-air stone temple, a two-story inn built atop steaming hot springs, and an outfitters’ shop stand among two dozen other buildings that make up the heart of the village, while farmhouses dot the neighboring hillsides, surrounded by broad fields of crops.
The sun is high in the sky and lunch hour fast approaches. A bell rings somewhere in the town as you approach. A pair emerges from behind the inn, hastily donning jackets and doing up sword belts, which you quickly realize are old Arkasian military issue. Eight bowmen emerge from other buildings and start taking up positions along a low, crumbling wall, although none draw arrows yet. The two dressed in Arkasian uniforms stride up the road toward you.
"Good day, strangers. Looks like you ran into some of our wayward citizens along the road. Many thanks for brining them in alive, I doubt they deserved. I'm Ruth Willowmane, the sheriff 'round these parts. This is my brother, Matthew, and them back there with their bows are just being cautious, don't be offended. Mind telling us who you are and stating your business?"
The Sheriff's tone is friendly but assertive. Matthew is silent and studies each of you carefully.
[ +- ] Lands Surrounding Hope

After the keep, a great hand carved of black stone is Hope's second-most-visible landmark, rising up at the center of the village with its thumb and five fingers splayed out. The area around the hand is a great dig, where someone has appeared to have tried and failed to excavate whatever is underneath.
An open-air stone temple, a two-story inn built atop steaming hot springs, and an outfitters’ shop stand among two dozen other buildings that make up the heart of the village, while farmhouses dot the neighboring hillsides, surrounded by broad fields of crops.
[ +- ] The Town of Hope

"Good day, strangers. Looks like you ran into some of our wayward citizens along the road. Many thanks for brining them in alive, I doubt they deserved. I'm Ruth Willowmane, the sheriff 'round these parts. This is my brother, Matthew, and them back there with their bows are just being cautious, don't be offended. Mind telling us who you are and stating your business?"
The Sheriff's tone is friendly but assertive. Matthew is silent and studies each of you carefully.
[ +- ] Ruth and Matthew Willowmane